The Make-over

All Because of a Bet

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were Key’s passengers…and they would be lying if they said it wasn’t a horrible experience.

Key wasn’t the best at following the rules. He often went past the speed limit, cursing at whoever decided to slow him down.

“Hurry the up! What are you, a bloody snail?!”

 He would get distracted by his reflection in the side view mirror. At those times, he would either push on the brakes so hard that they would screech or get honked at for not moving.

“Ah, my hair looks nice today. Maybe I should add a little color to- , RED LIGHT!”

And whenever the twins tried to complain about his driving style, they always got the same reply.

“Live a little.”

Fortunately, they all made it at the mall alive. Unfortunately, they would have to do this all over again on the trip home.

~ in the mall ~

“Hyung, I want to go to the bookstore!” claimed Baekhyun.

“No, let’s go to the arts and crafts shop!” cried Kyungsoo.

Key rolled his eyes. Transforming his cousins seemed like an impossible mission.

“Okay, let’s make a deal. If you don’t get guys hitting on you when we’re done with your make-over, we can go back to those places okay?” Key suggested.

Their nonexistent confidence in their looks made them confident in the deal.

“Deal,” they both said.

However, they were still reluctant and scared for the change so Key had to drag them to the make-up store. After some scolding, pulling, and yelling, they finally arrive just to see a hot employee greeting customers. Truthfully, only Key thought he was cute.

“Hey there,” Key looked at his name tag. “Jonghyun.”

“Hi,” the worker replied with a cute smile. “What brings you guys here today?”

Key started fanboying over his voice, but the almighty Key would never show it. “Well, I brought my cousins here to…get better.”

With one quick glance at the twins, Jonghyun understood. “Ah, I see. Do you need help finding what you need?”

“No thanks, I’m pretty good with make-up and I’ve been here many times.”

“Really? Well, I hope to see you again,” Jonghyun said with a wink.

That was when Key accidently revealed his inner self. “U-uh okay. O-of course. Haha…ha…we’lllookforthestuffnow,” Key finished quickly, desperate to get away before he died in embarrassment.

The twins found themselves being dragged again, except this time, Key had a faint blush on his face. Baekhyun realized the situation in an instant.

“Key-hyung, you like that guy don’t you?”

“W-what? Psh, no! And stop interrupting my thinking! I’m trying to help you guys!”

Key paid the girls who did people’s make-up to “make them look like babes” and he simply recorded the whole process on Baekhyun’s phone so that the twins would know how to do it on their own. Eventually, Key got bored recording so he set up a makeshift phone stand using beauty products and left the twins to flirt with Jonghyun.

By the end, the twins were extremely attractive and Key was definitely proud of himself. However, he had to pay for all of the items that took part in Baekhyun and Kyungsoo’s change, leaving his wallet crying. But that’s okay, he thought. Jonghyun seems like a rich guy.

“Baekhyun-hyung, do I look okay?” Kyungsoo asked, clearly not used to his new look.

“Oh my gosh, my baby brother! You look so awesome! Kai is surely going to date you!” Baekhyun replied with a smile that showcased all his teeth. “How do I look?”

“Hyung, I’d consider dating you if you weren’t my brother!”

“Oh, stop it you.”

Key interrupted their bro moment. “You guys aren’t done yet. We still need to get your hair done and pick your clothes. Look, there’s a salon! Let’s go!”

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were once again dragged.

The salon was called Exotic Hair and it lived up to its name. There were zebra prints, leopard prints, and plants of all kinds. Instead of looking completely messy and jumbled together, it somehow looked cool and luring. Thus explains the many customers.

The three guys entered the salon and waited for 2 hairdressers to be open. In about 20 minutes, their wish was granted. A girl named Jia did Kyungsoo’s hair while a girl named Min did Baekhyun’s hair.

Key let the twins pick their style themselves, but Key had to approve it first. Eventually, after the help of the stylists, they came to the agreement that Baekhyun’s hair would be magenta and Kyungsoo’s hair would be copper brown. The hair stylists did their magic. In the end, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun were clearly a step closer to being complete hotties.

Despite that, Key’s wallet felt like it was being stabbed. Poor thing.

“Oh my gosh guys, I absolutely adore your hair! The last step is clothes, my favorite part!” Key said excitedly.

