Island Getaway

O2: Never Jinx Your Luck


I go up to my room and take a very long shower after unpacking to calm my nerves from my lobby run-in. Seriously, the nerve of that guy! No boys has ever left me speechless. Ever. I always know the best things to say to guys to make them speechless. But this guy has managed to make me speechless. Even when I was in third grade and I slipped in front of my first crush, Kim Myungsoo, I was able to at least say something to make the embarrassing encounter better.

   Finally, when I feel calmer and level-headed again, I get out of the shower to change into my brand new hot pink checkered bikini and put on a peach colored crochet cover-up before heading out to the pool. It’s four in the evening and the sun is still up so I thought of doing some sunbathing. And hopefully, I can relax and forget about that guy. Ugh, the last thing I want now is stumbling upon him again.

   Well, the resort is big so what are the odds that I will see him again, right?


The pool is full by the time I got down. The lounge chairs by the pool are all occupied by people.  Thankfully, right before I decided to just head back up to my room, a couple get up from their chairs, leaving two seats empty. See! I told you. Lady luck is always on my side.

   Without wasting any time, I quickly make my way to one of the chairs. Before I sit down, I lay my towel over it. After removing my cover-up, I put on my sunscreen lotion. Everything is going on smoothly until I realize that I can’t reach a portion of my back to put on the lotion. But I have no other choices. The person next to me is busy sleeping and the other chair next to me is empty so there was no one for me to ask for help.

   I really do not want to get sunburnt so with much difficulties and very awkwardly, I try to put it on myself. That’s when I hear the voice.

   Yes, the voice. You know which voice I’m talking about.

   “You missed a spot right there.”

   I freeze, not being able to move. Maybe I jinxed my luck when I keep on mentioning how lucky I am. And I might have also jinxed my luck when I said that I might not see him again. Dang it, I now learn it the hard way to never brag that you’re a lucky person.

   Not being able to say anything and too scared that my voice will come out weird, I try harder to make sure the spot that I missed is covered with lotion. But of course, when this guy is around, nothing goes my way. I still can’t reach it so my effort it completely wasted.

   “I can help you with it, if you want.”

   Up to this point, I haven’t even glanced at his direction. But sure enough, I can’t pretend I don’t hear him and that I don’t know he’s there. So, I turned my body to face him and — oh boy.

   That feeling is back. You know, the tingly sensation. He may be a jerk but the problem is that he is a hot jerk. Ugh, God is really punishing me by presenting this hot male specimen in front of me topless!

   Yes, people. That’s what I said — topless. Can you just imagine how I’m feeling right now? Even when I only had a glimpse of his stomach earlier at the lobby, I almost hyperventilate but now that everything is on full view for me, I just couldn’t help but ogle him.

   Just as I expected, he does not disappoint. He’s changed into a pale blue checkered beach shorts. And look at that. We’re even wearing the same patterned swimsuit. His shorts are hanging dangerously low that I can see the V line that heads towards his you-know-what. His abs are really amazing now that they are visible, my God! They are so defined and they are so tanned that they look like a delicious chocolate bar that I can just — whoa, there. Wait a second! What am I thinking? No, no, no, stop it this instant, Jinri! You are engaged!

   Realizing how hot and flushed I’m feeling, I finally bring my eyes up to look at his face, hoping that my blush is covered by the sunlight. But when I get to his face, no surprise there — he has a huge smirk plastered and I can tell that he can see the redness that is creeping up my face.

   “I was wondering how long it will take before you are done with your inspection of me,” he says, “again.”

   I straight away go into my defensive mode, flicking my hair. “What does that supposed to mean?”

   “You inspected me in the lobby just now. And you’re doing it again now.”

   My jaw drops at his statement. “I did not do that!”

   His smirk gets bigger. “Sure you didn’t,” he says, but with the tone he uses the way he says it, you know he didn’t mean it and he’s playing with me. 

   “I really didn’t!” I deny once again, although I know my effort will be pointless.

   He just grins and shrugs, If it makes you feel any better, I got my fair share of view too when you got yours, so we’re even.”

   After what he said sunk in, my eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. Of course I’m wearing a bikini and almost every part of my body is exposed. I was too busy looking at him that I didn’t realize that when I do that, he can be looking at me too. I cross my hands on my chest, attempting to cover my cleavage but when I see his grin getting bigger, I realize that by doing so, I’m only emphasizing them so I quickly uncross my hands. Ugh, stupid me!

   Before I can say anything else, he speaks again, “My offer still stands, you know?”

   My brows contort at his statement and then it hit me. He’s talking about helping me with my sunscreen lotion application. Ugh, this guy must be full of himself! If he thinks I’m going to let him touch my body after his comments, he must really be crazy!

   “I’m good. Thanks for asking,” I say before glancing away from him to put my lotion in my bag.

   “Suit yourself, babe,” he says and shrugs before turning to walk away.

   Oh no he did not just call me babe!

   “What did you just call me?” I ask, bringing his attention back to me. When he turns around, I stand up and continue, “You can’t call me ‘babe’. I’m not your ‘babe’.

   To my surprise, he just grins. “See you around,” he says, “…babe.”

   With that, he puts on his mirrored aviator shades I don’t even realize he is holding the entire time and walks away from me.

   And for the second time that day, and in my whole life, I am once again…left speechless — by the same guy at that.


A/N: Hey guys. It's been a long time, hasn't it? I am really sorry. I promise that I'm back for good now so do anticipate the updates for my other stories too! You don't know how grateful I am that despite my almost non-existent updates, you guys still stick with me. You people really make my days a lot better and I love each and every one of you very much <3.

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-introspect #1
this is soooo cute ♡
oh jongin you one hot creature, you--
i love their sill interactions!
i hope you'll update soon cx
chocoolatee #2
Chapter 2: this story are awesome.
yes jinri jongin is jerk. hot jerk. arrgh
authornim please update soon
i want to know more aboutg this y couple
puspitaken #3
Chapter 2: wooooa its really good story!!! hot jongin oh my gawd my little puppy has become so hooot kkkk and lol jinri you're over hahaha but still cute ofc. update soon authornim :)))
iheartsulliandkai #4
Chapter 2: ALL your stories are great please update again
mega7x #5
Chapter 2: omggg i need u to update this story as soon as possible thor.,,,
Chapter 2: Omg an update !!! Weeeee !!
This chap 2 tho ..
They'll make a funny (yet y) couple :3
Kailli yeay!
azuraes #7
Chapter 2: oh my gosh kim jongin, why so cocky but hot hehe
kailli ftw!
Chapter 2: Hoorahhh~!
/pops a bajillion in fireworks
nailadzkr #9
Chapter 2: UPDATEEEE~~~~~~~~~!@____@