Expect The Unexpected

No Honey? No Money!


The car ride home was filled with nothing but his mother’s loud complaints. “What the hell is this? What the hell has he done?!” The questions were all rhetorical of course. No one dared to answer, not knowing what to say or afraid of her reaction. Tomohisa in particular was completely shocked. HIM MARRIED?!

His older brother Jin whispered something in his ear. “I hear the married life is quite the responsibility,” he teased. Nino reached over and pushed Jin away from his brother’s ear. Tomohisa was sitting in between them. “Ouch, what the hell was that for?” Jin pushed him back.

“Stop teasing him, just because he’s going to get married and can’t come with us to party anymore.” Nino joined along and the both of them laughed together.

Tomohisa rolled his eyes and tried to ignore everyone.


“Maki, you’ve got a week to decide. I’ll see you back here at the same time next week with your decision.” Hiroko informed her after everyone else had left.

Maki simply nodded and walked out of the office and headed back home. “Yamaa-san, what were you thinking?” She took the letter he had written for her out of a drawer and read its contents.

“Do the same thing you did for me.”

This line confused her the most. Everything else inside the letter was just little memories that they had shared and what he had truly felt then. She placed the letter back inside her drawer and got ready for work. She would think about this later.


The Yamaa family gathered back at the main mansion. Everyone was ordered to sit down in one of the many lounge rooms.

“The businesses are really suffering at the moment,” Tomohisa’s father begun speaking. “We really need the old man’s fortune.” Everyone in the family looked towards him, mouths opened with surprise.

“It’s not for us to decide. Pi’s the one who’s got to make the ultimate sacrifice.” Jin interrupted, which caused him to receive a smack on the back of his head from Nino. Jin tried to attack but his father’s hand caught his arm before him. To his brothers and cousins, Tomohisa was simply known as Yamapi or Pi.

“He’s going to marry her and that’s final,” his mother concluded the meeting and walked out of the room. Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement and left to their own rooms inside the mansion.

“Congratulations on the engagement Pi. When should we hold the bachelor party?” Jin teased before leaving.

Tomohisa walked out of the house.


Maki massaged her temples as she got ready to head back home after her long and tiring shift at the hospital. Despite the busy day, the massive decision the old man left behind for her still lingered in her mind like gum stuck on the sole of your shoe.

As soon as she stepped outside the hospital, Maki decided that she would take a little detour first. At least that was one thing she could easily decide on. Maki sighed and quickly walked inside the heavily advertised bus. Again she sighed; she was at least hoping she could see the sky from the bus window but this restaurant advertisement stuck onto the bus blocked her entire view. Luckily, it wasn’t a long ride till she got to her destination, the cemetery.

The wind was still, yet chillingly cold. Maki could definitely feel the winter weather weakening her body but she pursued on. She clung onto her jacket and hung her head down low as she walked towards the old man’s resting place, completely unaware of another presence next to it until she was too close for the other person not to notice.

He couldn’t deny it. He was a little frightened when he heard someone sneaking up behind him. After all, he was at a cemetery and he was kind of a believer. Anything could happen and nothing was impossible; well, except for the whole marriage thing. He believed that was completely absurd.

He was even more shocked to find out who it was, “the girl from Hiroko’s office”. The girl he was set to marry for two years. He slightly shook his head, trying to get rid the surprised facial expression pasted all over his face. Luckily it was slightly dark and a bit hard to see.

“Uhhh..” It was all he managed to blurt out.

Maki looked at him for awhile, a little wide eyed with shock but the sound of his mutter brought her back to reality. She didn’t really expect anyone to be there seeing as the old man’s relationship with practically anyone (besides her and Hiroko) wasn’t that great. Nevertheless, Maki slightly bowed and apologized quickly.

“I’m sorry, I’ll just come back another time.” She was about to head off until Maki heard him call out.

“Hey. It’s okay, I was just passing by (that was a lie – he was completely out of his way). I’ve finished uhmmm, visiting him,” he was hesitating a little, not sure if that was the right word to use.

Maki was a little stunned, not expecting an answer like this to come from him. As she distinctively remembered from the old man’s stay at the hospital, no one came to visit him. Oh wait, “They’d only visit me just to make sure I’m really dead,” she remembered his words. Maki shook her head in disgust. She couldn’t take it anymore, ‘What is with this family?!’ she thought.

“Are you people really that heartless? Have you any shame? He really loved your family!” She wanted to shout. However, she decided that now was not the time.

“..Okay,” she replied instead and crouched down closer to the ground. She looked back over her shoulder to see Tomohisa still standing there. Maki couldn’t help but feel extremely uncomfortable and quickly stood up after tracing the old man’s name engraved on the tombstone.

“Well, uhh..bye.” Maki wanted to escape from his presence as soon as possible. However, it seemed that lady luck was not on her side today. Just as she had walked passed him, he swiftly (but rather tightly) grabbed her right wrist.

“Sorry,” he quickly let go, “but I just think that we should talk.” Tomohisa wanted to know how someone as petite as her could easily brainwash his old and grumpy grandfather. At the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but think that she was just pretending to be kind to him so that she could get money of him.  Most of the girls he knew, dated or had flings with were always like that. Why should she be any different?

Maki knew that he was right, they did need to talk. Yet, she was extremely surprised at his previous action to the extent that it made her frightened of him. Not arguing with him, she slowly followed behind him as she saw him walking towards the exit.

“Get in,” he said with a rather commanding tone of voice. Maki was definitely afraid now and she definitely didn’t want to get inside a stranger’s car.

“..I think we can talk here,” she softly replied and tilted her head up a little to see his reaction. He was actually quite taller than her, but then again most people were. She was often teased because of her rather small height.