The brothers were not given the chance to thoroughly look at their hair before they were pulled to a clothes store called Kris and Tao’s y Apparel. Key started spazzing at the sight of all of the amazing clothes.

Kyungsoo was clueless in the fashion department. “Um, hyung, what are we looking fo-WHOA!” Key interrupted him by pulling him and his brother to a rack of clothing. Eventually, the arms of Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were overflowing with all types of clothes, and Key finally decided that they should start trying the clothes on. Their cosin pushed them into changing stalls and ordered them to try on everything. Yes, everything. ALL 32 PIECES. EACH.

Of course, some of them were eliminated when Key saw them, but most of them stayed. Key thought that the boys didn’t have enough clothes just yet so he went to look for more when they were changing. This took almost 3 hours and it was a miracle that their make-up was not smudged too much.

They came to the cashier with about 5 piles of clothes and a few pairs of shoes, which this caused Key’s wallet to die. Clothes shopping was the last hit it could take.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo changed into an outfit that they bought and their make-over process was complete. Baekhyun had on black skinny jeans peaired with a gray v-neck and red converse. Kyungsoo also had black skinnies but he wore them with a blue flannel and blue converse. They looked positively stunning.  

“Come on you guys. I’m gonna take you home and teach you how to beautify yourselves!” Key paused a moment to squeal. “Oh yeah, don’t forget our deal. If any guy whistles or stares at you, I win.”

“Okay hyung,” they replied. Both brothers knew that nerds like them couldn’t attract any attention.

The three males were just having a nice stroll in the mall when Kyungsoo noticed two guys that looked extremely similar to Kai and Chanyeol sitting in a coffee shop. They were seated at the table nearest to the glass wall of the front of the shop, talking to two girls with faces caked with make-up and outfits as showy as invisible tape. Kai and Chanyeol didn’t seem to be listening to the girls as they blabbered on and on about something.

The boys were staring somewhere below the girls’ neck and above the stomach. There must be flies near their chest areas! I wonder why they won’t tell them, Kyungsoo thought. He decided to tell his hyung.

“Baekhyun-hyung, look at that coffee shop. That table nearest to the glass seems to be occupied by Kai and Chanyeol!”

Baekhyun quickly found what Kyungsoo was describing and took part in (stalking) observing their crushes. Key was left confused.

"What are you guys talking about? I see the two playboys checking their girlfriends out...are they your crushes?!"


"THEY AREN'T PLAYBOYS!" the twins said simultaneously. 


"But yes, they are our crushes," Baekhyun answered.


"Oooh, you guys have good eyes," Key said, proud of his cousins' taste. "Hey, look! They're coming out! Hurry, get in front of the coffee shop so they can see you!"


"W-what? B-but-" Kyungsoo stammered. He had no time to finish his sentence before Key pushed them both to the door of the shop. Wow, who knew fashionistas could be so strong!


The twins were just awkwardly standing there, but Kai and Chanyeol definitely had the chance to see them. You could tell that they were awestruck. With gaping mouths and wide eyes, Chanyeol and Kai stared at Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. Of course, the twins were uncomfortable because they were not yet used to their new style. However, they enjoyed the new attention. 


Kai managed to utter a greeting. "H-hi. I'm K-kai and this is Chanyeol. W-we would like to um, know your names." Kyungsoo couldn't deny that the soft blush on Kai's cheeks were absolutely adorable.


"Y-yeah. You look really nice. I-I'm Chanyeol." Baekhyun giggled slightly at Chanyeol's small mistake.


Watching the oh-so-popular guys basically worship their feet was a fun experience. On the other hand, the dates of the kingas were kind of pissed. 


Why are my sources of money not moving? I didn't know they we're gay! Such a waste of my life! I'm leaving! both of them thought. The girls just had to walk about 5 steps before they landed themselves another date with even richer guys. And they all lived happily ever after....just kidding!


Kai and Chanyeol had just learned that the guys that made their hearts race were the nerds they always picked! What a surprise right?


"Wow, what kind of guys fall in love because of looks?!" Baekhyun exclaimed, pretending to be angry at his crush and Kai. "You need to try harder to win our hearts, we're not as easy as you think!"


