Chapter Two

The Make-up Of Kim Sunggyu


I hurried back to mine and Dongwoo's shared apartment as fast as I could. I still felt wired up from Sunggyu practically abducting me. I felt shaken up as any normal person would. But it wasn't just the fact that he took me with him, it was also the way he attracted me to him. Something was lying underneath the surface, something deep and I really wanted to know what it was. 

I shrugged out of my jacket and slipped out of my shoes neatly leaving them at the door. I walked into the apartment to see the joint living room and kitchen deserted, maybe Dongwoo and Hoya had decided to go out or something? I lef the dumplings on the island and made my way to the bathroom.

Hoya came out of Dongwoo's room, his black dress shirt from earlier opened in the front. He wore a lazy smirk that accentuated his gorgeously dishevelled, y bed-hair. I caught a golden glance of his taut tanned abs and a dark path that slinked its way into the front of his ed suit pants. A hot heat fled to my cheeks and the tops of my ears.

"Maya." He winked at me in greeting.

I opened my mouth to say something but thought better and shut it, shaking my head with a smile despite my ever growing embarrassment.

Damn that guy was too hot for his own good.

Dongwoo's head popped out of Hoya's side, a deep red tint peppered on his cheeks, "Oh Maya! I wasn't expecting you back this early." Yeah I bet you weren't.

Hoya laughed, he turned to Dongwoo holding his face and pressing his lips to his forehead, "I hate leaving you but I need to get back to work baby,  I'll call you tonight."

Dongwoo pouted handing him his suit jacket, "You promise."

Hoya slipped on his jacket and kissed his nose, "I promise. I'll miss you."

I felt my chest pang with envy, they were just too cute. 

With that he slinked past me, ruffling my hair much to my dismay. I immediately flattened my hands on the top of my head, attempting to tame my hair back to shape. "See ya kiddo."

"I want one." I mumbled to myself. 

Dongwoo patted my cheek, "You will have one honey." I pouted and made my way to my bedroom. 

"Ooh dumplings!" I heard Hoya shout from the kitchen.

"Enjoy!" I shouted back at him. 



I groaned, rolling around in my bed sheets. First day of University. Boy am I excited. Jeez Maya don't sound too enthusiastic, you're overwhelming me.

I get out of bed, or rather crawl, and shuffle to my on-suite to brush my teeth, wash my face and deal with nature's calling. I then slip into a fresh outfit and style my hair into artificial waves and apply a minimal amount of make-up conisting of just mascara and bronzer. 

"You're looking fly." Dongwoo says when I enter the kitchen. He is sporting a silk Japanese-style bathrobe with some matching silk boxer briefs.

"Ew! Put it away!" I say, throwing my palms up in front of my eyes to shield them from eternal peril and long-term psychological damage.

"Shut up. You just wish you had all o' dis." He says, gesturing a hand down his body, nodding.

"Hah, yeah, and I want a along with that too."

"Shut the up Maya and eat your damn toast."

I looked to the island that worked as a divider between the kitchen and the living room and on top of it was a plate of buttered toast, a jug of orange juice and a plate of bacon and eggs.

I looked to my brother with loving eyes and my hands clasped in front of me, "Aw honey."

He walked up to me and pinched my cheek, "I know,  I'm fabulous. Now sit down and eat and once you're done I'll drive you to school. Your first lesson starts at 10am right?"

I nodded with a mouth full of breakfast, there wasn't anything I loved more than breakfast.

Dongwoo joined me at the island, grabbing my toast and taking a very huge, very unappreciated, bite out of it, "I bet you're so excited! I bet you're looking forward to all the Korean eye candy and potential arm candy. Oh my god, what if you have a really hot lecturer with a super cute ! And if he bends over in front of you, you know..." He left his sentence up in the air, winking at me and flashing me his white teeth.

I rolled my eyes and shoved the piece of toast I was about to finish into his mouth, "I wish I was as excited as you. And no I will not go around copping a feel at my lecturers ." Dongwoo chewed at the toast pouting at me, "We should get going so I'm not late."

Dongwoo jumped out of his seat grabbing his car keys, "Kay, I'm ready when you are."

I looked him up and down, "Honey, you are not seriously going to be running around with your pecks hanging out and everything else are you?"

Dongwoo grinned at me, "I seriously am." He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the apartment.


"I can't believe you're driving me to school dressed in a bathrobe, boxer briefs and bunny slippers." I say when he's pulling into the parking lot of my new school.

"Hey, at least I tied it up in the front, if I was an inconsiderate douche I wouldn't even be wearing anything underneath my bathrobe, so be thankful." How modest. "Now get out."

Getting out of his car I rolled my eyes at him and pecked his cheek, "Bye." 

I made my way to the entrance, my head held high, shoulders back and a firm grip on my bag.

"You work that bubble girl!" Dongwoo shouted at me from the open window of his car. People around me looked at me, some sniggered and others shot me judging glances. I blushed, turning around I made a slit-throat gesture at him and he just laughed, driving off in his car.

That face.

I walked through the doors, using every ounce of dignity I had left. The school was very modern, everything coloured bright and made of glass and plastic. It had an artsy tinge to it with its abstract models and colourful paintings and pictures. I found my way to the main hall, using the maps that were around the school. There was an opening ceremony that was mandatory to attend for all the freshmen, it was to introduce us and welcome us to the University.

