No Joke

No Honey? No Money!


The room was no longer bright with the sun shine’s powerful rays bursting through. The window curtains were now shut tight and the room no longer had a mix scent of herbal ointment and medicine. Maki sighed, no longer seeing the old man engrossed with a thick novel as she entered the room. She was on her usual lunch break and on the way to visit her grandmother in another room when she walked past the old man’s room. It had been three weeks already but she couldn’t help but miss him; she and the old man had shared a lot of stories once he started to soften up on her. She quickly wiped the tears that had unconsciously formed and laughed at herself.


Hiroko watched the video for what seemed to be the ninth time. It wasn’t hard to believe that the old man would do something like this, but he was worried how they would react to the news. He knew the old man was right; things could change for the better around here.

He glanced at his desk clock and quickly grabbed his car keys. He was going to be late to the old man’s funeral if he didn’t get a move on.


Maki put on a simple black dress she had found at a street stall close by her apartment. She smiled at herself victoriously as she managed to grab a great deal on the dress. She quickly glanced at the old clock hanging crookedly on the old walls. She reached for her purse and walked out of their tiny little shack, waiting for a taxi.


It looked like a typical funeral with guests gathered in black clothing sitting in silence on the elegant lawn chairs that had been provided by them. Hiroko managed to make it in time and made his way to the front where a seat was reserved for him next to Tomohisa, one of the old man’s grandchildren.

Tomohisa, his two other brothers –Jin and Nino, his parents, his aunty and uncle, his cousins Yui and Shun, the whole immediate family had gathered to attend this somber event. Tomohisa each looked at his family’s facial expressions to see nothing but complete plastic expressions. He cringed and looked at the old man’s photo on top of his final resting place. He wasn’t particularly close to his grandfather, but he did have some good memories of him together. As he was growing up, he shared a closer relationship with him than his own father who was often away with business meetings.

The event ended as soon as it happened. Many guests paid their respects, shaking the hands of the ‘grieving’ family. Tomohisa slumped back down on his chair as all the guests had left, well almost all of them.


Hiroko approached her as she slowly walked towards the front holding a single white rose. He knew that it was his boss’ favourite flower, hence why he had bought a dozen of them earlier on. He waited for her to pay her respects to his boss and continued to approach her as soon as she placed her flower next to his gravestone.

“He really was a kind man, although he had a bit of a temper sometimes.” He chuckled slightly as he remembered his memories with the old man.

Maki smiled, “He was.” A tear rolled down her soft pink cheeks as she closed her eyes and remembered the old man.

“He wanted me to give you this letter.” Hiroko took out a small envelope from his inside pocket of his suit.

Maki slowly took the letter from his hands. Her name was written on the front with the old man’s delicate handwriting. She nodded and put the letter inside her purse, she decided it would be better for her to read it later when she was alone. Hiroko also handed her his business card and informed her that he would contact her later on in the week.

“There’s something else the old man wanted me to give you,” he informed her and then took his leave.

As soon as Hiroko turned around, he saw Tomohisa staring at him. Awkwardly, he gave a small bow and continued to leave. His attention was soon diverted to the petite woman at the front.

‘Who’s that?’ He thought, trying to remember why she looked a little familiar.


“Grandma, I have to leave a little early today.” Maki spoke as she handed her grandma an apple she had just peeled.

Her grandma raised her eyebrows a little, “Does my little Maki have a date?” She joked as she gently chewed the apple pieces.

Maki immediately denied it and shook her head furiously, “No way! Just a little meeting.” She didn’t exactly know what it was. Just like Hiroko had told her during the funeral, he called her during the middle of the week asking her to come to his office at a certain time and day.

“Maki, I’m not getting any younger..or healthier for that matter,” her grandma coughed, “when am I going to start seeing some grandchildren?”

Maki blushed furiously, “Grandma! You know that won’t happen until I pay off mum’s debts.”

Her grandmother sighed, “I guess I won’t live to see the day.”

Maki didn’t know what to say, she and her grandma both knew that those debts weren’t going to be paid off so easily.


“What are we waiting for?” Tomohisa’s mother stood up angrily from her seat, “Everyone’s here already!” She was never a patient woman.

Hiroko glanced at his desk clock and massaged his temples a little. She was right, his boss’ family was all here but one of the most important people in this agreement wasn’t. Just as he was about to speak, his secretary knocked on the door and announced that she had finally arrived. He gestured for her to come in and take the only empty seat left in the room. She bowed and apologized for her lateness.

“Who is this?” Tomohisa’s aunty spoke up.

