I'm not perfect.

ღℱ a l l i n g for his act.

Sung Hyo's Point of view:

It was a tiring night. I stayed late at the school because the teachers wanted me to help them with grading and sorting out their work. I couldn't say no of course. I am a pushover but I have always been happy about it. It's not like it's a bad thing, right? I also did it to avoid Sulli. She always had a tendency to pick on me, although I had no idea why. I tried to avoid her as much as possible, even if it meant being in upper level classes to ensure I wouldn't have her in any of my classes.

I had to walk home because my parents wouldn't pick me up this late at night. They trusted me anyway, which I was grateful for. The only bad part about my life besides being picked on my Sulli and her friends, is that I had to pass by numerous bars to get home. It was a hassle especially during the night time when people were frequently drunk. They would either hit on you or, attempt to pick a fight with you.

It was pretty quiet tonight. Maybe not that many people are in the bars tonight. I kept walking until I saw a ddubboki stand. I was pretty hungry from all the work I had to do, so I stopped by to buy some. I walked away from the stand, munching away at my food. I only took a few bites before I passed by another bar, and a man almost got run over by a car.

I dropped my food, much to my dismay and pulled him out of the way. I looked at the man, who was holding onto me. I tried to push him off and when I finally succeeded, I put him down on a bench. He spoke to me with a slurred voice. "You, should help me get home." I looked at my watch. It's going to be morning soon. But I can't just leave this drunk person here. Who knows what might happen?

I rubbed his back to make him feel better, and brought out a bottled of water. "Here drink this. It should help you." I hope my parents won't mind. I'm helping out a drunk person anyway.

He took a sip of the water and told me again "You should help me get home." I looked around, in case anyone was looking for him. "Are any of your friends here with you?" I asked. "No, they're all- home." His head was moving back and forth. Okay, I really need to get him home now. I asked him "What's your name and where do you live?" He gave me a wicked smile. "My name is Kibum. But you can call me Key. I live over there." He pointed to a building a block away. At least it isn't that far.

I put his arm over my shoulder and started walking towards his building. He was pretty light, so it wasn't a burden to bring him home. Upon arriving, there were security guards outside. They looked at me suspiciously, and I nudged Key. "Um, do you have an identification card that you could show them?" He scoffed and reached for his wallet. He handed it to me, and I searched for his I.D.

I looked at the picture and he had pretty weird hair. He's one unique character. I shrugged it off and showed his identification card to the security guards. They nodded to me and said "You can go right on up. He lives on the 9th floor by the way." I smiled at them brightly. "Thank you so much! We'll be going  up now."

I want inside the elevator and luckily no one was there. I pressed the "9" button and waited until we got there. The elevator ride was a bit rocky, and that seemed to make Key's condition worse. He groaned the whole way. I squatted down to his level, comforting him. "Don't worry, you'll be okay. We're almost at your home."

The horrible elevator ride finally was over. I dragged him outside, because I had almost no energy left in me. "Which one is your house?" He pointed to the a door, that was the last one in the hall. I walked there quick enough to get home quickly, but slow enough not to accidentally make him throw up. I rang the doorbell once, but no one answered. "Oh right, I forgot. Do you live with anyone?" He nodded. "Yeah, my friends. Ring the bell one more time."

I rang the doorbell once more, praying that someone would answer. Someone finally did. I looked inside the screen and the person asked. "Who is it?" I answered back. "Um, I have your friend Key here. He's a bit drunk and can't walk on his own."

He opened up the door and let me inside. "Thank you~" I almost forgot to add in a smile in the struggle. He helped me carry Key to the couch. "So what's your name?" I bowed down to him. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be so rude. My name is Park Sung Hyo. And you are?" He stood up and towered over me. "Me?" He laughed. "My name is Jonghyun. You should meet the rest of the guys since you brought Key home. Let me go get them."

He went inside 2 rooms and I could hear him knocking on the wall from outside. I was now sitting on the couch next to Key, with the little space that was left. I could hear groaning from inside and the person who told me he was Jonghyun kept yelling at them. "Yah! We have a guest here. Get up now!"