Kyungsoo was definitely confused at this point. "Hyung," he whispered through clenched teeth, "what are you talking about?"


Baekhyun replied, "It's okay Kyunggie, I got this."


" how do we win you over?" Chanyeol asked, eager to have Baekhyun as his own.


"We'd know that you really like us if you could figure it out yourselves. Now we have to get going," Baekhyun said, pulling Kyungsoo away.


"Bye Kai!" Kyungsoo said sweetly with a wide smile and crescent shaped eyes.


"B-bye Kyungsoo," Kai replied like a girl with an elementary school crush.


Key coolly jumped out of the potted plant he was hiding behind to congratulate his cousins. "You guys have to remember to invite me to your weddings!" he exclaimed.


The deal was forgotten as they all walked out of the mall with a happy heart. But then they reached the car and the twins were reminded that no, life was not always filled with rainbows and unicorns. 




"Damn, Baekhyun looked so hot," Chanyeol said, the image of Baekhyun's little in those tight jeans invading his mind.

"And Kyungsoo's thick lips and pretty eyes..." Kai added, thinking of things.

"Bro, how do we win them over?" 

"I dunno, let's get them some gifts first."

"Good idea, money solves everything."




"If they just get me a gift without a poem or a sweet note, I will give them the cold shoulder until they do something I like," B declared.


"I agree with you hyung. They better not think that money solves everything."


Key rolled his eyes at his cousins' seriousness. "Calm down, noobs in the game of love. Just appreciate that they're trying, okay? They just saw the new you today, don't go making rules all of a sudden. Loosen up. I'm gonna show you how to do your make-up so you can get ready for school."


The twins were fast learners and they soon mastered their make-up. Next, Key taught them about fashion and about which colors match, which clothes to wear to certain events, and so on. 


The lesson of beauty was done so Key left. Their parents came home soon after and were pleasantly surprised that their sons have grown up.“Are my handsome sons ready for dinner?” their chirpy mom said with a smile that hung off her ears.

“Well, your handsome husband here sure is,” their dad said jokingly. “But yes, are sons sure are handsome.”

“Who helped you? I’m sure that you wouldn’t do all of this yourself,” Mrs. Byun-Do said with curiosity.

“Key-hyung helped us,” Kyungsoo answered.

“Really?” their dad asked, “then I should give him some money to show my thanks.”

“Sure, why not,” Baekhyun said.

“And may we possibly, oh I don’t know, just maybe know the reason?” Mrs. Byun-Do asked, hoping that the answer would match her imagination.

“Um…we possibly, oh I don’t know, just maybe have crushes…”Kyungsoo replied, embarrassed.

“Oh, invite them over! They look very, very handsome, am I right?” Mr. Byun-Do asked with a wink.

“Yes, they- WAIT. How do you know that they’re guys?” Baekhyun asked.

Mr. Byun-Do gave his sons a fatherly smile. “You’re mom told me, and I want you guys to know that I approve, just as long as they treat you well, don’t take advantage of you, feed you right, don’t abuse you-”

Their mom gave her husband a stern look. “Honey.”

“give you a nice place to live, have enough money to take care of your adopted children, and make you happy. There, I’m done.”

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun giggled at their parents’ silly antics. They were both extremely thankful to have such an accepting family that loved eachother.

On the contrary, school was a different story. How would their first day with a different look go?




"The best and most beautiful things can not be seen or even be touched — they must be felt with the heart" 

❤ Helen Keller ❤

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socksmin #1
Chapter 4: Plleaaasee update~
Baekyeol1937 #2
Chapter 3: Please update... I Loveit... and want to see what happen to Kai and Yeol...
Wow ~~ so cheesy ? I like the fic ~~
Chapter 4: New reader here!
I'm loving this fic so far~
Baek and Kyungsoo are just adorable ;u;
And I giggled a little here and there ><
P.s. I ing love the English teacher xD
darlingz #5
Chapter 4: Plz plz plz update and I too, will vote for EXO !!!!
ashyun612 #6
Hah that's funny my username is ashyun612 hmm but its not me right?
Chapter 3: Awww poor luhan! Byun-do LOLMFAO and thank you Key!!
Chapter 3: Omfg! They looked like fools in front of the new Baekhyun and Kyungsoo!