
A Promising guy or a Rich one?

"I thought i told you to stay away from that guy?"


"Are you even listening to me? "


"Tiffany Hwang!"

"What do you want, mom?"

"What do i want? I want you to stay away from that guy.." Tiffany's mom ordered.

" 'That guy' has a name, mom..and it's Taeyeon.."

"I don't wanna know about him, i just want you to stop seeing him.."

"Why? What's wrong with Taeyeon?" Tiffany challenged.

"What's wrong? Every part of him is wrong...He does not have the looks, neither is he tall and most importantly, he's not rich..." Tiffany's mom stated.

"Why are you always so mean to him? Why is being rich so important? Who cares about looks? I'm not gonna follow your ridiculous order,mom..." Tiffany walked away and went up the stairs, heading to her room.

"You better listen to me and date Siwon!" Tiffany's mom shouted, hoping to knock some sense into Tiffany.





Tiffany's room~


"Siwon..Siwon..Siwon..Siwon..what's so good about him?" Tiffany scoffed, grabbing her towel and entered the bathroom.





"Ahhh~ Refreshing!" Tiffany dried her hair while looking through her phone messages she'd missed while in the bathroom.

Many of them were from Siwon and she didn't even bother to read it. But one of the messages caught her attention, it was from Taeyeon.


To: Princess

What are you doing now, princess?




To: Dork Taeyeon

Just finish bathing...you?"




To: Princess

Me? Texting you~ :D



To: Dork Taeyeon

Lame...Remember to buy me milkshake..




Yes, i will...don't worry..i'll not forget..my mom's calling me, can't chat anymore

See you tomorrow :)



To: Dork Taeyeon

Okay~ See you too ^^



Tiffany then lay on her bed, thinking about what to make for Taeyeon tomorrow morning in exchange for her milkshake.







Next morning:

"Good Morning, mom.." Tiffany greeted while busy making sandwiches for her Dorky bestfriend.

"Good morning..i've called Siwon to fetch you to school today, i think he's coming soon..you better get ready..'' Tiffany's mom said, while making herself a cup of coffee.

"Siwon? Not again mom..why are you always pushing me to Siwon, you know i hate him.." Tiffany groaned.

"But i like him.."

"Then you can have him, mom.." Tiffany packed the sandwiches into a pink lunchbox and into a carrier.

''Ridiculous, Siwon likes you, not me.." Tiffany's mom shakes her head as she carefully sips on her cup of hot coffee.

"Whatever..i'm out of here..." Tiffany throw her bag onto her back, slipping her right arm into one of the bagstrap while wearing her shoes with another hand.

"Remember to greet Siwonnie 'Good Morning' Okay, Tiffany?"

"Do you want me to give him a kiss too?" Tiffany said sacarstically.

"That'll be great~" Tiffany's mom cooed.

"Maybe Next life mom..." Tiffany carried the carrier with the lunchbox, giving her mom a kiss on the cheek, and went out of then main door.



As soon as she went out of her house, she saw a figure leaning on a car, she was hoping it to be Taeyeon but unfortunately...


"Fany!" An irritating voice called out.

"How many times must i tell you that you're not allowed to call me that?" Tiffany glared at the guy infront of her.

"i'm sorry, i'm just used to it.." Siwon said apologetically.

"Change that habit of yours then.." Tiffany rolled her eyes.

"I will! For you, i will do anything!"

"Stop making yourself sound so noble..." Tiffany walk past him and waited at the side of the pathway.

"What are you waiting for? My car is already here.." Siwon pointed to his Rolls Royce car.

"Why should i tell you?" Tiffany glared at him once again.

"Fine if you don't wanna tell me...anyway, i bought you breakfast!" Siwon swayed the paper bag which contains the food, infront of Tiffany.

"........I've eaten.."

"But it's everyone's favourite, chocolate cake! Look! I got our personal chef to prepare it for you.." Siwon tried to offer her the cake again but he failed.

"It's unhealthy to eat chocolate cake in the morning....and for your information, not everyone likes chocolate cake..."Tiffany said.

"But-" Siwon was about to say something again but he was being interrupted but a certain honk.



"Fany ah~"

"Tae!" Tiffany ran towards Taeyeon's car which was just less than 2 metres away from her.

"Woah~ So excited to see me eh?" Taeyeon chuckled as he got out of his car.

"You bet! I've been pestered by that guy for an hour!" Tiffany complained.

Taeyeon then look at where Tiffany was pointing and laugh at her adorable complains.

"15 minutes you mean?" Taeyeon corrected Tiffany.

"Whatever..it's seems like an hour to me...and why are you even late?" Tiffany fake a glare at him.

"Well..thanks to this milkshake!" Taeyeon handed the cup of strawberry milkshake to Tiffany.

"Thanks Tae!" Tiffany poke the straw into the cup and starting slurping it.

Taeyeon chuckled at the cute sight infront of him and then he noticed that Siwon was staring at him.

''Oh! Hi, Siwon!" He greeted.

Siwon glared at him.

"Yah! Why are you glaring at Taeyeon?" Tiffany pointed at him, unhappy to see the way he treated Taeyeon.

"Why did you accept his milkshake but not my chocolate cake?" Siwon stated.

"Because i LOVE milkshake...not chocolate cakes.."

"Fany~'' Taeyeon nudged Tiffany to stop her from being mean to Siwon.

"What? Oh..this is for you Tae..." Tiffany gave Taeyeon the carrier.

"What's that?" Taeyeon happily receives it.

"Sandwiches~ I made it for you.." Tiffany eyesmiled at him, still slupring her milkshake.

"Thanks then.." Taeyeon smiled back.

"Where's mine, Fa- I mean Tiffany?" Siwon asked.

"Let's go, Tae..i don't wanna be late for school.." Tiffany got into Taeyeon's car, totally ignoring Siwon's question.

"But what about Siwon..." Taeyeon asked after getting on his car too.

"Just ignore him! " Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon.


"Just go Taeyeon, please~" Tiffany whined.

"Okay Okay..sit tight...." Taeyeon then started his engine and drove off, leaving Siwon behind, figuring ways to attract attention from Tiffany.



















Updated!  Advance Christmas gift from me...i'll not be free tomorrow as i'll be celebrating CHRISTMAS~ So..i've decided to update today instead.



Last but not least...i would like to wish everyone...." MERRY CHRISTMAS! HOHOHO~~~"



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Chapter 3: Hi author please continue your story
Chapter 15: Continue please!!!!!!
gabiel #3
Chapter 15: AHH plese continue the story
Chapter 15: update soon author :)
Chapter 15: Wah~ Hope you will still update ^^
coffeeslur #6
Chapter 15: this story is awesome and kudos to Tiffany for not being a money-obsessed *beep* like her mother...

I hope TaeNy stays together. Taeyeon needs to understand that he's good for Tiffany and not Siwon with his money. And Tiffany's mother needs to sit down, drink tea and take a chill pill
danborobot #7
Chapter 15: wow its really beautiful story..
please update soon :-D
porkymama #8
Chapter 15: pls update.. so sweet
Chapter 15: update please!!! :'(