Will today be better?

ღℱ a l l i n g for his act.

Sung Hyo's Point of View:

I didn't dream of anything. The only thing that I remembered was going to sleep with those Oppas looking at me, and I was in Key's arms. I felt someone shaking me, and it was Key oppa. He repeatedly said "Wake up. You have to take a shower. You kind of stink right now and you have to go to school." I sat up from the couch. "I'm glad to see that you're okay." I said groggily. He patted my thigh and handed me a towel, a box of female underwear and a new school uniform. "Uh, I can't take the school uniform." He looked at me in disbelief. "Why not?" "Because doesn't it belong to someone else?"

He tsked at me. "Tch. No. Are they any other girls in this apartment right now? No. So that belongs to you. Don't worry about it. Just use it." I stood up from the couch and he gently slapped my lower back. "Okay hurry now. You have to go soon after eating breakfast." I went inside the bathroom and it was really pretty. I didn't want to mess anything up so I was careful when talking a shower.

I came outside and everyone was already eating breakfast besides Key oppa, who was still working on cooking more food. Everyone except Taemin of course acknowledged my presence. "Come sit next to me and eat." I looked where the voice was coming from and it was Minho oppa. "Okay~" I said happily. The only downfall was that it was across from Taemin.

Key was cooking eggs benedict, and put mine in front of me. "Thank you for the food!" They all looked up from eating and smiled. Key stood next to me, eating his food. I got up from the chair. "Oh! You can sit down here. I'm sorry I took your seat."

He waved his hand. "It's okay. I eat faster standing anyway." Taemin glared at me. "Why do you have to ruin everything? You're corrupting my hyungs!" I've had enough of his behavior. Usually I'd be very nice but this time,I wasn't going to let it slide. I slammed everything down, causing the table to shake. Everyone looked at me surprised. Taemin was sitting there smirking at me. "What are you going to do? Hit me?"

I mustered up all my courage and yelled "What do you think you're doing? I haven't done anything wrong to you and you're acting like a child? Wow Taemin. Grow up!" He got up as well. "Who do you think you're calling a child? I'll have you know we're the same age." I wanted to slap him in his face. "Age is the same but the mentality is different." There was tension in the air, and the oppas finished their food quickly.

Onew oppa was finally showing his leadership skills. "Okay you two, break it off. You have to go to school together, you might as well be friends." We turned our backs to each other with our noses in the air. "As if." we both said. The oppas sighed, and dragged us to different places. Minho oppa  and Key oppa dragged Taemin to his room to make sure he packs his things, while Onew oppa and Key oppa dragged me to the car. "Don't worry. Today will get better. I promise."

I haven't met them for a long time, but I felt I could trust them. We waited patiently in the car and Taemin sat in the back of me. I could feel his eyes on me. This battle isn't going to end is it? I mentally pictured us at school.

-Sung Hyo's imagination.

We would arrive at school, and everyone would be doing their own thing. There would be girls that would rush up to Taemin, and I would go off to find my own friends. We'd both be in our separate classes. Taemin in a room a few doors down and I in class with his ex girlfriend Sulli.

My friends and I would try to ignore her taunting and get on wth school. We'd excel like always, leaving Sulli  in even more of a pissed off state. I'd finally stand up to her, and then she'd promise to leave me alone. My friends and I would celebrate victory by pigging out at lunch. And after school when they would come to pick up Taemin, I would see the oppas again.

I would hug them, and we would promise to be friends forever. Taemin would then loosen up and he'd want to be my friend to.

-End Sung Hyo's imagination.

Sung Hyo's Point of view:

My day dream was abruptly interrupted by the screeching and sudden stop of the car. Jonghyun was driving, and he wasn't a person that was completely safe. Minho oppa  stayed quiet like always, Onew oppa stepped out of the car and Key oppa was nagging at Jonghyun oppa.

"Yah! Don't you know how to drive? What if we crashed into something and we got hurt? It would be your fault!" Jonghyun oppa tried to ignore his remarks, but he eventually snapped. "Key, come on I was just having some difficulty driving. Now you should drop it. okay?"

Key oppa rolled his eyes at him. "As if. When we get home you're going to get it." I heard Jonghyun oppa let out a huge groan and sigh. Onew oppa opened the door for me and soon everyone else got out of the car too. School wasn't supposed to start so we had some time to spare.

