Home sweet home

My new life in Korea

The flight was extremely long and tiring. Because of your excitement, you couldn't sleep at all at the plane. You even tried to, but it was really impossible...


Finally, you and your mom arrived in South Korea. However, by the time you stepped into the airport, you were more like a zombie than a human being. You were so tired that the only thing that kept you moving was your mom. She managed to sleep a little in the plane, so she was in a better condition than you. She also found JYP's driver, holding a poster with your names written there. After sitting inside the car, you fell asleep.


Some time later you're waken up by your mom."Honey, wake up, we need to go now, let's get out". When you opened your eyes and left the car, you saw JYPE, ad your jaw dropped.

The building was huge. Beautiful. There were seriously no words to describe it. While you were enjoying your view, your mom went to the receptionist, who asked you to go to the last floor of the building, that someone was waiting for you.

You weren't surprised by the fact that the one waiting was no other than JYP himself. What really surprised you was the way he welcomed your mom. He hugged her, then kissed her, then they started telling each other how much they missed each other, and you were just standing there quietly, wondering what to do. so JYP finally remembered your mom wasn't alone, so he came to you and introduced himself. "Oh, annyeonghaseyo, I'm Park Jin Young, the owner of this company, but you may have heard about me before, right?" you nodded. "So you must be (your mom's name)'s daughter, ~~, right? You're as beautiful as she is" 

You were definitely flustered. You blushed a bit, you were embarrassed and a bit uncomfortable, you barely even knew him, by the way! Your mom also noticed that, but she just chuckled.

"So, now that you arrived, I'll bring you girls home, which is my house of course" JYP said. You panicked a little. Living in his house? Haven't you just met him? You kept thinking that, it would be too weird, you didn't want to. Once again, your mom noticed your dissatisfaction.

"~~ will be living with us too? I don't think she will be very comfortable there, dear". *Thank you mum* (A/N: Just wanna make it clear that every time '*' comes up, it's because it's a thought). "Oh really?" he then looks at you " I'm sorry, I didn't know that...  Well, the only other room available is in 2PM's dorm, is it alright for you?"

Before your mom could even think about not letting you live there, you answer quickly "Yeees, I'd love that, thank you so much Jin Young...appa" He showed the biggest smile he could ever give to somebody to you cause you called him 'appa'. Your mom couldn't do anything about, it was already settled.


JYP accompanied you to your new dorm/room. There it was, your favorite group's room, which would be yours too. Oh how you dreamt about this day to come. You never knew this could turn into reality.

When he opened the door, all six beasts were having breakfast together. You recognized them right away, just like a fan would. You hid your smile and waited for JYP to talk, since somehow they haven't really noticed that some people just arrived.

"Junsu-yah, Nichkhun-ah, Taecyeon-ah, Wooyoung-ah, Junho-yah, Chansung-ah, good morning! I have a special guest for you!"

They all looked at your direction at the same time, but their reactions were different. Junsu looked at you a bit maliciously, Nichkhun looked at you warmly as if he was honestly welcoming you with his eyes, Taecyeon also looked a bit maliciously and winked at you, Wooyoung seemed confused, Chansung was caring more about his food than you, and Junho, it was hard to tell. His ears turned red. Like, reeeeally red. But the way he looked at you, you couldn't really figure out what he was doing or feeling, it was weird.

Suddenly, you felt someone poking you with his elbow. JYP. Oh, it was a sign, you needed to introduce yourself, of course. "Annyeonhaseyo, my name is ~~, I'm gonna live with you guys starting today. Please be nice to me!"

They all stayed in silence. You. Living with them? Nonsense.

"Jin Young-hyung, what is she talking about?" Junsu asked.

"You remember I started dating someone, right? She finally arrived here in Korea, and this is her daughter. Since she didn't really want to live in my house," he pouted a little "I offered her the 4th room of this dorm for her to live. Complaints?"

Silence, again.

"Well then, so let me show ~~ her room" Wooyoung offered happily. JYP smiled and said he needed to leave. He wanted to go home, he still needed to take your mom there, she was sleeping in his car while he was bringing you to your new home.

Wooyoung brought you to the room meant for you. The walls were all white, there was an empty desk there, a closet and your bed. A very big one, a double bed. Wow.

"Thank you for showing me my room, Wooyoung-oppa" you smiled. He smiled back. "My pleasure. Oh and you already know my name! Do you like 2PM?"

You blushed a little "I love 2PM, it's my favorite group". He smiled even more and patted your head "Kyeopta" he whispered, even though you could still hear him. You couldn't help blushing even more.

When you both came back to the living room, where the 5 others were having breakfast, you were still red.They noticed you both coming and Taecyeon was the first one to see your blushed face.

"Oh Wooyoung-ah, what did you do to our guest? She's totally red!" and he started laughing. All the other members then noticed it and they started teasing Nichkhun, teasing him even though they didn't really know you. As you pretty much blushed even more, you noticed that Junho was teasing too, but he wasn't as energetic as all the others, he seemed... once again, you couldn't figure out what he was feeling. He was truly a puzzle for you.

After all the teasing and the fun, they asked you if you wanted to join them, as they thought you haven't eaten anything since you arrived, and they were certainly right. They started getting to know you and all of them asked you questions, even Junho perked up.

"How old are you?" "Where are you from?" "Do you have siblings?" "Do you know who we are?"... You have all finished eating, but the questions didn't stop. They only did when you yawned. Tiredness finally took over you and you felt somebody taking you to your room. Chansung, you thought.


Suddenly you were waken up by a loud noise. *Omo, what was that?* Sounded familiar. You opened your eyes but it was dark. Oh . You slept a lot. And more, you're afraid of the darkness. And thunder. Specially thunder.

You tried to find the switch, and while you were searching for it, you discovered it was raining, because of its noise. *Was... was the sound I heard... a thunder?*. Fortunately, you found it. As the room was lit up, you felt much better, but there wasn't much you could do about the rain, you just hoped for no thunder to appear. You didn't want to show your fear to them or even scream, as it usually happens when you hear the sound of thunders.

You started to undo your suitcase, trying not to think about the rain outside.

The 6 other people in the house noticed you woke up, because of the light in your room, so they started finishing all dinner preparations, since they were just waiting for you to wake up and eat with them. They asked Nichkhun to go to your room to call you.

He knocked on your door. "Come in" you said. You stopped what you were doing to hear what he was going to tell you. He barely even started speaking and this huge sound blasted from outside your window. A thunder. You screamed your guts out, that was too freaking suddenly.

The next you knew was that you were hugging Nichkhun as tightly as you could. Or he was hugging you. Either way, none of you were letting go, and you were sobbing in his arms.

Then Junho entered inside your room to see what happened that made you scream so loudly. BAM! He saw you and Nichkhun in this very compromising pose.



~//~ ~//~ ~//~

Hii guys, did you enjoy it? I'm just starting, things are definitely gonna get more interesting as I write more ;)

Please tell me what you guys thought of this, feedback me!

Chapter 3 comin' uuup :D

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Marcy_Kimpon #1
Chapter 2: I'll be waiting for an update I want to know what will be happening next so please update soon! :D
Chapter 2: It really goods but... Just my opinion.. It better if u just put her name coz im find a bit confused to read it... Sorry if my comment sound rude... But it just my opinion... Btw... Waiting for the next chap... ~_~
TayTay12345 #3
I'll be waiting:D
lurvejunho #4
Huhu.cant wait