
Sweet Moments

Kyuhyun kissed his co-performer.

Ryeowook was stirring his coffee inside Jongwoon’s cozy shop when he received the shocking news.

The strength on the spoon doubled without Ryeowook’s recognition, the brown liquid flew out, staining his neat white shirt.

-Well, I… - Jongwoon bit his lip worriedly.

-I’m fine. Why to worry about someone that doesn’t belong to you right from the beginning? – Ryeowook smiled faintly, but his eyes are full of emptiness.

-Are you sure you're fine? I think it’s… just the director’s request.

-Yes. I must go now, see you later – the petite figure stood up, unconsciously walked out the door.

Jongwoon’s eyes followed his steps as he silently sighed.


One sunny afternoon, the cracks appeared on the glass ball.

Ryeowook lifted his face up to the sky, watching the glorious sunshine falling into his sight.

Those sunrays, aren’t they eye-blinding?

How could you get lost in that brilliantness?

The cracks become bigger, and when the pressure is too much to handle…

It breaks into pieces.

The crystal ball is so luxuriously precious – just like my heart, weakly fragile.

He smashed it merciless, destroyed all the strings of thoughts and feelings; and he watched with victory as the crystal dust flies all over the sky.


No, the crystal has turned into rock already.


Kyuhyun’s face couldn’t light up a smile these days.

Ryeowook was playing hide and seek with him, and the older was so good at it.

He admitted, he was wrong.

Just one minute, the anger from the previous quarrel was enough to light up the possessive flame in his heart. And he was like a kid, doing anything to get his candy back.

Even with the harshest plan.

And now – his soul is empty, his heart is stabbed by a million knives, pain dominated him, as a tide wiping away everything.

Hurt, tragic, regret.

It’s all too late.

Why do you never know what you’ve got til it’s gone?


-Cho Kyuhyun, what’s up with all this? – Kim Jongwoon placed his arms onto the living room’s table.

Eyebrows raising up, the mentioned man threw his tantrums all into his spicy words:

-Aren’t you the reason for everything? You should have known!

-Kyuhyun, I repeat, Ryeowook is feeling upset.

The calm voice pretended like nothing happened destroyed all the emotional walls that Kyuhyun was trying to build up, and he screamed with all his strength:

-You think I don’t know? Ryeowook have quitted eating these two days! You care for him, then do you know my heart is ripped into pieces? Please don’t act like you’re the only one who treats him well!

Jongwoon’s eyes fluttered open in surprise. He took a deep breath:

-Kyuhyun, stop acting childish.

-Childish? – the other man yelled even bigger – So I’m just an immature man in your eyes, huh? So what if I kissed that ing girl on purpose? It happened anyway!

-You… - Jongwoon swallowed the next words into his mouth bitterly. Ryeowook was standing in the door entrance for the whole time; his body now shivering. He slowly walked pass the living room and enter his bedroom, closing the door with a loud thud.

Four eyes looking at each other, deadly silence took control.


Having used all his strength to close the door, Ryeowook lost all of his clarity, his limp legs struggle to sit down, using the wooden door’s surface as a support.

The corner of his lips faked an ironic smile.

So that’s how easy real love can end.

So that’s how painful you can feel when the heart was ripped into pieces.

So that’s how deep the tall figure had carved into your soul, unable to forget.

It’s just a knife cutting all the strings connected to those happy old days.

The crystal tears fell, as if to mock that bitter smile.

-Ryeowook! Ryeowook! Open the door! – the wooden barrier vibrated heavily as each knock hit against it.

-Ryeowook! Listen to me!

Could those senseless explanations fill his wounded heart now suffering from thousands of cuts?

Ryeowook didn’t want to know.

-Go away – he raised his hoarse voice, tiredly closed his eyes, and rested his head on the knees.

If he wasn’t the reason for all this, he would have provided me his firm shoulder, softly cuddled me into sleep, as giving me a quick peck on the forehead.

Will those memories be erased under the cruel steps of the time?

The bond connected us two had already been ripped apart from the previous quarrel.

Droplets fell more, clearing the make-up, revealing a vulnerable emotion.

-Ryeowook… - the knocks loosened their strength, then everything became quiet.

Frightening quiet.

So he gave up?

Losing his patience so fast, huh?

6 years and this is how it ends.

What about all those sweet jokes and touches?

What about all those secret hands intertwining, lips kissing?

What about all those whispers “I love you” on the stage, as if wanting the world to know about our relationship?

It’s over, it’s all over.

That a person wants to cry but all his tears has dried is the most painful moment of all.

Ryeowook opened the door, smiling emptily; the salty drops smeared his beautiful features.

A small body blocked his way, head rested on his knees, sounds of small sobs echoed here and there.

Kyuhyun cried.

Cry, so his soul could ease away its sorrow.

Cry, so his heart could stop suffering from this acid feeling.

Cry, so his love could delete its possessiveness torturing them both.

Lifting his head up, surprising to see the petite figure frozen by the entrance, clinging onto him with full force, broken words interrupting his own sobs:

-Ryeowook, forgive me… Ryeowook, I’m wrong…

It’s all love needs.

It’s all understanding needs.

Ryeowook strengthened his hold onto the firm back of the other, inhaling the familiar scent from the warm chest that was healing all of his emotional pain.

Never let go again, my love.

It’s such a miracle that when people fall in love, they can face anything.

Forgiving, is another kind of happiness.


-I did that, because I just wanted to make you jealous… I wanted you to know how horrible it feels…

-Gosh, what’s the point getting jealous with Jongwoon?

-He gave you flowers!

-It’s the fan’s flowers! He’s only passing them to me! You quarreled with me just because of that silly reason?

-I think loving you had turned me into some kind of a crazy beast…

Laughs echoed in the small room.

Confliction, pain, sadness, they all faded, like none of them had ever invaded in their little precious love.

Outside the window, the sun was giving away its last sunrays; the sunset wind gently whispered sweet harmonies of a love song.

A two people’s love song, love and be loved.


A/N: Is the last part considered as "Sweet Moments"? Kidding, I posted this here just because I want you guys to know, true love isn't a steady path spreaded with red rose petals. True love is the love which had experienced toughness, confliction, and yet the two people still find themselves falling for each other.

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Hanzo242 #1
Chapter 6: Wow each of this stories are soo imaginative and sweet. I really din't understand how you can write so simply and and yet so complex. I literally squealed at the first one. Anyways, its seems like you like coffee a lot eh? Cos many of your stories have mentions of coffee inside. Haha but that's just an observation I made. Thanks for sharing these wonderful stories!
Chapter 6: OH My God!!
I melted into a puddle of butter reading this one!!
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 6: Chochweeeeet
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 4: Wow a small misunderstanding can lead to those fights?
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 3: Lol the cat knows hes too young to see their parents kissing
Chapter 6: So sweet >o<
sweet sweet sweet

it s what i like from fluff stories,
u ll nod to the stories, agree that it said true
then u ll felt u blush like tomato bcuz of the sweetness ^,^
Chapter 6: SO SWEET!!!!!!! hurrrrr why are you authors making me feel like i should have somebody too? Lmaooooo

Great job on making me feel giddy :))))
YongWook23 #8
Chapter 5: I just found this and gosh please update soon!
wintertmm #9
Chapter 5: The members are great ers lol