The Bet (2/2)

All Because of a Bet







As the two twins stepped through the school gates, they were greeted with disgusted looks from other students. 

'Hey, look at those two. Both as ugly as always.'

'They seriously need to change their sense of fashion.'

'Is it me, or is the guy with the plump lips wearing purple polkadot boxers? HAHAHA.'

'OMO! I see it to! HAHAHA!'

Although they were bombarded with negative comments, they still kept their cool nerdiness and made their way to their lockers. Once they got to their lockers, Kyungsoo's 220 and Baekhyun's 221, they hurriedly grabbed their books and headed to their first class, English with Mr. Jinki.

Once inside the classroom, they received those familiar dirty looks again. However, no one dared to say anything because the school’s top two kingkas were in the room. Yup, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo had their very first period with their crushes. How awesome is that right? Wrong.

“Hey there, nerds. Why you lookin’ so ugly? Wake up on the wrong side of the book?” the tan kingka, Kai, asked with a smirk. Chanyeol, kingka number two, was smirking also (but you know, there was that twitch in his eye so it wasn’t really intimidating, but somehow, Baekhyun found it cute).

These barely insulting questions received “ohhhs” from the entire class because no one is allowed to piss Kai off. More like no one even thought of pissing Kai off.

“Um. No. Maybe you should read a book instead, or better yet, go back to kindergarten for that horrible grammar you just showcased,” Baekhyun said, being the sassier one of the two. Kyungsoo started going paler than he already was being it’s not every day your crush talks to you.

“Did you say something dork? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure I didn’t tell you to say anything,” Chanyeol retorted. The entire class watched to silence to see what the nerds would say, hoping to get some juicy gossip from it.

Despite being completely awestruck, and maybe melting, from Chanyeol’s deep voice, Baekhyun found his voice quickly. He will not let someone insult him and his brother without at least trying to fight back. A petty little crush can’t get in his way.

Meanwhile, in all of this nonsense, Kyungsoo was able to slip into his seat at the back of the room which came with a perfect view of Kai. He then started his daily Kai portrait. Today’s picture, angry Kai.

“What, I need your permission or something? Are you my mother now?” Wow. Props to Baekhyun for not stuttering.

“Why you little ! You take that back!” Kai had already stood up from his seat with his fists clenched, Chanyeol looking very ready to do that too.

“No thank you. I don’t want to. And if I’m the little , does that mean you guys are the bigger ones?” Okay, Baekhyun would be lying if he said he didn’t feel scared.

“Okay, nerd. You did NOT just go there.”

 Kai started storming up to the front of the classroom to where Baekhyun stood. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were debating to follow him, but Mr. Jinki decided that it was the perfect time (divine, glorious, and superb time, if Kyungsoo and Baekhyun might add) to barge in.

“Alright class! I’m a bit late but let’s start now, shall we? And Mr. Kim and Mr. Byun-Do (A/N: I couldn’t decide which last name to choose okay?), please tell me why you both are looking at each other with that murderous expression?”

“U-uh, w-well, you see, there w-were these three ugly ducklings and one wolf. T-the wolf went to the w-witch’s house after leaving a trail of b-bread behind. Then the witch forced S-snow White to p-prick her finger on a mouse. The end.”

Baekhyun’s nervous explanation sent the whole class into fits of laughter while Mr. Jinki was left extremely confused. And because he was confused, Mr. Jinki decided not to ask any more questions.

“Okay then…? Let’s start class.”

Right after Baekhyun released a sigh of relief, Kai forcefully bumped into him. This made his bowl cut softly bounce on his forehead.

“This is not over. Me and Chanyeol got a date with some pretty ladies today, so tomorrow morning, meet us at the gates. We’ll teach you two a lesson that is not allowed to be taught in school.”

With that, Kai gave Baekhyun one of his infamous smirks and walked away with “swag”.  At least that’s what he thinks it’s called. Baekhyun made a quick bee line to his seat next to his brother and rested his head down on the desk. He knew all of what was being taught already, so he decided not to worry about that. However, he did think long and hard about what Kai said. 

