What? My mum is...?

My new life in Korea

I really got no idea whether my story is good or not, or if it makes sense or anything. That's why I need you guys! Please tell me what you guys think, pretty please :P This part is more like an INTRODUCTION, the reason why "I" went to Korea... I'll try not to make this boring, kay? Oh and btw, English is NOT my mother language, so please be patient with my mistakes. Hope you enjoy it, and thank you for reading! :D

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You never thought this would happen to you. One day you were the daughter of a divorced mother, and the other, the daughter of Park Jin Young's new girlfriend. Some months ago, your mum left you for a week to travel to Japan and there she accidentally met him, JYP. He was there for 2PM's promotions and she was there because of work. They needed to go to the same building and BAM! love at first sight.

They had some dates there, and then they exchanged their skype's usernames (cellphone was too expensive because the calls would be international) and when they both came back to their home countries, they started skyping each other always when possible. In the beginning she didn't tell you anything about it, but you had already noticed some strange things changing in her... She started using make up, she started wearing much prettier clothes, she locked herself in her room without telling you why, so you knew there was something weird with her, you just couldn't figure out what it was.

Well, one day she obviously told you. But it was much more like: "~~, dear, I'm dating! I'm so happy, he's such a sweet guy, his name is Park Jin Young. Unfortunately he lives in South Korea, so I could only call him via skype, but we saw each other almost everyday, and Im already in love with him. Now honey, we're moving to South Korea, to live with him. I already found another job there and he said there will be a place for us to be, you just need to say yes, dear"

You were in shock. Your mum. Dating. And the lucky guy being JYP. You pinched yourself just to make sure you weren't dreaming. You weren't really happy about leaving your country, since you would have to leave all your friends behind. But you couldn't say no to your mum, she took care of you all your life. Of course you accepted it. And you couldn't hide the fact that you was extremely excited about meeting JYP. Actually, you were much more interested in meeting the groups under his company such as Miss A, Wonder Girls, JJ Project, 2AM and the most important of all, your favorite group of all times, 2PM! You were dying to meet them, more than anything else.

In the end, you said your goodbyes to your friends and your dad and had your farewell party, you packed all of your stuff, and lastly, prepared yourself mentally for leaving your hometown for a very long time.

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Marcy_Kimpon #1
Chapter 2: I'll be waiting for an update I want to know what will be happening next so please update soon! :D
Chapter 2: It really goods but... Just my opinion.. It better if u just put her name coz im find a bit confused to read it... Sorry if my comment sound rude... But it just my opinion... Btw... Waiting for the next chap... ~_~
TayTay12345 #3
I'll be waiting:D
lurvejunho #4
Huhu.cant wait