Tomohisa looked completely confused. This had never happened to him before; a girl refusing to get inside his car? That definitely was a first. Nevertheless, he immediately shrugged his shoulders and closed the passenger’s side door (which he had even opened for her!) He leaned on his red fancy sports car and began talking.

“I don’t know what kind of medication you’ve given the old man to make him completely brain washed and make him give you a share in his fortune,” he soon regretted what he said as soon as the words flew out of his mouth but it was too late to back out now, “but this joke of yours isn’t funny anymore. I think you’ve had your fun now and it’s time for you to leave.”

Maki felt as if someone had just punched her pride. She didn’t brain wash him and nor did she want any of that old man’s fortune. Except the old man wasn’t giving her a fortune, he was giving her life back. In all honesty, she didn’t even really have a say. The old man’s already paid and settled everything. She couldn’t help but feel like she was just like a string puppet under his direction.

Angrily, she fought back. “I did not want this to happen and I did not brain wash your grandfather! You don’t know how much I wish that this was just a joke and that Hiroko would show us another video with your grandfather saying that he was just joking and that we could all move on to our normal lives now. But he doesn’t and he won’t!”

Tomohisa was slightly taken back, not expecting such a reaction from her. Just as he was about to defend himself, she continued.

“I did not ask or want him to pay for any of my life’s worth. I am not a gold digger! If I had it my way, I would return all the money he used on getting my life back on track just so that I wouldn’t have to marry and put up with a jerk like you.” All of her emotions were pouring out of her like a massive waterfall and she couldn’t help but let tears fall.

It wasn’t the first time he had made a girl cry, but it was the first time he felt sorry for it. Had he really offended her that much? Maybe she wasn’t a gold digger like he originally thought. Now he was even more confused. All he did was raise more questions and make the situation worse.

Not knowing what to say, he quickly brushed off the small feelings of pity. “Whatever,” and got inside his car and drove off leaving a terribly shattered Maki.

--- A WEEK LATER ---

“Hiroko, I can’t do it.” Maki confessed as she gloomily sat down in front of his office desk.

Hiroko was expecting this answer. In fact, he thought that he would suffer from a heart attack if she did agree to this straight away. However, it was his job to make her agree to this eventually. He had promised the old man and knew that he was right.

“Maki, why not?” His voice was soft and caring.

Maki dropped her head low, “I know that Yamaa-san’s got a lot of things in mind but I never expected that something like this would happen. I’m truly grateful for what he’s done to get my life back on track but I would gladly give it back in exchange for my freedom.”

“I see.” Hiroko stood up from his chair and paced around his office, “But what about your grandmother’s health and all the bills attached to it?”

This got Maki thinking when suddenly Tomohisa’s parents, Mr and Mrs Yamaa barged into his office followed by a very reluctant Tomohisa. All of who were very shocked to see Maki already there.

Hiroko slightly annoyed by their rude interruption greeted them nevertheless. “Ahh Mr and Mrs Yamaa..Tomohisa, I thought that our meeting was at 2 this afternoon.”

“We’re early, is that a problem?” Mrs Yamaa raised her eyebrows a little.

“No no, not at all.” Hiroko backed out of what could be a battle field.

“Good, now about the arrangement for the fortune,” she began, “Tomohisa here has already agreed to it. Haven’t you Tomohisa?” Her voice was strict and commanding while Mr Yamaa stared at his son.

“It’s not like I have a choice.”

“Tomohisa!” His father scolded him but he simply ignored it and focused on Maki who was staring at him.

The last time they had seen each other, Tomohisa ended up offending her and she was in tears. Hiroko sensed that something has happened between Tomohisa and Maki as he noticed Tomohisa staring at Maki while she completely tried avoiding him.

“That may be the case Mrs Yamaa. But I’m afraid to tell you that Maki has not agreed.” Hiroko informed.

“Nonsense. How could she not accept? She is gaining the ultimate fortune here! She’ll be living life like a complete queen!” Mrs Yamaa fought back while Tomohisa couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that she had disagreed to this. Wait, what? He was feeling disappointed? He quickly shook of the thought.

Maki looked like she was about to say something but Mr Yamaa beat her to it. “Our family has paid off all your debts and is keeping your grandmother alive. You seem fairly knowledgeable, think to yourself. How long can you keep your grandmother living and keep your mother alive from the loan sharks on your salary alone?” It was more like a threat then getting Maki to simply think it through and she knew it. However, Maki knew that he was right. Her grandmother and mother were the only family members she had left and despite her mother’s addiction, she still loved her. Her grandmother also meant everything to her.

 “Maybe we should give Maki more time to decide,” Hiroko defended her.

Mrs Yamaa grunted in disagreement and was about to express her opinion, “The quicker this is decided the quicker –“

“I agree,” Maki sighed in defeat.

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Chapter 7: Noooo, this story was amazing so far, and so beautifully written! I would've loved to read more and see what happens to the two of them :(((
Chapter 7: I can't believe this, it's already four years and there is no update? Oh. This story is great by the way.
anu_international_XD #3
Chapter 7: New reader here! BIG FAN of Yamaki! Please update :D
Me-Chah #4
Hey I'm a new reader and really love this story can u update pleasE
akisan_sen #5
wuuuuaaaaaaaah>.<<br />
thx for the update^^<br />
waiting for the next chapter
wah you updated again! ureshiiiiii!<br />
hope this goes on! XD
hanzxxx #7
akisan_sen #8
please update soon XD
huwaaaa.. can't wait for next,... ughh.,,,,<br />
i pray for maki's happiness.. ><
fayers #10
new reader here! love your fic, wonder what'll marriage life be for yamaki here? :D hmm... I wonder if maki will come to feel something for yamapi soon? xD thanks for the fic!