Luhan, I Did This Because I Love You!!! [one-shot]




Your boyfriend always stay late at midnight go to clubbing. Of course as a nice girlfriend you don’t want him to sleep late for that STUPID reason?! 

Jieun/ Coco

Her name is Lee Jieun but her boyfriend always call her Coco, because of she really like chocolate then anything. She study at university with her boyfriend, she so happy about it. She is really innocent and naïve. She pretty and bubbly and I think because of that her boyfriend like her. She really likes to nag to her boyfriend. Although, she always nagging to her boyfriend. She really likes her boyfriend so much. Even she had to choose between the chocolate and her boyfriend?!! OF COURSE, she will choose her boyfriend.



Yeah, he is Lee Jieun boyfriend. He really handsome and cute sometime. Oh, one thing that her girlfriend like the most is his eyes that are really cute!!! He call her girlfriend by name Coco because his girlfriend always eat that thing. He is really calm and responsible guy. When his girlfriend angry he found that her face so cute and he really likes to annoy his girlfriend. Actually he really don’t like that her girlfriend don’t really believe him. He really likes her so much. Even he had choose between Im Yoona from Girl’s Generation and her bubbly girlfriend?!! He TOTALLY chooses his girlfriend.

Kai, Baekhyun and Sehun will appear as comeos. ^_^

main songNagging by IU feat Seulong 2AM (You can listen to this song when read this)



(Hehe, Just spam Luhan Picture ^_^. You like it?)

Hi, reader. Actually this fanfics already post by my friend but I’m sure you all don’t read this because you don’t who is she, right? But I will keep it secret (SHE REALLY LIKE IU SO MUCH!!! keke). Don’t worry this oneshot story, yeah I hope you like this story!!! Enjoy Reader~ ^_^. Please subscribe and comment…

And I already told her that I will re-post this story, so I'm not copy her story without telling her~

if you want to look at my IU one-shot collection click this--> click♦me <-- 


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Salsal28 #1
Chapter 1: Nice story author-nim, please update story iu with other exo boys like sehun, kai, and chanyeol hehe xD
Chapter 1: Gahhhhhhh...../melts from cheesiness/
Chapter 1: The ending is so cute!!!
jellar #4
Chapter 1: cute ending...great too
kpopiu #5
Chapter 1: Ur story is base on song " Nagging" right???
Chel_Sea #6
Chapter 1: Your oneshot is so cute XD
Chapter 1: HiHiHi .. Kyeoptaaaaa. X'D
Farys_Sya #8
Chapter 1: i like this story.
Chapter 1: too sweet..i might get diabetes xD
Chapter 1: feeeellss... >o<