
Where We Left Off

The beginning of a new school year brought about many things, including the promise of new relationships, memories, and an endless amount of work to do. It was, however, your last year in high school – something that every first year dreams about when they enter. You expected this year to be a breeze compared to your previous school years, but then again, you were taking all higher level courses this semester. How big of a break could it really be?

You hopped off of the train, and made your way out of the train station, eagerly walking towards your school. As much as you complained about the school work, you really did enjoy attending Jungsang High School. It wasn’t the learning that made you enjoy coming back each day, but rather the friends you made. You befriended a group of five boys who seemed to be very close before enrolling in Jungsang. In the beginning of your friendship with these boys, they told you that one of their friends was missing – that he had moved away with his parents and was attending another school. You were close with them all, but would consider yourself to be the closest with the youngest of the group: Choi Junhong. He entered the high school a year later than the rest of the group, but that did not stop the both of you from becoming practically inseparable.


Speak of the devil.

You turn around, only a few blocks away from your destination, and find a smiling Junhong, waving his arms at you excitedly from afar. Behind him were the usual suspects: Himchan, Jongup, Youngjae, and Daehyun, each looking just as pleased to see you. You smiled and waited for them to come closer, before greeting them loudly. “Annyeong!”

“Yah,” came the reply from the oldest, Himchan. “We aren’t a mile away, ______-ah. You don’t need to yell.” Although he was scolding you, there was a large smile on his face. Some of the guys chuckled and you stuck your tongue out at him, waving your hand dismissively.

“Oppa, don’t tell me what to do.”

Junhong stepped closer to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You had to tilt your head up to see his face – something that drove you crazy since you had first met him. For such a young man, he was incredibly tall. He practically towered over some of his hyungs. You had always imagined that if he were to have a deeper voice and a more defined face, he would look years older than what he really was. “Back off, hyung! No fighting now – we need to get to school on time today!”

“Where is he, anyway?” Daehyun interrupted, scratching the back of his head. A few of the boys shrugged and the six of you continued to walk. “He was supposed to meet us a while ago,” whined Daehyun, heaving a loud sigh.

You looked up at Junhong and frowned, raising a brow in curiosity. “Who was –?”

“Do you remember that friend we talk about sometimes?”

“Uhm, vaguely…”

“Well, he’s transferring to our school today!” The excitement was apparent in his voice, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm.

“Ah, really? Then do I get to meet him?”

The youngest nodded his head vigorously, a toothy grin appearing on his lips. “Yeah!! I hope you two become really good friends!”

You heard Jongup laugh from behind, along with Youngjae. “Junhong really looks up to hyung… they’re very close, ______.”

“Are they?” You pursed your lips, shaking your head. “Yah, you better not ditch me when he’s here! Don’t forget about noona, okay!?” The tone of your voice was laced with fake-jealousy, earning the laughter of your friends. You and your friends continued to chat as the six of you made your way from the streets into the building that was Jungsang High School.

You admired the inside of the school, feeling almost at ‘home’ to be back here again, especially with your best friends. You all stopped at the intersection between the first floor and the stairs that lead to the second, saying goodbye to the youngest of your group, since their homeroom was not the same as yours.

“______-ah, hyung told me his homeroom last night, and it’s the same as yours and Himchan’s!” Junhong grinned, looking at Himchan. “Let me know when you see him, okay?” A small, but mischievous, look came over his features as he patted his front pocket. “You can text me, hyung. I have my cell phone today ~.”

Himchan scoffed, rolling his eyes at the other. “Yah, get to class! Listen to Youngjae, Jongup, and Daehyun, alright? Don’t get in trouble.” He placed his hands on Junhong’s shoulder, pushing him lightly. He obeyed and his heel, but not before waving goodbye. You and Himchan began to make your ascent towards the second floor, where your homeroom was located. A part of you was anxious to meet the missing member of this group – the one who you had replaced when this hyung of theirs had left to attend high school elsewhere. What would he look like? Would you two get along? Would he feel threatened by you – or you by him?

“Mmn, Himchan?” You mumbled, grasping the straps of your backpack.

“What is it?”

“Do you think … your hyung will like me?” You found yourself speaking rather quietly and began to laugh nervously soon after. How silly that question must have sounded!

“Probably. He doesn’t dislike people for no reason.”

You nodded, taking a turn to the left once the pair of you reached the top of the stairs. “It’s just, I wanna make Junhong happy and I think whether or not his hyung and I get along is really important to him.”

Suddenly, you felt a pair of large hands ruffle the top of your head, leaving your hair rather disheveled. “Listen,” Himchan said, turning to you, talking so that only the both of you could hear. “You need to stop worrying, pabo. It’s gonna be fine.”

The corners of your lips rose in a smile and you ran a hand through your hair, fixing the damage that was done. A shy giggle passed your mouth and you hit his shoulder playfully, repeating his words in your head. “You’re right. Sorry, oppa.”

You were ready to see him. And you were especially ready to try and be friends with him, for Junhong’s sake. The distance between you and the homeroom became shorter and shorter with each step you and Himchan took, until the both of you stood outside the door. He had his hand on the doorknob, looking back to you expectantly. “Are you ready?”

You paused, your mind beginning to fill with doubt and second thoughts as if on cue with Himchan’s question. What if he wasn’t there, or even worse: what if he was? This friendship meant the world to your not-so-little dongsaeng. What if he was one of those snobby types, or what if –?

“Yeah,” you finally said, offering him a smile. “I’m ready.”

author's note: i hope that was okay so far!! i thought it would be good to end it with the suspense of what lies in the classroom, haha. as you can see, i decided to write in second person pov, because i've grown very accustomed to it! i hope that's okay with you all. and now that i am officially on christmas break, expect a small christmas oneshot from me soon - as well as (HOPEFULLY...) another two chapters for this fic! i'm also sorry on behalf of the quality of this chapter... i think i'm getting a little bit sick.

leave comments and stuff - it would be highly appreciated! `v`

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4/9 ) I HAVE A LAPTOP AGAIN I WILL BE WRITING THE NEXT CHAPTER AND I SHOULD HAVE IT UP IN A WEEK ;; sorry and thank you for waiting so long...!


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Chapter 4: Hmm~ I'm curious about why she can't remember :x did something happen to her in the past?? Oh well~ I'll wait and see if I'm overthinking it
Chapter 4: GAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE UPDATE!!!!!!! why BYG don't want to reveal himself!!!!! Doesn't she notice????
Chapter 4: this is why i love him!!! lol
Chapter 4: omigoodness this was so cute and excited yongguk mixed with bashful yongguk just takes the cake! it's a really cute update ^^
robinhoodstride #6
Chapter 4: asdfghjkl too! hi3..i really love this! byg <3
ermagoshx3 #7
Chapter 3: asdfghjkl; update soon :3
Chapter 3: omigoodnes I would be blushing so hard if that ever happened to me ;;
I enjoyed your update :) it sounds like those school crushes the way how you put in her feat of not being accepted ^_^
Chapter 2: I like it :) but next time can you make the font a bit bigger? It's kind of small xD
aqisoo #10
Chapter 1: awesome story^^ i hope u update faster, jst saying though - i think the pace of this story is a little to slow. But i can wait to read more