Hiroko didn’t bother answering her question and continued on with the meeting. “Now that everyone is finally here,” he eyed Maki in particular who quickly looked down on the floor, “I can finally show Yoshiho Yamaa’s final will.” He took out a CD from his top desk drawer and placed it inside a DVD player inside the room.

He looked at everyone in the room, who was in return, looking at him and waiting for him to press play on the remote. He saw Tomohisa, staring at the girl who was seated in front of him. Tomohisa quickly removed his gaze from her as she put her head back up. Hiroko smirked and finally pressed the play button.

The television’s light glowed inside the room and the old man’s voice boomed through the speakers.

“My dear sons, daughter-in-laws, grandchildren and Maki.” The old man’s face filled television screen. “By the time you’re watching this, I’m probably six feet underground,” he chuckled at his little joke. The rest of the occupants in the room didn’t seem to laugh, although Maki and Hiroko did show a little smile.

“I’ll cut right to the chase, knowing how impatient most of you are. I know I haven’t been the best father to my sons, always making work my top priority. I haven’t been the best role model for you and now my grandchildren are suffering how you have suffered. For that, I am truly sorry. For the past few days, I’ve been giving it great thought. What if my great grandchildren and the future generations, turn out to be like me? An emotionless workaholic. Not only that, but I’ve been tracking what you have been doing with the business. I’m not going to let my sacrifice of not being father go to waste.”

The old man’s two sons, Tomohisa’s father and uncle, looked at each other and then back at the screen. “Right now, you’re in desperate need of my fortune and I will in no means be hesitant in giving you it. After all, I am still your father. But this will not happen until my grandson, Tomohisa, marries Maki for two years.”

The old man’s family stared at the unknown girl, who they presumed to be Maki. Maki could feel the intense glares she was receiving and waited for the old man to continue speaking, hoping that he would continue speaking and say that this was all a joke.

“No Maki, this isn’t one of my jokes.” It was as if he had read her mind, “this is what I want you to help me with.”

Maki suddenly remembered the old man’s words.  “Hey Maki, can you help me with something?...Not now, but I’ll tell you when.”

The old man’s voice continued, “I’ve already paid off your mother’s debt, your grandmother’s current hospital bill and I’m giving you enough money to continue paying for your grandmother’s hospital bill. By the way, she is just as you said she is.”

Maki’s jaw literally dropped, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“I also want you to continue your studies. I know you will do great things.”

Maki was at a huge loss for words. She didn’t know how to react, she didn’t know how to feel, she didn’t even know if this was all happening right now.

“I knew you wouldn’t agree if I just straight out handed the money so I’ve taken the liberty to already do it. I really need your help here. I know you will do the right thing. Besides, you can’t really deny the last wish of a dying man.” He laughed as he gave her one of his usual mischievous grins. Maki lowered her head back down again. Her thoughts were a complete mess.

“You and everyone else will probably understand why I’ve done this to all of you later on. I’m sorry for all the pain and sufferings I have caused you all. I hope you can all forgive me one day.” Everyone could feel that this video was coming to an end. Hiroko knew for sure that this video was coming to an end. He had practically memorized its contents already. “I love you all.”

The television screen suddenly turned blank, just like the expressions on everyone but Hiroko’s face.


Author's Note: I'm not sure .. but I think this fanfic so far is sounding a little similar to another fanfic I vaguely remember reading a very long time ago. Please note that I DID NOT INTEND FOR THIS TO HAPPEN AND WAS PURELY COINCIDENTAL. There's still a lot more to come so I hope you continue to read. Please don't sue me! ><"

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Chapter 7: Noooo, this story was amazing so far, and so beautifully written! I would've loved to read more and see what happens to the two of them :(((
Chapter 7: I can't believe this, it's already four years and there is no update? Oh. This story is great by the way.
anu_international_XD #3
Chapter 7: New reader here! BIG FAN of Yamaki! Please update :D
Me-Chah #4
Hey I'm a new reader and really love this story can u update pleasE
akisan_sen #5
wuuuuaaaaaaaah>.<<br />
thx for the update^^<br />
waiting for the next chapter
wah you updated again! ureshiiiiii!<br />
hope this goes on! XD
hanzxxx #7
akisan_sen #8
please update soon XD
huwaaaa.. can't wait for next,... ughh.,,,,<br />
i pray for maki's happiness.. ><
fayers #10
new reader here! love your fic, wonder what'll marriage life be for yamaki here? :D hmm... I wonder if maki will come to feel something for yamapi soon? xD thanks for the fic!