Honey, honey

Taste Of April Bubble Tea

Rated: PG-14 (Language and suggestive content)
Word Count: approx. 2352

Waking up on a Saturday morning was something Luhan loved doing. He loved knowing that he had woken up the most natural way of it being as his own conscious mind had told him to get up and start his day. He loved hearing the peaceful quietness and stillness his small apartment had to offer. He loved the way the light peeked in through the small gaps from the window blinds on his left. Most of all, he loved how he could just stay in bed for as long as he liked, maybe even turn on the TV he had sitting on top of his long wooden dresser that laid across the room from his bed. Luhan closed his eyes to inhale deeply, this was going to be a great day, he thought to himself.

The quietness was broken when Luhan heard the main door closing from outside of his bedroom. His eyes flew open in alarm as he eyed his bedroom door. The university student stayed as still as humanly possible, even holding his breath, as he strained his ears to hear for any footsteps. After hearing the soft pitter-patter of weight gliding across his apartment floor, Luhan sat straight up in his bed, he looked around his small bedroom to see if anything was suited as a weapon against this intruder. 

Settling with the poster container he had containing his project inside, Luhan grabbed it and hid behind his door with his phone in hand, ready to press onto the emergency button that would take his call straight to the police line. Footsteps got louder as they got closer to his room. Luhan held his breath when he heard the door knob turning before it was pushed open. 

“Lu, where are you?” Came a very familiar voice.

Hearing his boyfriend’s voice made Luhan’s heart leap in relief that he wasn’t going to have to start screaming blood murder so early in the morning, but it also made his chest rose in anger for his boyfriend’s sudden appearance that scared him out of his bed so early in the morning as well.

Luhan came out from his hiding place behind the door and proceeded to hit Sehun very hard with the plastic poster tube. “Why the are you here?! Why didn’t you call me earlier?! Who said you could even come over?!” Luhan screamed at Sehun with each hit he gave the younger.

The victim raised his arms over his head to protect himself from the oncoming attacks of violence. “Ow! Stop!” Sehun took steps back to get away from his boyfriend but the older only approached closer with harder hits.

“Get out of my house!” Luhan yelled before he tried to get his breath back from the workout of his morning. “Come back after you’ve asked!” 

Sehun had a deep frown plastered on his face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His expression clearly not amused by Luhan’s tantrum. “You told me your house's lock code and said I could come whenever I wanted to. We practically share this apartment. Did you forget?” He teased. 

Luhan’s eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as Sehun used his words against him. “Shut up and get out.” He pushed the younger one last time before going back into his bed and throwing the blanket over himself again. 

Rolling his eyes, Sehun joined his boyfriend in bed. “Get up. We’re going out.” Sehun joined Luhan under the blanket, hands automatically going for the older’s waist to pull him in.

All thoughts of their previous fight dissolved as Luhan’s eyes lit up in anticipation. “Where to?” He asked.

A mischievous grin formed on Sehun’s face. “It’s a surprise. Go wash up, and I have something to show you as well.” He got up and pulled his now grinning from ear to ear boyfriend up as well before pushing him into the bathroom.

When Luhan came back out into his living room, Sehun sat at the dining table with a large department store brand bag in front of him. Luhan’s eyes immediately lit up, thinking it was the MCM backpack he’s been eyeing recently. 

Hands grabbing at the bag before Sehun could even protest, Luhan stuck his hand in. “Oh Sehun, you shouldn’t have!” Voice laced with glee, he grinned happily until his hand felt the material of the object.

Disappointment sprawled over Luhan’s features when he pulled the bright track suit out of the bag. “Oh Sehun, you really shouldn’t have.” He repeated the same words with distaste and slight hatred this time. 

“What?” Sehun smiled happily, expecting this type of reaction.

Luhan sighed as he stuffed the ugly almost neon colored turquoise outfit back into the bag. “What is this? Why are you giving me this? Why waste money on this?” He questioned his boyfriend. 

Sehun shrugged his shoulders before answering the way too obvious question. “Because we’re going to the gym to work out. I got some free day passes from Kyungsoo, so why not?” 

