
Taste Of April Bubble Tea

Rated: PG-14 (Mentions of )
Word Count: 1574 
Summary: When popular Luhan is reluctant to let his followers know he's gay, but his boyfriend doesn't give a damn.


Laying flat on his stomach, Luhan was perched on his two elbows. The dark room was illuminated by the light coming from the screen of his iPhone. Three fingers behind the phone with his pinky finger supporting it from underneath, Luhan’s thumb was scrolling through his instagram, reading all of the positive comments left on his latest selca that he had posted five minutes ago before getting into bed. 

“You’re really cute, oppa~”

“ahhhh! Let me love you <3333”

“where you from?”

“Check out my photos please?”

Each comment made Luhan’s smile brighten even more. He loved the attention he received from his followers, they never fail to boast his already oversize ego. The attention that he fed off of these people were amazing to say the least. They made him feel like he was loved, they made him feel like he was appreciated, they made him feel like they cared for him. Luhan thought about replying to some of the comments but refrained himself from it. He liked the attention, but he preferred not to get attached to it as he knows that one day, the affection of his followers would have to end. Liking some of his friends’ photos, Luhan thought about how they must be getting tons of likes just from the notice that his followers would get when they checked the activities of the people they’re following. 

Smiling to himself when he saw a picture of his year long boyfriend, Oh Sehun, playing basketball on the court that was taken by his other friend, Joonmyun along with a line of encouragement wishing him luck on his tournament soon, Luhan double tapped the photo quickly before exiting the app to call his boyfriend.

After a couple of rings, Sehun’s voice picked up. “Hello?”

“Hi, Hunnie!” Luhan replied happily. 

Despite the times that Luhan and Sehun were attached to the hip with at school, Sehun had cramped schedule of basketball practice in order to prepare for the upcoming tournament their school had against another. Luhan was also busy with his extra credit school work to ensure him a spot in the top notch hospital in all of Seoul for when he finished his University years.

“Lu, can you get me bubble tea right now?” Sehun asked in between their conversation about how Yixing was starting to regret his decision in majoring in culinary arts and was thinking about changing careers again.

Luhan paused, taken off guard by his boyfriend. “What? Right now?” He glanced at the alarm clock on his bedside table that read the time was twenty minutes to midnight.

“Yeah, please, baby? I’m really craving it right now. I’m sure the store in downtown is still open. I’ll stay on the phone with you while you get it.” Sehun pleaded with aeygo practically dripping from his voice.

Luhan thought about his options. Did he really want to get out of his warm bed right now to just to spoil his boyfriend? “Well… Sehun… I don’t think sugar before bed is-” Luhan started only to get cut off by Sehun.

“You can spend the night over. My parents are visiting my grandma out of town. You know how energized I am when I have sugar at night.” Sehun bribed his hormonal infused boyfriend.

“A bad idea at all. I don’t think sugar before bed is a bad idea at all.” Luhan finished his previous sentence with a new objective. “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

Luhan slipped out of bed and changed from his pajamas to a pair of track suit he pulled out from his drawers without much care and left the house. Excitement coursed through his veins at the intimate moment he would experience with Sehun soon. Who needs beauty sleep anyways, Luhan thought.

No later than promised, Luhan was at Sehun’s house with just the two as he handed the sweet tea to his boyfriend. 

“You owe me.” Luhan gestured to the drink as he laid down on Sehun’s bed with his legs dangling off the corner.

The two stayed in silent as Sehun finished his tea and the homework while Luhan was occupied with Instagram. Luhan decided to post another photo. He switched to the front camera and posed around until he found a shot he deemed suitable. With his body still laying on the bed, Luhan’s hair sprawled out around his head, exposing part of his forehead. Luhan’s fingers worked on the hair to position it more attractively before snapped a photo with a sweet smile, he took another three to put into a collage of four photos. Two of them were sweet smiles, while the other two were fun and full of aeygo from a pout to sticking his tongue out. 

“What are you doing?” Sehun asked from his desk when he turned around to check on his boyfriend. 

Luhan’s fingers worked on typing a short sentence saying “I can’t wait for the events of tonight~ I know I was gonna sleep but something came up. Aren’t I cute? ^^” as his caption for the photo before posting it.

“I’m updating my Instgram. I reached another thousand followers today, Sehun ah!” Luhan shared his new achievement brightly.

