Not with Me

Where Are You [넌 어디에]

I know you guys are wondering why the character isn't Taeil but is U-kwon instead? I honeslty can just imagine U-kwon playing as the main character if this was a music video (In my opinion) Happy Reading!



U-kwon slithered his eyes open due to the bright light shining through the white curtains peering with the sun light waiting for him to get off of his bed and go to work. He groaned and rubbed his eyes and flinched as he felt crusty pecks by his lids, he wiped them off and sat up. His feet was on the soft red carpet and had realized what had happened yesterday. Another break up with you, another chapter that had ended its love story, and another day where he lost you. He remembered exactly what had happened..



"T-this is for the best, you know that right..?" His voice trailed away as he looked up to you realizing that you were in the verge of tears. Your stained red lips were trembling and your body was weak. He looked into your eyes and automatically felt guilty for making you cry for the tenth time. Your mouth gaped and you tried to say something, a tear fell from your eyes and you had the courage to fight back. "Again?" You question him and those words pierced through his chest and stabbed into his heart. He flinched as his heart felt like it was about to break into billions of pieces. His eyes were rested, not delighted to see you, or even excited. His face was emotionless, and all he could do was hold out a sigh.


"Yes, again." He tried to stop himself from biting his lips, he watched you scoff and tears falling out of your beautiful eyes. He had the urge to reach out to you and wipe those evil tears away, making your precious eyes all buffed up and such. He had to fight his urges and stay still. A cold rush of wind both smacked against two of your bodies. U-kwon slid his hands into his pocket and had watched you shivering in place. The urge to hug you and keep you warm. That was it for you, you couldn't hold it in any longer. You weren't going to fight any longer because you were so sick of everything he had put you through and the fact that he had lied to you everytime when he said, "I'll never leave you alone.."


You spun around on your heel and walked away holding your groans and moans of pain. You hovered your palm ontop of your mouth and speed walked away leaving U-kwon right in place. He wasn't able to move, he wanted to catch you, he wanted to apoligize, he wanted you to take him back. He regretted everything that he had done at this moment...but he had to fight the urge to hold you back. He wanted to shout out, "I still ing love you..." But no confidence in himself, he was just another guy with no guts to show his true love.


*Flashback Ends*


U-kwon had his hands on his face, crying his eyes out while pounding his cold heart over and over again. He didn't feel any pain, he wanted to hurt himself as much as he hurted you in the past. He knew how much pain you had gone through, but he was another scronny guy who wouldn't show his real feelings towards a girl he had once loved. He gripped the edge of the bed and squeezed it with his hands. His veins popped up and his mind was about to explode while his heart was crying.


- -

At work, he seved customers happily giving them his fake smile that actually seemed real at one point. He was sick of putting on a fake face so he had stopped. He worked at a little drug store that sold all sorts of things. His pale skin reflected upon the light that was above him, he could hear his boss and groaning due to his alcohol addiction. He had sometimes had to go to his boss because the boss called him but for no reason at all. He clenched his jaws and told himself to be patient and not screw anything up or he would end up losing his job. He remembered that you would bring packed lunch over to his work and watch him eat. He bit his dry lips and shook his head out of those thoughts. 


His phone rang, he looked at the caller id and it was one of his close friends. He picked up the call, instantly he heard a yell. "Your girlfriend is leaving for the states!" A pound was heard in his heart. A moment of silence, his ears blocked every sound and his eyes roamed side to side. "W-w" U-kwon couldn't finish his sentence. "What the hell happened?!" His friend yelled and immedietly his heart was pouding like crazy again, "Where is she going? Where is she right now? Did she leave yet?" He asked so many questions.


"I don't know man, I heard it from my sister, what the hell-" He hung up leaving his friend on the other line speechless and confused. U-kwon ran out of the store and sprinted for his life waving out every taxi that came his way. Several of them passed right by him, he yelled in fustration and tried to get one for the last time before he would be ending up running all the way to the airport. Then finally, a taxi stopped right beside him. He got in and thanked the man breathlessly. "Student, where can I take you?" The man asked calmly as he turned around to see U-kwon breathing like crazy. "Student, are you okay?"  The man searched him up and down and thought he was sick. "Sir-" He breathed. "Take me to the airport..." He breathed slowly. "Fast." He demanded and the man drove immedietly. 


U-kwon was non-stop messaging you and calling you, but your phone was busy at the moment. He clenched his fist tightly and punched the seat beside him. He watched as the man looked back into the mirror and the man drove faster. "I'm guessing you're in a hurry-" The man spoke as he turned in curves to avoid other cars that was in his way. "Very-"


He got out of the taxi and held the money out the man, "It's fine, goodbye student. Goodluck." The man drove off and U-kwon ran inside the airport, crashing his shoulder into some people's bodies. He heard whispers behind him, but he didn't care. He was looked up and down side to side, too many people he thought. He rushed up the escalator and hurried to search both wings. No where- he jumped up and down to see if you were in the crowd, nope.


He went down the escalator and saw the huge board sign that listed the plane numbers and times. He cursed to himself. "One more minute."

He ran forward as fast as he could, trying to hold breaths and not waste any minute of them. As soon as he was half way to the gate that you were at, he turned his head as soon as he heard the airplane go off and shoot for the sky. His mouth was gaped and he walked over to the huge window panel that was beside him. He placed both of his hands onto it and saw the plane that you were in dive up into the sky peering through the sunset. His eyes were stinging and his tears were soon falling. His heart was tearing up and his body was getting fragile. He created a fist with his hand and he held in his cries.

- -

He was sitting down on a bench inside the airport. He had his hands folded together and he was deep in thought. The huge window panel was behind him as he heard other planes shoot up. He had a lot of things in his mind. Your laugh was echoing, your smile kept on appearing, your scent that he could still smell. Your love that made him full even if he didn't have to eat.

He looked back into the thought what the driver of the taxi had said.

"It's fine, goodbye student. Goodluck." The man had said.

He smirked to himself and placed himself in a serious mood, "Luck? Bull-" He got up and walked away from the window leaving the airport and walking himself home slowly, little by little leaving his heart still aching for you and wanting to take back every pain he had served you in your lifetime.


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Chapter 1: Aww of there will be a sequel I hope he gets her back an tell his true feelings an they stay together poor U Kwon Oppa great story author-nim
yofunkeemonkEY #2
Chapter 1: Poor u kwon... I feel sorry for him:( haha great story:D
Chapter 1: Im kinda glad ukwon is suffering
Im so cruel