Meeting old friend

We Fight, We Love

----------On the way back from school
Both of you playing with each other, laughing together.
"Oppa, can I have some ice cream?" you ask
"Mwo? You know we didn't have any ice cream stall here" L.Joe stated
"I know but..... I want, I want, I want"you nag
"~~~-ah. Let's go" he said pulling you to the opposite direction.
"Where are we going" you ask, confuse
"Let's go find ice cream" L.Joe smile brightly
"Yeah! You are the best, Oppa!"

Both of you reach the town and start looking for ice cream stall. Then, you saw a colourful ice cream shop beautifully decorated.

"Oppa, that ice cream shop is so beautiful. Ler's go inside" you said pointing to the shop

L.Joe turn to you and smile. He wrap his arm on your shoulder and walk inside the shop.

"Welcome to Icy ice cream shop" said a waiter as they walked inside.
"Ah, Ji Yong Oppa" you saw your friend, Ji Yong.
"Ah, ~~~-ah" Ji Yong look up and smile

"Where have you been? I miss you so much" you said hugging Ji Yong tightly. Ji Yong react back at your hug L.Joe then pull you away from Ji Yong
"~~~-ah. Who is he?" ask L.Joe
"Byunghun-ah. Do you remember I said I made friend with a guy when I participate the running competiion that was held at YG High School"
"Ah....." that is what L.Joe couls say when he recall back.
"Come have a sit" Ji Yong invite you to sit
As both of you sit down. Ji Yong approached and sit beside you.
"Oppa, aren't you a waiter? Why didn't you work?" you ask
Ji Yong just smile and say "This shop belongs to my mom. I'm here to help her"
You nodded.
"So, what flavour would both of you like to have?he ask politely
"Two of this please" said L.Joe pointing at the menu
( This is what L.Joe pointed at)

Ji Yong nodded and walk away
"Oppa, you stll remember"
"Of Course, My girl" L.Joe your hair affectionately

After both of you enjoyed your ice cream. Both of you walk around the town.
"Ah! Byunghun-ah. We are late!" suddenly you shout slapping hia arm
He take a look at his watch. "!!" he hold your hand and pull you into a run. Since both of are really good in sports, you managed to run home in less than 10 minutes. To be exact, the time supposed to be 15 minutes for a person to run back from the town to their neighbour hood.

--------------Reach their house

When L.Joe open the door. He saw umma is holding a chicken feather duster. He bit his down lips. He said "Umma" and start running because Umma is chasing over him
He keep begging "No, Umma", "Please stop, Umma", "I don't mean that, Umma".
You stand still near the door and look at L.Joe and Umma
Both of them look like cat and dog. You saw your appa shook his head.

How was it?
I added G-Dragon in and Dara might be in too
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Chapter 5: Kwangminnie is being nice. Keke :)
Chapter 1: Your storyline is great! Here is an advice, right a little longer^^ I don't really know how to explain but, it's better if you just make it longer^^ And another thing, you should check your grammar and spelling mistakes, if there is a little, it's okay but, if there are too many, people won't understand what you are saying, hope you won't get offended, I'm trying to help, you're doing great! Keep up the good work!!
Chapter 2: Update soon!~