I bowed down to the oppas. "Thank you so much for last night and today. I really appreciate that you let me shower and eat breakfast in your home." They all smiled at me sheepishly while rubbing the back of their heads. "It doesn't matter." Jongyun oppa suddenly hugged me. "We should all be friends. You seem like a nice girl Sung Hyo-ah." I took the compliment. "Thank you. You're right we all should be friends."

They all took out their phones, fighting to be the first one to give their phone to me. "I want to be first!" said Onew oppa. "No I want to be first!" argued Jonghyun oppa.I looked over at Taemin to see how he was doing. He just rolled his eyes at them. I grabbed Minho oppa's phone first, leaving everyone else pouting. "Don't worry guys! I'll put my number in all of your phones." After I was done, it was about time to go inside.

They said "Have a good day at school you two!" They all turned to me. "We'll text you later so make sure you reply back. Okay?" I smiled. "Okay, I'll make sure I text you guys. Have a good day!" I waved as they drove by. I didn't stop waving until they were out of sight.

I turned around and saw that Taemin was still standing there. "Why are you still standing there?" He scoffed at me. "You should ask yourself that." He said in an annoyed voice and walked away. I shrugged and walked in the opposite direction. When I got there, he was also about to go to his class. "Are you following me?" he asked. I shook my head. "What are you talking about? My classroom is right here." I said as I went in front of the door.

He went in front of a door that was next to the one I was standing to. "This is my classroom." We gave each other evil glares and went inside our separate classrooms. As I walked in, Sulli and her wannabe friends ran up to me. "What do you think you're doing talking to Taemin?" I scoffed at them. "Do you think I like him? I hate his guts!"

As soon as I said that, they backed away. "Since you said that, we'll leave you alone whenever you're together. It seems he hates you too. Maybe it's because you're such a nerd." Sulli said. I need to get a makeover and become pretty. Maybe then they'd leave me alone. I have to become prettier than Sulli.

The day went fairly well. Sulli left me alone due to the fact I said I hate Taemin. Before I knew it school ended. My friends and I were hanging out for a while at the front of the school. Unfortunately, they had to leave after a while. I waited a few more minutes. And when I got up, I noticed Taemin standing next to me. I was surprised, and the car I rode in this morning parked in front of us.

Ah. So the oppas must be here already. They all came rushing out, bombarding me with hugs. "Oh we missed you!?" I giggled. "I missed you too oppas." Then they asked me "How was school today?" I replied. "It was okay. It's been better than what I've been going through recently." "What about you oppas?"

They smirked at me, which was a first. "We have been thinking the whole day, and we'd like to tell you something important." "What is it?" I asked innocently. "We'll have to tell you at home. But first you have to give us your phone number." said Onew oppa.

They all rushed and brought out their phones, fighting to be first to get my number. "I want her number." said Key oppa. Jonghyun oppa pushed him to the side. "No, I want her number first." I burst out laughing, causing them to stop arguing. "Relax guys, I'm going to put my number in all of your phones." One by one I did, and I hopped in the car.

Almost immediately when we got there, Onew turned away from the wheel and looked at Taemin. "Taemin-ah. Go to the marketplace by yourself and buy ingredients for tonight's dinner." Taemin groaned and complained. "Why does it have to be me? Aren't you guys the hyungs? You do it." Here we go again.

Onew oppa was firm. "You have to go. Now go." He sighed, and I saw him walk away pouting. We all walked up the stairs because the elevator was broken. By the time we arrived, we were exhausted and collapsed on the floor." Well almost all of us. Minho oppa was the only one with enough strength in him to stand properly.

"So what is it that you wanted to tell me?" They all were sitting upright as Minho oppa cleared his throat. "I want to tell her." They all shrugged as if to say "sure." He sat down next to me and held my hand. "How would you feel if we wanted to give you a makeover?"

I was really confused. "Why would you want to give me a makeover?" Minho stood up and paced back and forth. "Well, this is going to sound so creepy but we did a little research on you. We noticed that Sulli still has feelings for Taemin, and also that she's picking on you. And Taemin is really upset at you for no reason." I bit my lip. "Go on."

He sighed. "Well, we wanted to give you a makeover to have you become even more beautiful than Sulli, and get Taemin to fall in love with you so he won't be mean anymore. How does that sound?" The memories of my thoughts back at school raced through my mind. "I'll do it."

