Help me, Taeyeon ah~

A Promising guy or a Rich one?

Another day after school....


"UGH~ Mom..i'm home!" Tiffany plopped herself on the sofa as soon as she enters her house.

"Tiffany ah~"

"Yes mom?"

"Stay at home tonight okay?"

"Huh? Why mom?"

"You'll know tonight..just don't go out..okay?"

"Fine...but why are you being so secretive about this?"


Receiving no response, Tiffany got up from the sofa and head to her room to refresh herself with a hot bath.




In a blink of an eye, it's already 7pm.

"Mom~ Can we eat now? I'm starving.." Tiffany whined while peeping at the food on the dining table.

"No...just wait a little longer.."

"Haishh..i seriously don't get it...why can't we just eat?"

"Be patient, Ti-"

Suddenly the bell rang...leading Tiffany's mom to the door.

"Oh! He's here~"

'He?' Tiffany thought.

"Hi, Siwonnie~" Tiffany's mom welcome Siwon with a warm hug.

'Siwon? ..what is he doing here?' Tiffany mentally cursed him.

"Hello, Fan- Tiffany!" Siwon waved at her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Tiffany glared at him.

"Well..your mom in-"

"I invite him here for a a problem with that..?" Tiffany's mom look at Tiffany.

"Got a problem with that? Are you kidding me? Of course i do.." Tiffany challenged.

"Whatever your reason is, Siwonnie is already let's just have our dinner besides, didn't you say you're hungry?"

"No..not anymore..." Tiffany said nonchantly.

She make her way up the stairs before her mom could even stop her.

"Yah! Tiffany Hwang! Where are you going?!" Tiffany's mom shouted.

"I'll join you guys later...." Tiffany lied, increasing her pace up the stairs and enter her room, closing her bedroom door after that.

"God...i need Taeyeon to help me now.."

Tiffany picked up her phone and dialled Taeyeon's number.




"Fany ah? Why did you call me?"

"Tae~ Help me..."

"Huh? What happen?" Taeyeon sounded panic.

"Siwon is in my house right now..." Tiffany whined.

"And you want me to chase him out?" Taeyeon chuckled over the phone.

"Nooo~ I want you to save me.."

"How do you want me to do that?"

"Bring me to your house..." Tiffany suggested.

"What?How am i gonna do that? Your mom will definitely stop me from entering your house...just accompany Siwon, Fany ah~"

"I don't want to...and don't worry, i thought of a plan!"


Tiffany tells Taeyeon how she wants him to save her from Siwon.

"WHAT? Are you kidding me?"

"Waeee~ You always do that when we're kids..that's how i always sneak out off house and into yours during our childhood days.." Tiffany whined.

"You already said it's during our childhood days... so how am i suppose to carry you down from your room using the tree? I'm not as agile as before, Fany ah.." Taeyeon explained.

"But..Tae~ Please~ I really don't want to be with Siwon..." Tiffany begged.

"Then just tell your mom, Fany ah~"

"As if that would work...please, Taeyeon~ Please~Please~Please~" Tiffany whined cutely.

"Aistt~ Fine...." Taeyeon gave up.

"YAY! Come quickly okay? I'll be waiting..bye~"


-Call ended-


Tiffany walked towards her mini balcony, waiting for Taeyeon to appear on the tree which was just right infront of her.



After a few minutes, she saw what she had been anticipating.

"Fany~" Taeyeon called out softly.

"Tae~" Tiffany waved at him.

Taeyeon climbed up the tree slowly but carefully.

"Be careful, Tae.."



"Give me your hand.."

Tiffany put her hand on top of Taeyeon's and climbed on to the tree, joining Taeyeon.

Once Tiffany  was on the tree, Taeyeon slipped his arm under her thighs while the other arm holding on to the bark of the tree.

"Hold on to me, Fany ah~"

"Mmm.." Tiffany circled her arms around Taeyeon's neck burrying her face onto his nape.

Each step Taeyeon make was so light in order to not let Tiffany's mom and Siwon spot them.



They were only about 2 metres away from the ground when Taeyeon accidentally lost his balance and fall onto the ground with Tiffany lying on top of him, resulting in a loud thud.



"What's that sound? Did you hear it, Siwonnie?" Tiffany's mom asked.

"Yeah..i heard it too~" Siwon replied.


"! Hurry Tae! We gotta go...Mom and siwon heard us.." Tiffany cursed softly.

"Urgh~ O-Okay.." Taeyeon groaned as he stood up, feeling the pain from his bruised back.

"Hurry Tae!" Tiffany held Taeyeon's arms and ran to his car.

As soon as Both of them got into the car, Taeyeon step on the gas pedal and sped off.

"YAY~ No more Siwon!" Tiffany cheered.

Taeyeon could only shake his head looking at the girl beside him.

"Urghh~" Taeyeon massaged his back to relieve the pain.

"What's wrong?" Tiffany asked, looking at the latter.

"My back~"

"I'm sorry...i'll apply medicine for you later.."

"It's okay..i'm fine.." Taeyeon gave her a slight smile.

"Thank you for helping me, Tae.." Tiffany said sincerely.

Taeyeon sighs..and looked at the girl.

"Anything for you, princess.."

















UPDATED! I know it's boring..but bear with it...i promise it'll be better in the next chapter..





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Chapter 3: Hi author please continue your story
Chapter 15: Continue please!!!!!!
gabiel #3
Chapter 15: AHH plese continue the story
Chapter 15: update soon author :)
Chapter 15: Wah~ Hope you will still update ^^
coffeeslur #6
Chapter 15: this story is awesome and kudos to Tiffany for not being a money-obsessed *beep* like her mother...

I hope TaeNy stays together. Taeyeon needs to understand that he's good for Tiffany and not Siwon with his money. And Tiffany's mother needs to sit down, drink tea and take a chill pill
danborobot #7
Chapter 15: wow its really beautiful story..
please update soon :-D
porkymama #8
Chapter 15: pls update.. so sweet
Chapter 15: update please!!! :'(