“Me and Chanyeol got a date with some pretty ladies…”

 His grammar was horrible, but his news was worse. Of course Baekhyun heard about Kai and Chanyeol being players, but he really didn’t want to believe it. Those rumors were put to the back of his mind until today. He felt pain in his heart; something that he knows is too early for a highschooler to feel. But this was how it was and he couldn’t help it. Oh, all of this heart breaking and chest hurting has got to stop. I’ll just close my eyes for a little bit…

Kyungsoo, on the other hand, was feeling quite happy. His daily portrait came out nicely since Kai looked angry for the rest of the class time. He didn’t exactly know what Baekhyun was all sad about, but he decided not to bother his brother. The last time he tried to interrupt his thinking, he received Baekhyun’s backhand of fury. Ouch.

Kyungsoo also understood the current lesson, so he ignored it too. To take up time, he chose to make some touch-ups on his drawing.  A little more shading here, make his hair a little curlier, darker skin, perfect! He looked up from his drawing to look at Kai and fix any of his mistakes.

However, Kai was not there. Kyungsoo franticly looked around the class to see where his object of affection went. He did not expect to feel a hot breath ghost upon his neck.

“Are you looking for me nerd? Trying to fix your little drawing of me? Say, how many do you have? I think I’ll have to call you creep from now on.”

Kyungsoo had no clue of why Mr. Jinki did not notice this. But that wasn’t really important because now Kai saw his drawing! A faint blush spread across his cheeks as he thought of how embarrassing this moment was.

“I-I…it’s n-not what you think it is…” he tried to say. His mind was too caught up on what Kai would think of him that he forgot to whisper. Oh no.

“Mr. Byun-Do, what in the name of chicken are you talking about? And Mr. Kai, what are you doing over there?”

“I was just picking up my pencil Mr. Jinki,” Kai replied, pencil in his hand.

Ah, he came prepared, Kyungsoo thought. Ah, but I am not.

“Oh, okay. How about you, Mr. Byun-Do?”

“W-well, I was talking to…my paper?”


Thank you bell, my precious bell. I will clean you on the last day of school okay? Thank you, thank you, thank-

“You are lucky that I brought chicken wings today or else I would make you stay for a talk, Kyungsoo. You may leave, and take you brother too.”

“Yes sir.”

Kyungsoo used the same method he used that morning to wake his brother up. Both of them had a quiet walk to their second period since many thoughts were swarming around in their heads. They could always talk about their problems to each other late, they lived together anyways.

Lunch came fast, for they did not have any other periods with their crushes. Together, they went to the place they always ate at. The one table that wasn’t repainted, had a wobbly side, and was always avoided, the nerd table.

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo weren’t the only ones sitting at the table though. They still had their nerd friend, Luhan. With the similarity of horrible fashion sense and bad eye vision, they became quick friends.

“Hello, fraternal twins,” Luhan said without looking up from his book. Kyungsoo saw that it was a make-up magazine while Baekhyun decided to sit down and take out a book of his own.

“Luhan, why are you reading that type of literature? It doesn’t exactly help you’re knowledge,” Kyungsoo inquired after taking a seat next to his brother.

“Well Kyungsoo, I would like to know what the girls, and some guys too, draw on their faces. I see them fixing it during class and I am intrigued be how much better they look with it on.”

“So, hyung, you’re saying that you want to try make-up too? I don’t think it would make a difference with your glasses though.”

“Ah…you’re right. Now Sehun will never notice me!” Luhan wailed quietly, just so his tablemates could hear him.

Just like Baekhyun and Kyungsoo, Luhan also had an only-in-movies type of crush. Sehun was a freshman, and they were sophomores, so Luhan only knew the basic information of the poker-faced teen (the rest only knew that his full name was Oh Sehun). But as far as Kyungsoo knew, Sehun was one of the populars to the freshmen. Luhan had no chance, and he knew that.

“How are our crushes ever going to notice us? I would totally pay 10 dollars to see Kyungsoo seduce Kai! HAHAHAHA!” Luhan said, putting the fact that they all had similar love lives to the back of his mind.

Baekhyun heard somebody mention money. Money was important because you would be no where without money. Money is also important because you get good food, like fancy buffet food. Oh, Baekhyun thought, I will get that money no matter what it takes.

“Did someone mention money? You want to bet for that money?”