Nose flaring, Luhan glared at his once loved one. “No.” He stated before turning towards the fridge. 

“No, no, no! Only light breakfast! Granola bars are the best!” Sehun grabbed the styorfoam box of leftover dimsum from their Chinese lunch yesterday. “I figured since you don’t have granola bars, I got us a box too.” He took the take out box and dropped it straight into the garbage without blinking an eye.

“Hey! That’s wasting food! Haven’t your mother taught you not to do that?!” Luhan shouted out.

The argument that followed after and a long twenty minutes of Sehun having to man handle Luhan into the matching turquoise track suit caused the couple to leave Luhan’s home at twelve thirty. Thirty minutes too late in Sehun’s taste. 

“You’re such a baby. Who the needs to be forced to change clothes? ’s sake…” Sehun mumbled while he was rubbed his sore biceps from Luhan’s punches and protests earlier. 

“Why do we have to match? Such an embarrassing color too!” Luhan groaned out as he stared down at his apparel. 

A pout crossed Sehun’s features. “I like this color. It’s cute that we match.” He insisted. 

Luhan rolled his eyes but decided to let the subject drop. 

After two hours of agonizing torture, Sehun allowed them to go back to his apartment. The taller was going to be nice to Luhan and let him leave after the first hour since he didn’t plan to make Luhan worked until all of his muscles ripped, no, he was much nicer. He had planned for them to start their first workout at the gym, then if they liked the experience, he was willing to pay for their membership there. Sehun knew Luhan wouldn’t allow himself to be dragged to the place if he had to pay for it out of the small paycheck that he lived off of from his part time job. Sehun was unsure on which one of the two of them had more excerise done. Luhan wouldn’t stay on one gym activity for long enough to actually burn some calories or even tighten his muscles up. The dyed blonde spent most of his time whining to Sehun about how hard the task was or how he had much better things to do when Sehun knew he didn’t. He often tried to sneak off to the snack machines only to either be caught by Sehun or be baffled by how it was filled with just granola bars off all sort and the energy drink machine right next to it.

The couch of Sehun’s room was taken up by two tired and slightly agitated male. “That was ing terrible.” Sehun cursed out to no one in particular.

His boyfriend rested his head on Sehun’s lap as he closed his eyes. “I know. I’m starving. Let’s order pizza! My treat!” He cheered happily as he dialed away on his cellphone.

“No!” Sehun yelled out as he grabbed Luhan’s phone from his reach. “I was talking about how terrible you were at the gym! Why couldn’t you run at low speed for more than ten minutes? It’s not even that bad!” Sehun flicked Luhan’s forehead which earned him a glare.

Luhan took a deep breath and breathed out slowly to calm himself down. “Sehun, I’m hungry, I’m tired, and you wasted my precious Saturday. Do not with me right now.” The baby faced lover seethed out between clinched teeth.

A scoffed made it’s way out of the younger as he pushed his boyfriend’s head off and left to go into his kitchen. 

When Sehun came back, he brought two things. One was a chicken salad wrap that he had prepared earlier this morning in his right hand. 

“Here.” Sehun sat down back in his original spot with Luhan beside him. “Eat. I made it. It’s good for you.”

Luhan’s nose crinkled in disgust. “It’s green. Chicken’s not suppose to have green around it.” 

Rolling his eyes, Sehun replied. “It’s lettuce. You know; vegetables. It’ll help you poop.” 

“No. You eat it. Let me eat what you have instead.” Luhan placed the plate with the chicken wrap on the coffee table in front of him. 

Another scoff came out of Sehun. “No. This is mine. You eat what you’re told.” 

“I’m your hyung! How dare you speak like that to me!” Luhan pointed an accusing finger at Sehun. “I demand you hand over the Teddy Graham crackers this instant!”

“No. This. Is. Mine.” Sehun pronounced each word. “You’re too fat already.” He teased.

A slapped greeted the back of Sehun’s head. “What did you say? I’m not fat!” Luhan screeched. “Hand it over, or you’ll regret it.” Luhan threatened. 

