Cruel Fairy Tale [one-shot]


I breathe and you will never know

I am alive and everyone fails to love

Including Me


Miss Jieun

iushe is the unlucky princess that locked from the real world, she cursed by her evil step mother. Her step mother cursed her, that she will never can be happy forever. All the happy end in fantasy book just a lie to her. Day by day, her life became more lonley and coldest day... will she can smile again?



 He is Jieun butler, he always take care of her. He willing to be there for IU, even he will never steps in the real world. It's because he love her so much since his eyes lend on her for first time. He miss her smile, her laugh and her cheerful side... will he see her smile again?


The Main Song of this Fanfics:

Cruel Fairy Tale {IU}




Hello Everyone :D

Remember the poll that I make? ohh, I you forget~ Its okay xD

But Myungsoo a.k.a L win that~

But this time I write about Our Nation Little sister, IU with The Ice Prince, L!!!!!!

I hope you like this one-shot :3


If you want to read my other One-shot just click this --> Click♦Me <-- enjoy reading :D


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OrangeAfternoon #1
Chapter 1: Great story~ continue pls ^^
Chapter 2: Continue to make one shots even more :)
I love it
Update :D I dare you to update :D