Another person came out with Jonghyun, but he was dragging him by the ears. The other man looked at me sleepily. I smiled at him brightly and bowed. "Hello. My name is Park Sung Hyo. It's nice to meet you." He stared at me blankly, and I noticed that Jonghyun was not getting aggravated. He made the other boy bow to me, which I felt bad for. "I'm sorry! You don't have to bow to me."

Jonghyun looked at me up and down. "Oh that's right. You look a little young. How old are you?" I answered swiftly. "I'm 17 years old." This time he smiled brightly. "So that means Minho, Key, Onew and I are your oppas. Now you have to call us oppas." I smiled nervously. "Okay, nice to meet you Jonghyun oppa and.." The sleepy oppa was now fully awake. He sat down on the floor in front of me. "I'm Lee Jinki but they call me Onew." I bowed to him again. "It's nice to meet you Onew oppa."

This time another man came out, and he seemed perfectly fine unlike Onew oppa when he came out. It seemed as if he saw me, and his eyes became wider. "Jonghyun hyung. Did you bring another girl over? Don't you know how to take her out for a fun date?" the guy complained. Jonghyun whacked his head. "Babo. This isn't someone I brought over. She brought Key home because he was drunk."

He sighed, and went near me. I backed up slightly, afraid of what might happen. He had this kind of flaming charisma in his eyes that was a bit intimidating. He plainly said "I'm Minho." I bowed to him again, remembering that he was supposed to be my oppa. "Annyeonghaseyeo, my name is Park Sung Hyo." I suddenly felt that I was becoming a robot. "So is this all of you guys? There isn't one more is there?"

Onew oppa yawned and Jonghyun oppa was now sitting on the floor too. "There's one more. He's the youngest. I think he's the same age as you. So you two can be chingus. Also by judging on your uniform, you also attend the same school." "Really?" I asked while looking down at my uniform. Is it someone I'm close with? Jonghyun oppa  got up again and entered one of the rooms he went in before. I heard him yelling more fiercely. "Oi maknae! I said to get up because we have a guest!"

Jonghyun oppa came out with an angry expression but it quickly disappeared. "I'm sorry for that. It's just that our maknae can be so stubborn." A minute later, out came a person with messed up orange colored hair with only his boxers on. I covered my eyes and Onew oppa said. "Taemin. Go put some clothes on. This isn't appropriate for the guest to see." Taemin angrily looked at his hyungs. "Yah! First of all you wake me up from a good dream, then you ask me to put on clothes when I don't want to? Shiro!" He stuck out his tongue.

He then glared at me. "You must be the reason why they're being so mean to me right now. They're usually very nice. You're a nuisance. Go home." He spat out angrily and went back inside his room. Those words were like poison. Why does this remind me so much of Sulli? Minho shook his head in disappointment. "Don't worry about him. He's usually nice. If he sees you at school he'll probably forget he was mean and be your friend. He just is upset over his ex girlfriend Sulli. I think she also goes to your school."

My heart sank. No wonder they sound alike. They've dated before. My mom and dad would always tell me not to date early because once you spend too much time with someone, you end up becoming like that person. Then it'd be hard for you to change. I put on a smile. "It's okay. I know he's upset. I disturbed his sleep." I looked over to Key who appeared to be fully asleep. "I guess I should be going home now. I'm sorry to have troubled you."

I got up to leave, but I felt a hand pulling me back. I looked back and it was Key oppa. He was slightly awake now. He groaned "Don't leave me. Me and the guys will drop you and Taemin off at school tomorrow." He pulled me down and I was next to him. I looked up at the others. "Is that okay?" They nodded happily. "Of course it is! You helped Key come back home safely. Rest up and we'll wake you up when it's time." I guess I was so tired, because I immediately fell into a deep sleep.

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Sweet story :) Though it was kind of wierd that Key got drunk, because it led me to thinking the fanfic would be about him :p Oh wells. I also think it was slightly rushed at the end, and kind of superficial for Tae Min to be nice to her just because she was pretty...but overall a well written piece :) I think you wrote about her giving her phone number to SHINee twice though..o.o By the way, please don't take any of this offensively, I'm simply offering my criticism. Feel free to ignore it :D
So cute! ~
Thank you so much! ;) I love it. <3
It's awesome! Key drunk.. I thought he would like dance to...Genie on the street! XD