A challenging tension was raised in the atmosphere. “Don’t want to. What are you gonna do ‘bout it?” Sehun dared. 

The next second, Luhan was on top of Sehun, on the couch. “Give it!” Luhan growled as he reached for the packaged crackers in Sehun’s outstretched hand over his head. 

“No! Get off, fatass!” Sehun screamed as he tried to push Luhan’s chest away with one hand. 

“You will regret that, brat!” Luhan elbowed Sehun in the rib as he tried to push himself up the younger’s tall built. 

Sehun’s only available hand slide down Luhan’s chest to his stomach and tried to grab the skin there through the cotton of his zip up hoodie. “See? I can grab your fat from here!” 

The mess of two young men grabbing at each other and tearing clothes away so they could get to the skin underneath the other to tease at left the pair in a hot and sweaty mess. Sehun was now on top of his beloved boyfriend with his slim arms preventing his body from crushing the smaller male under him. His underpants was lower than he would have liked them to be with the cotton stuck in between his cheeks as a result from the wedgie that Luhan had given him as payback after he grabbed his stomach. Luhan’s condition was no better than Sehun’s. The fake blonde lad laid under Sehun, out of breath with his pants on, but his shirt and the turquoise hoodie was flung across the room earlier when Sehun pulled it off to show Luhan his own non existent fat. Eye contact was maintained between the two panting males. 

“Truce?” Sehun asked from above with a satisfied smile on his face.

Luhan nodded as he pulled Sehun downward to kiss the ever so tempting pink lips of his boyfriend. Moving their lips together slowly, eating in the taste of each other was happiness at it’s best in both their minds. Air soon became a necessity when Sehun pulled back and pressed their foreheads together. 

“I think that was more workout than you’ve done at the gym.” Sehun chuckled without removing himself from his lover.

Luhan nodded lazily at the statement, agreeing with it himself. “Yeah.” He breathed out. “You should have just given me those crackers and saved us all this trouble.”

A lopsided grin assembled on Sehun’s face. “No, then you would have only gained back the fat you lost from walking from my car into the gym.” He teased before kissing Luhan’s button nose.

Abruptly, Sehun’s back was pressed to the soft cushion of the couch before he could comprehend what had happened. ”What?” He stuttered on his words.

“I’m stronger than you give me credit for. I get my workout from something else, don’t you know?” Luhan smirked at the younger, shocked boy.

“What do you mean?” Sehun asked, dumbstruck.

Shaking his head, Luhan dropped his head down to whisper into Sehun’s ear. “You try taking me up sometimes. Just because I’m not a and complain doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. Plus, didn’t you know is a great workout?” Finished with placing open mouth kisses and breathing hot air into the ladder’s ear, he moved down to kiss the spot under Sehun’s ear that he knew would send sparks through his veins. 

Just a simple glance was all it took for Luhan to know his self proclaimed mature boyfriend was blushing madly. Sehun liked to say and show his mature, cold demeanor when he was just barely an adult on the inside. Dirty words still made the younger fluster and stutter over his pwn words, and Luhan used that to his advantage whenever he could. 

“After that torturous workout, how about I show you a more… pleasurable way of staying fit? Luhan style.” The Chinese male winked at his boyfriend before continuing his kisses down onto Sehun’s neck.


I'll write a the day Hunhan actually kiss.

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Thank you for all you subbers ('': with all that hunhan at idol Sport, i'll write a fluffy oneshot~


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Chapter 4: Wish someday sehun or luhan or anyone will post HUNHAN pics like this ^_^
RinRin_Amoii #2
Chapter 4: Aww,i wish Sehun post him and Luhan on the act for real.This was really good ^^…great job,authornin
Chapter 4: LOL LOL LOL..
This chapter is hilarious..
Chapter 4: I wanna see his followers' reactions aww T_T
Chapter 3: Luhan's style, it is.
Chapter 1: I still dislike Luhan in this lol But the ing part is seriously needed so thank you for that ;;