A rare smirk began forming on Luhan’s face. “What a great idea Baekhyun. I bet 10 dollars that we guys won’t be able to get Kai and Chanyeol to be your boyfriends before I get Sehun to be mine.”

‘Well, you better dig up some cash because we can do this! I bet 10 dollars that we could date them before you can date Sehun! You with me Kyungsoo?” Baekhyun said confidently.

“Yupp! Let’s do 10 dollars each! Luhan, you’d be rich if we lost, but we won’t!” Kyungsoo said. Hohoho, this was going to be epic…but they need some help…

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the cafeteria doors flew open. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun’s senior cousin came rushing to their table.

“I think someone called,” Key said with certainty laced in his words.

“Uh…no-” Kyungsoo tried to say. However, he was interrupted.

“You didn’t call me but you need help on something right?”

“Uhh…yeah. We need to get some of the popular guys to be our boyfriends,” Baekhyun replied.

“I’m the perfect person to go to! I’m a perfect person overall so…anyways, I feel like ditching school. Let’s go to the mall now.”

The brothers shared a concerned glance with each other. Being the older one, Baekhyun asked the question that was lingering on both of their minds. “Why do we have to go to the mall? We don’t want to ditch school!”

“Puh-lease, you smarties could go a week without school and still get perfect grades. I have connections, so I’ll pass high school. We need to go to the mall because…” Key had to find a way to explain it to his cousins nicely. “…just look in the mirror. I’m pretty sure popular guys aren’t into that…what’s the word? Type. You need a makeover.”

The twins had to admit Key was right. As they were weighing their options, Luhan came to mind. He was still reading that magazine of his. Kyungsoo chose to ask Key anyways.

“Key, what about our friend? Are you going to take him with us?”

Key had to think about this for a while. Leaving the boy here would come off as mean and rude. Taking him to the mall would be a waste of money on a person he didn’t even know.

“Here, give this lollipop to him and give the shortest explanation you could. I’ll be waiting in my car for 6 minutes only. You better hurry.” With that, Key left a cherry flavored lollipop on the table and calmly walked out of the cafeteria. If you just looked at him you would not be able to tell that he was going to ditch the school. It looked more like he was going to take a nap.

“Luhan, Kyungsoo and I are going to the mall,” Baekhyun said, knowing that there was no use in lying to their best friend.  

“What? Just because I suggested a bet, you leave me and go to the mall! What kind of friends are you-”

Kyungsoo interjected him. “Hyung, here’s a cherry lollipop, so you won’t be lonely. You can eat it too!”

As Kyungsoo shoved the lollipop onto Luhan’s face, Luhan’s deer eyes little up. He has smelled the oh-so-delicious cherry lollipop.

“Ooh! Lollipop! Bye guys!”

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun left the school grounds quickly to avoid being caught. They arrived at Key’s neon green Lexus and sat in the seats; Baekhyun took shotgun and Kyungsoo sat in the back.

“You guys took 5 minutes and 47 seconds. You made it in time, so I’m gonna take you to the mall.” Key squealed with delight. Yes, SQUEAL. “I can’t wait to get your clothes, help you pick a new hair style, and get make-up for me! For you guys too. YAY!”

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were twins. Twins usually had the same thoughts. You wouldn’t have to be twins with someone to think what they were thinking.

What the heck did I just get myself into?




"The times we had is just too short. Too short to love. To just find out that we were not meant to be.."

- ByunnieSaurus


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socksmin #1
Chapter 4: Plleaaasee update~
Baekyeol1937 #2
Chapter 3: Please update... I Loveit... and want to see what happen to Kai and Yeol...
Wow ~~ so cheesy ? I like the fic ~~
Chapter 4: New reader here!
I'm loving this fic so far~
Baek and Kyungsoo are just adorable ;u;
And I giggled a little here and there ><
P.s. I ing love the English teacher xD
darlingz #5
Chapter 4: Plz plz plz update and I too, will vote for EXO !!!!
ashyun612 #6
Hah that's funny my username is ashyun612 hmm but its not me right?
Chapter 3: Awww poor luhan! Byun-do LOLMFAO and thank you Key!!
Chapter 3: Omfg! They looked like fools in front of the new Baekhyun and Kyungsoo!