They all jumped for joy. "Okay, Key will get started right away. We'll be at home to distract Taemin." I was pushed out of the door by Key oppa with no warning whatsoever.

Taemin's point of view:

I was so ticked off that my hyungs made me go and buy ingredients for tonights dinner. It's as if they changed just for that girl. What was her name? Sung Hyo. I hated her even more now. I used to be the one that they spoiled. Ugh. I randomly picked up vegetables and items. All they said was to buy ingredients for tonight's dinner. They didn't say anything abotut for a specific dish.

I was done in a flash after I was satisfied with everything. I walked back home and I was informed that the elevator was broken. Dang. Now I need to walk up the stairs. I started walking, regretting that I bought so many things. I rang the doorbell and Jonghyun hyung answered the door. "Oh, Taemin-ah you're home."

I dragged my feet and set down all the ingredients aside on the dinner table. Minho hyung and Onew hyung were busy watching tv. They looked up and saw the enormous amount of bags I had filled with food, yet they didn't do anything. Although Key hyung was the umma, they had a tendency to scold me everytime I did something wrong. Why aren't they mad at me?

I felt something was up. I looked for Key hyung but he wasn't there. "Where did Key hyung go?" Onew hyung lazily replied to me. "Oh? Key went to drop off Sung Hyo at home. He'll be home shortly." "Okay."

Sung Hyo's point of view:

I honestly didn't know what to expect. When I looked at Key oppa's clothes, they seemed a bit too flashy for my tastes. But I trusted him anyway. He threw off my glasses and removed my hair from it's ponytail. "First, we'll have to do something about his hair."

He dragged me to a salon, and I felt my hair being cut off. Key oppa was staring at me the whole time, supervising the hair stylist's work. Is he secretly a perfectionist? He then handed me a magazine to read to try and keep me distracted. I've never read a magazine before, and it was quite the experience.

It was about one hour until my hair was done. The stylist dyed my hair a caramel brown, added in blunt bangs and put it up in a pretty bun. "There you go." she said. "Do you like it?" It was a different style than what I was used to, but I couldn't deny that it was beautiful. "I love it!" I said.

Key oppa came out of nowhere and said. "Come, we're going to the contact store now." He dragged me a few doors down. Wow. He picked a place that has everything. We stepped inside and he quickly purchased a pair of contacts. "We don't have that much time." He put the contacts in for me, and I could see more clearly unlike after I got my haircut.

Next we went to a clothing store where he purchased a bunch of clothes. The colors were mainly pink, beige, ivory and black. He made me put on a white dress with pink insert. I can't really wear this to school.. We rushed out of there and our next stop was a shoe store. He bought me white pumps, and we started rushing out the door again when I saw Sulli.

She seemed to have noticed me, as well as her friends. She had that look on her face that I beat her. Maybe I finally won? Key oppa drove us back to his apartment, and we slowly walked up the stairs. He was afraid I would accidentally trip and fall. He opened up the door himself and barged in.

Everyone looked up from what they were doing, shocked. "Ta da! This is a masterpiece made by almighty Key!" he exclaimed. Taemin seemed to be under a spell as he approached me. "I never really noticed it before, but you're really pretty. I'm sorry for the way I acted. Will you forgive me?"

I pinched both of his cheeks. "Sure I'll forgive you."

A few months passed, and Sung Hyo continually kept the style Key had originally gave her. Sulli never bothered her again, and she was known to be a Queenka. She never gave up her old friends and stuck to her roots. She did well in school, this time with Taemin by her side as a good friend. Taemin's feelings grew for her more and more. He finally noticed how sweet of a person she really is. It was white day, and all the guys tried to give Sung Hyo presents. Taemin also tried. "Will you accept my heart?" Sung Hyo too fell in love in the process. She accepted the candy, and the whole school cheered.

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Sweet story :) Though it was kind of wierd that Key got drunk, because it led me to thinking the fanfic would be about him :p Oh wells. I also think it was slightly rushed at the end, and kind of superficial for Tae Min to be nice to her just because she was pretty...but overall a well written piece :) I think you wrote about her giving her phone number to SHINee twice though..o.o By the way, please don't take any of this offensively, I'm simply offering my criticism. Feel free to ignore it :D
So cute! ~
Thank you so much! ;) I love it. <3
It's awesome! Key drunk.. I thought he would like dance to...Genie on the street! XD