Time control

The Teaser Era


Luhan & Kai
Modern day Seoul
Rating: PG
“Luhan, get over here.”

“Kai, I’m telling you for the third time tonight to just wait. I have to do things first.”

“Slow poke.”

“Am not!”


Luhan huffed as he tried on his third set of clothes. Luhan refused to admit that he was a bit of a diva when it came to his clothes, but he would let people call him “picky” and “careful” when it came to the things he wanted people to see him in.

After what felt like an hour, Luhan walked out of the room with white clothes and black fingerless gloves.

“How does it take you this long to put on clothes that look nice? You look nice in anything.” Kai tossed Luhan a long scarf to wrap around himself. Kai had one on, too.

Luhan glared at Kai. “Yeah. You would, too, if you kept your clothes on and let all that stay a mystery.” Luhan motioned towards Kai’s torso.


“As if.” Luhan sat down and let time pass by. “You know, you could book us better jobs. I’m tired of working clubs.”

“Quit complaining. You know you love having everyone watch you like that.”

“Like what?”

Kai closed in on Luhan and made sure his breaths teased Luhan’s ears. “All their eyes on you. Wanting you. Needing you. Craving y-ouch! The frick!” Kai found his on the ground and head inches away from a table edge. But he knew he struck a nerve in Luhan when he saw how red the older boy had turned so that made it all worthwhile.

“Have you always been this...never mind...” Luhan tried to collect himself but found it difficult to focus now that Kai had said everything that had kept him coming back as Kai’s dance partner. Because in the three years that Luhan had joined the company, Kai was the only person who could keep up with him - even surpass him - on that dance floor while still being able to coordinate their bodies like their interactions were second nature. And the attention they could get drove Luhan over the edge into the closest thing to paradise he could ever get to.

Kai rolled his eyes. “Look, you can help book the next job if the manager lets you. But you know what he always checks with me cause...well hey, it’s me!”

“I swear I’m going to beat that cocky attitude out of you one of these days.” Luhan fell back into a sofa seat as a gush of air escaped him.

“Just try.”

Luhan wanted to kick something. He hated how confident Kai could be. When he first met him, Kai was so shy he refused to his tops or show any more skin than necessary. But once Kai showed how he could be on stage, Luhan saw the real Kai and loved everything about his stage presence. Unfortunately, Kai became comfortable with Luhan seeing that side of him and Luhan’s love for Stage Kai remained that - only for the Kai on stage. Otherwise, Luhan wanted to staple Kai’s mouth shut and hog tie him so he couldn’t do anything to annoy Luhan.

And Kai knew that Luhan felt that way about him. It was a very odd relationship. Almost a business-only system that included the occasional hang out when they needed the heart-to-heart conversation to deal with life.

Sooner or later, though, Kai knew that Luhan wouldn’t care which side of Kai was present. Once they were on stage, Kai would see the Luhan who loved the attention and eyes looking at him. And that version of Luhan begged for the cocky Kai to follow his every step, and lead him across the dance floor.

“Hey boys, get ready. You’re starting in three minutes.”

“Yes, Manager!”

Luhan sighed as he got up from his seat. “Time to get this over with.”

“You’re going to love every second of it.”


“In denial.”

“I hate you.”

“No you don’t.”

Luhan rolled his eyes as he walked to his spot behind the curtains. It was dark and felt empty. But he could hear chairs squeaking and hushed murmurs from strangers who would stay just that - strangers.

“Ready?” Kai asked as he took his spot next to Luhan.

Luhan just nodded. He closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of desire. When he opened his eyes, he focused himself on the task soon to be at hand. Luhan missed Kai’s subtle smirk of amusement as stage Luhan started to take over.

The curtains peeled apart but the lights remained off.

The lights slowly turned their attention towards the two on stage, flooding the stage with dark red. It was too dark to see beyond the edge of the dance floor, but Kai and Luhan knew they had drawn a near-full house. They stood in the center posing like dolls. The occasional flash of light revealed their unblemished skin and baby-faced features. It was hard to believe that Kai was eighteen and Luhan was almost five years older than him.

Out of the corner of Luhan’s eye, he could see Kai mouthing the beat to himself.

Luhan breathed in deeply.









A heavy beat dropped and the dolls came to life. And it wasn’t like a slow resuscitation. It was a jolt that shook them and sent their nerves into an intense need of release.

Their bodies were driven even more with every cat-call that wasn’t drowned out by the deafening music.

There was something absolutely seductive about the way Luhan moved with Kai; against Kai; for Kai. Everything on the dance floor was just between the two of them, and nothing could get in the way of them moving as one.

Not even time.

The fact of the matter was that when they were on the stage, time bowed down to them. Their steps defied gravity and once time gave way for Kai and Luhan the beat relied on them to keep pace and they were the center of everyone’s universe.

Luhan could feel the eyes crawling over his body. He felt invaded and violated and judged. But he couldn’t care any less. He commanded everyone’s attention and they were operating on his time.

Well, his and Kai’s.

But that was a detail Luhan liked to dismiss.

Before he knew it, Luhan couldn’t even control himself. His arms s out and his legs kicked around himself as his felt Kai shadow him. Time could have ended but Luhan would keep moving.

But then he stopped.

Luhan could feel his body falling forward but he caught himself before anyone could see the hesitation in his eyes and tremble in his step. Luhan was momentarily confused, but then it made sense.

The music stopped.

Luhan’s body had gotten so used to the time of the song that Luhan didn’t even need to actively think about what he was doing - his body did it for him. His ending pose signaled for his body to stop, and that’s what it did.


Kai silently laughed at Luhan’s small fault. He tried to mouth something, but Luhan couldn’t read his lips. The lights finally died off and the curtains closed. Luhan dropped his arms from their raised pose before turning to Kai. “You were saying something?”

“I told you you love it.”

“Shut up.”

“Just next time, don’t let the music get the better of you. I’m not helping you if you faceplant.”

“Jerk.” Luhan pushed Kai over.


“I hate you.”

Kai just laughed. “No you don’t.”

“This time I do.”

“But next time...”

“Next time?

“Next time...nothing.”

“Ugh...” Luhan walked away to change into something more comfortable.

“Just being concerned, you baby!”

Luhan rolled his eyes before

Don’t worry. Next time, I’ll definitely be in control.
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