Outside of the hall's doors approximately 100 people were milling around, surprisingly enough, a lot of the students were foreigners of different ethnicities. It was a pleasant surprise. I stood at the edge of the people, not wanting to push my way through. Many people seemed to know each other already, I did not know anyone yet though.

"I told you we were late Taemin!" A mature female voice rand out behind me. I didn't pay much attention to it.

The person she was conversing with, Taemin, spoke this time. "We're not Minji, let's ask her. Excuse me, has the ceremony begun yet?"

I realised he was talking to me, turning around I see a short female with a cute chubby face and feline eyes and long black hair that bounce around her, she was probably Minji. Beside her was quite a tall, pretty looking guy with messy brown hair and a cute perky nose, he was probably Taemin.

I smiled politely at them, "No, we've got ten minutes before it starts but I presume they'll let us in in around 5 minutes."

Taemin looked dumbfounded for a second, but then eventually smiled. Minji jumped up cutely and threw her arms around me, "You're a foreigner and you can speak really good Korean!"

I was taken aback slightly, but Taemin gently peeled her off of me, "Sorry, she likes hugging strangers, she still hasn't grasped how to welcome people like a normal person."

Minji bowed repeatedly in apology, "Sorry, sorry, sorry. I got too excited." She stuck out her hand this time, "I'm Minji."

I grinned, and took her hand into both of mine, "Don't worry about it, I could do with some friendliness, I'm Maya."

"You have such a pretty name! It's so American!" She said excitedly, then she gestured to Taemin, "This is my friend Taemin by the way."

He raised his palm shyly, and mumbled a "Hi."

I raised my brows, "Oh god, if you guys hadn't told me I would have thought that you guys were a couple!"

Minji burst out laughing, her eyes turning to slivers of crescents. Taemin on the other hand had an air of disappointment around him but he laughed nonetheless. I quirked an eyebrow, was I smelling a one-sided love?

People started entering the main hall and the duo seemed to be swept ahead of me, leaving me as the very last person to enter the hall. As people climbed the stairs up to their desired seat, I looked for a spare one, preferably looking for the seat I hoped Minji and Taemin had saved for me.

Instead a friendly, and ridiculously handsome, face smiled at me gesturing at the empty seat beside him. I look behind me to see if he's actually talking to someone else, but clearly I'm the only one in his line of vision.

I walk up to him, taking the seat beside him, I smile gratefully at him, "Thanks, I was kind of having an issue with finding a seat."

He grinned at me, damn he was hot, "I could tell, this seat was empty so I thought I'd might as well help you out."

"That's really kind of you, I'm Maya by the way." I stuck my hand out to him.

He took my hand into his warm one and shook it, "Nice to meet you, I'm Daniel. Your Korean is impeccable, did you grow up in Korea?"

Shaking my head, I smiled, "No, I'm actually from Houston in Texas, but I was adopted by a Korean couple."

His eyes widened in excitement, "That's awesome!" He then began speaking in English, "I'm actually from California myself!"

I broke out into a grin, this guy was really friendly, "This is so cool! What are you majoring in? I'm majoring in Ancient Korean History."

Daniel's mouth formed an 'o', "No way! So am I!" I clapped my hands in excitement.

I was about to reply but then everyone around us became silent as the Principal walked in. I looked to Daniel and grinned at him as a way of a reply, he returned it and we both faced the front to listen to our new Principal.

Maybe this wasn't going to be that bad.


Hey guys!  How is your Christmas going?

I hope you're enjoying the story so far, I know its a little slow right now but I promise it will pick up. And I apologise for the lack of Sunggyu, but he will become a huge role in this story and will flip a lot of this aroud!

Please subscribe and comment if you can!

Love you!

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Oh lawd, I'm such a bad author, I'm working on the next chapter rn, hopefully I'll get it done >.


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Chapter 6: I'm so excited to see what happens next!! Ahhhhh!
Creal32 #2
Chapter 6: A great chapter update if u can
Omg this so good. I meant to subscribe earlier but I had forgotten. Cant wait til next update
ThinkPinkTink #4
Chapter 6: You have life to worry about. It's perfectly fine lol Just don't forget about your awesome story xD Great chapter. Love Maya.
Chapter 5: Lol I love this story he's the bastard I imagined him to be but I think that's y lol
ThinkPinkTink #6
Chapter 5: He got smacked! Can't say he didn't deserve it lol
Don't give up! I just found this story today and I'm already in love~~~
Chapter 5: Oh ho ho looky who just got hit mwaha you go girl! He needed that :D

ANYWHO I'm happy you're back!!! I thought you left me T^T I love this story so much I really do so I'm glad you came back^^
~update sooooon~
Chapter 5: Don't you dare give up on this story too -.- lol
This is one of my personal favorite stories, so please, end it, pleaseee lol ^^
I hope you update soon this time, keke :D <33
Chapter 4: Honestly I usually don't like to read Oc-Stories but this is an excepion. Maya seems really nice and I like to read about her. My favorite character so far is Dongwoo, but I also really like Taemin and Minzy (since I don't know so much about Infinite, but I'm a great Shawol and Blackjack). I'm looking forward to the next chapter!