It's Impossible!!

My Dear Gangster Girl (Long Hiatus)

As school continued on it was finally lunch time, the bell rang and all the students headed towards the cafeteria to save their usual tables. Alot of the girls has  went up to Woohyun to invite him to sit with them but he politely refused them if you can call this polite "Oh my beautiful babes, I really want to sit with you guys. But I believe my dear members would be disheartened if I abandon them."

"Nope, we won't be" Hoya said out of no where. Woohyun shoot him a gleaming glare and smile flirtily back at the girls, sending them off.

Jieun sat quietly at her desk waiting for Cha-eun to come back from her "private" time so they could go to the cafeteria together, she took out her phone and started scrolling through photos that she have no memories of taking. While she was looking through her photos a photo of the DB's gang at the beach popped up. Minhyun was in the background wolfing down a piece of watermelon, Cha-eun and Dahee were both sun-bathing and lastly, Jieun was just eating ice-creaming while she tried to take the photo with everyone in it. She chucked quietly when she remembered on that day, Minhyun somehow got drunk. He thought this dude was a beautiful lady and kissed him. The dude landed a punch on Minhyun's face and walked away while the girls just laughe at his drunk behaviour.

Jieun was still thinking of beach day when an annoyingly familiar voice spoke up from behind her,

"Nice picture"

"Myungsoo, can you fu*k off?" Jieun replied without even looking at him.

" 'bout no? anyway, why are you calling me Myungsoo? Thought L would be easier to say."

"mister, you know what I think? I don't give 2 s 'bout you being called myungsoo or L. But anyway, L is soooo old-fashioned..."

Right before L can think of a reply, Cha-eun walked in and Jieun left with her to go to the cafeteria.



"Woah, dude... What was that about?" Seungyeol said, placing his head on my shoulder. *annoying bastard :<*

"What are you talking about?"

"Myungie, don't lie. You went and talk to her yourself, that's a first for you." Seungyeol pointed out.

"true that," Sunggyu joined the conversation.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

"Dude, she saved me yesterday... if it wasn't for her I would've been dead already."

"Technically, it was her friend that somehow wanted to fight someone saved you."

I shrugged Seungyeol's head off my shoulder and walked away muttering "whatever." But before I could walk out of the classroom I heard Seungyeol "whisper" to Sunggyu "Leader, I think our dear Myungie has been whipped. what d'ya think?"

"Yep, I agree with you."

I scoffed and walk away pretending that Ii did not hear what they just said. Seriously they are so delusional, I was just thankful that  she saved me yesterday, that's why I was talking to her. I couldn't like her at all, right? RIGHT? right, I mean we met like just yesterday, so it's impossible. What am I even thinking about? I should really go get something to eat before I starve.

POV end

DBs group was sitting at their usual spot outside of the cafeteria, it was just a patch of ground that was somehow very well hidden from the student body, the group chose this spot was because it was peaceful, pratically none of the students knows about this place. Minhyun was being himself wolfing down on food, Dahee and Jieun were both on their phone and Cha-eun was just browsing on the internet (they hacked into the school wi-fi PW).

"So, I heard your class has 7 new students, not to mention hot boys?" Dahee spoke up, looking at both Jieun and Cha-eun.

"Yea," Jieun answered bored.

"Are they as hot as the other female students describe them as?"

"Not par-"

"Of course, they look so yummy. Especially this dude, i think his called woohyun. His a player, I'm a player, we're a pair made in heaven!!" Cha-eun exclaimed out loud like the girls in Levi's group, cutiing jieun off.

"ru know I hord that they ore that INFINITE grop," Minhyun said with his mouth full of food.

Jieun decided that the conversation was too boring and tuned them out. For the rest of the lunch time, her phone was her only accompany.


After school finished Jieun has rushed to her part time job, she worked in a maid cafe. Her part-time job was her main source of income for now.The money she earns mostly goes to the rental payments and bills, but sometimes she'll work extra shifts to earn more money for other necessities. The cafe that she works in has weekly themes and it just so happens that this weeks theme was cat. All the staff members are required to wear their maid uniform cat ears and a cat tail.

Jieun took her time changing into her uniform since she wasn't exactly the biggest fan of this theme, she exited to locker room after getting changed. Students from her school knows that she works there but they never about it because if they do,Jieun will ensure that they will have a 6 month holiday in the hospital room. Jieun's shift are usually placed on rush hours because she's the most agile staff member not to mention also the prettiest which will attract male students from other school. Just as she was serving, another customer entered the cafe, Jieun was too busy serving other customers to notice that he came in here.

One of the staff members walked past her telling Jieun to serve the new customer, she put on a fake smile and walked to the table.

"Good afternoon, welcome to XXX cafe, What would you like to order?" Jieun asked without looking up at the customer.

"I would li-...." He looked up to tell the waitress his order but was taken aback when he saw Jieun. Jieun noticed that the customer stopped mid-way through his sentence, worried that something might he happened to him and the manager will blame her, she looked up.

"YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Jieun hissed out, while pointing an accusing finger at the customer.



yea, I know I'm a very bad author for making my subscribers to wait so long for that MIAHNEEEEEE!!! *bows in apology*

Did you gus like this chap? Yea I know not much Jieun X L action, but they'll come eventually :DDD

Anywayz, I'm very thankful for you guys not unsubscribing me!! for that I LOVE YOU GUYS WITH ALL MY HEART!!!

people, comment, subscribe and LOVE MEEEH XDDD




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ok, i really can't hold it in anymore,. so here's the new fic.XD


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I'm waiting for the next chapter..x)