Sehun got up from his spot, curious to what Luhan was doing on that app. He knew that Luhan was kind of a big deal on the app, at least from what Jongin was telling him, how he couldn’t compete with Luhan in terms of followers and soon gave up. Curious, Sehun grabbed the phone from Luhan’s hand with his right hand while he straddled his willing boyfriend. Luhan was playing with Sehun’s fingers while his boyfriend was distracted with the screen of his phone. Sehun scrolled through Luhan’s photos, reading the comments on his newly posted photo. 

“Whaa~ that’s not your bed sheets. Are you at someone else’ house?”

“you’re really cute! >w< your girlfriend is so lucky if you have one :P”

“Night events? Oh, you naughty boy ;) I wish I was your girlfriend!”

“Oppa, do you have a girlfriend? Please be my boyfriend?”

Sehun’s eyebrows furrowed as he read a few of the comments on Luhan’s latest post. “They know what your bed sheets look like? They don’t know you’re gay? Yah! Are you posting naughty photos without me knowing?!” Sehun yelled as he slapped Luhan’s chest lightly.

Luhan chuckled from under Sehun. “Calm down, I don’t even know why they know it’s my bed sheets. No, they don’t know I’m gay, and no, I’m not posting nudes! I only send them to you, you know that.” Luhan winked at Sehun.

The younger male above showed no signs of changes in his expression. “No, you don’t, you liar.” Sehun deadpanned. 

Luhan rolled his eyes at the joke that Sehun obviously didn’t get. “Well, you have me so you wouldn’t need them anyways.” Luhan hooked his arms behind Sehun’s neck and pulled him down.

Throughout the activity that Luhan initiated, the two didn’t move from their uke and seme position. Luhan was unaware of the phone still clutched in Sehun’s hand. 

After the activity, the two boys curled on Sehun’s bed under the blanket with Luhan cuddling close. 

“Why don’t your followers know you’re gay?” Sehun asked.

“What? Why would they need to know?” Luhan questioned back.

Sehun thought about his next question, not sure if he wanted to know the answer to it or not. “Are you… Ashamed of being gay?”

Luhan shook his head furiously. “No! No! I’m not! Why would you even ask that?” 

Sehun smiled and bent down to kiss Luhan quickly. “No reasons. I love you, okay?” 

Luhan nodded his head as he pecked Sehun’s lips before wrapping his arms around his loving boyfriend. “I love you too, Sehun ah. Go to sleep. You have class tomorrow morning.” Luhan whispered against his neck.

After making sure Luhan had fallen asleep on his shoulder, Sehun was facing the ceiling, considering whether he should do the following moves or not. Luhan might be mad at him for a few days… After unlocking Luhan’s phone with the passcode of their anniversary, Sehun scrolled through Luhan’s Instagram once again. he read the comments left on his boyfriend’s photos and the number of followers increasing incredibly fast.

His nerves was slightly touched whenever he read comments about how girls wanted Luhan all to themselves. No, Sehun though. Luhan was his. Only his. Making up his decision, Sehun decided to post a photo of Luhan.

Scrolling through the pictures that he took of them during their act earlier, Sehun picked out ones he didn’t see as too inappropriate for young and pure eyes in case Luhan had any minor followers. There was a shot when Sehun was kissing Luhan’s neck earlier when Luhan’s side profile clearly shown with his mouth agape and head thrown back and both of his hands pulling on Sehun’s hair. He posted the photo with no captions attached. Going back to the photo library of Luhan’s phone, Sehun found another one with one of Luhan’s hands on his nape, holding his head there while they kissed passionately. Another photo with no caption.

“I love you, Little deer.” Sehun whispered into Luhan’s hair before snapping a quick photo of that.

He posted the new photo of them laying on bed, both shirtless with Luhan cuddling into Sehun’s neck and Sehun kissing the top of his boyfriend’s head. 

“Xiao Lu, don’t be too mad at me. You said you love me, don’t forget that when you see this <3 - Your Thehun ah”

Heck no was Sehun going to be posting his real name for these stalkers to come find him.

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Thank you for all you subbers ('': with all that hunhan at idol Sport, i'll write a fluffy oneshot~


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Chapter 4: Wish someday sehun or luhan or anyone will post HUNHAN pics like this ^_^
RinRin_Amoii #2
Chapter 4: Aww,i wish Sehun post him and Luhan on the act for real.This was really good ^^…great job,authornin
Chapter 4: LOL LOL LOL..
This chapter is hilarious..
Chapter 4: I wanna see his followers' reactions aww T_T
Chapter 3: Luhan's style, it is.
Chapter 1: I still dislike Luhan in this lol But the ing part is seriously needed so thank you for that ;;