A Wink in Tme Saves Me

A Wink in Tme Saves Me

Deep brown loving eyes concentrated on a face of another. The wind danced with black locks that covered those same glimmering eyes. A beaming smile curved by those pink lips, every now and then letting out soft chuckles at the foolish inquiries of the owner’s peers. This to me was a beautiful sight, heavenly even.

Yet… I’m sad.

Those lovely brown orbs finally met mine, gleaming with joy, over the moon. I smiled back. He raised his hand, waving as the other turned my direction seemingly fairly annoyed.

I don’t mind this.

I waved back, a smile still lingering on my lips as I came closer hiding away the displeasures behind a thinly layered facade.

They’ll never notice.

His smile grew wider with each step I take but the closer I get, my heart shattered even more.

My heart hurts. I’m deeply in pain.

This boy in front of me is my dream, my saviour, my guardian angel and my one true love. Never had I thought that he would be the one who catches my heart, making me give all that I have to him and him alone but never had I known that I would be the one to shatter my own hopes and dreams, to break every part of me. I gave a soft smile to the other beside him; a dazzling young girl, my one and only step-sister, Sonya.

“Hey sis, how’s it going?” she asked. I looked at him.

“Fine as usual”

I lied.

He gave me another heart-melting smile to my reply, one that I so fond of dreaming every single night. He and I have been friends for quite a while. Though my heart without his consent held onto him, I’m no more than just a senior in his eyes. A person he looks up to but never the person he would imagine a future with, therefore I’m sad. He put his hand on her Sonya’s shoulder and pulled her closer. Her face dipped in red with embarrassment. I looked away faking a smile to the others but not without a lot of effort.

They are dating… what was I thinking?

It was my step-sister who first confessed to him. She had a crush on him on that fateful day when they had to do an assignment together along with her friend Sara. They had gone out together countless of time since then and Sonya by then was far beyond admiration towards him. After consoling her feelings, they both agreed to date each other and they’ve dated until now despite that she knew of my feelings for him.

Where did I go wrong?

The slender latter looked at me with concerned eyes as he probably noticed me being absent minded in our conversation. I on the other hand refused to meet his gaze afraid that he might catch see through me like he always did.

I’m not letting my effort go to waste.

He heaved out a heavy sigh then shifted away. Sonya gave me an eerie look, anger laced with treat clearly seeping from her eyes when she noticed his back was to us. I glanced at her enough to catch her mouthing me to back off and so I walked away. I wasn’t doing this out of fear of her invisible wrath, nor was I threatened to comply with her but I was older, it made sense. To me, toleration towards the young are as compulsory as breathing air itself- well… if you want to live in a better world that is. Even so, I was hurt, badly hurt with this single policy I have in life because this was what made me in this state. This was the reason my heart died. This was the main reason why I held back on Key, the reason why I never fought back, the reason why I had let go of Key, the man of my dream just so he could easily be taken away.

It was a mistake.

            It was a mistake I made a few years back when I was hanging around with my friends and Sonya that a boy crying in the corner had caught my eye. He was wearing the first-year’s uniform while covering his face, making failed attempts to withstand his ridiculously loud sobs. A first-year crying in the corner, that’s odd, I thought to myself. Though then I didn’t know him, my heart fell into a pool of sadness at the sight of him crying. I took a step closer.

“Hey! What’re you doing?” bawled Sonya tugging at my sleeve. “I’m going there to comfort him what’s it look to you?” I said monotonously as I softly swatted her hand away and swiftly strode over to the boy giving her no room to retaliate. This was one of the reasons why I never really took a shine in Sonya. She would always appose those who are different from her; those who she thinks are not up to her standards. It bugs me to no extent.

Everyone has always admires Sonya for her outstanding beauties. She has flaming red hair tinged with orange curls that somehow shone a blonde colour on a hot day. She also possesses glittering green eyes that could capture anyone’s heart if gazed into them. Her scarlet lips that never fail to mesmerize every man were an absolute bonus for her. In a nutshell she was drop dead gorgeous. I am nothing compared to her, not even close to anything she is. My ordinary black curls and dark hazel brown eyes are nothing out of the normal; they’re merely a speck of dust beside her bewildering beauty. I am not an attraction even to my father.

I stepped closer to the boy who seemed to stiffen at my sudden appearance, hiding his face away. I sat cross-leg next to him, humming my favourite song. We stayed that way in silence- minus his uncomfortable sniffing every few seconds- not words were exchanged. I glanced at him only to find that he was inching further bit by bit trying to make a run for it but came to a halt when I said, “you know, it’s going to be alright.”

            He looked at me puzzled. I smiled still focusing on my fidgeting fingers unknowingly. I never put my finger on it but this unknown boy makes me have shivers all over.

“Is it?” he finally said.

“No matter how much you think you’re worthless or how much people say you are in this world, you’re presence plays a very important role in destiny. No matter much people say you’re not good; they always come back for more of your talents with or without you knowing it”

I absolutely had no clue of the problems he might face right then but I felt like saying that. He was silent for a good couple of minutes.

Bull’s eye.

I lured my eyes to him and locked our gaze; that was when I felt my heart skipped a beat. It was difficult to interpret at first but everything was as clear as water when he sat back down and caressed my hand. I liked him. It was love at first sight. He whispered soft thank you and we chatted for a while. Throughout the conversation I couldn’t take my eyes off his, though they weren’t as beautiful but somehow I find the charming.

I like you Key, a lot.

Months passed and I grew to like him even more. My friends were starting to question my abnormal behaviour but I just ignored them. They never paid any attention to Key; they never knew his amazing side like I do. They never thought he had any.

But I was selfish.

I knew Key would be an amazing person if given the chance to him, I knew people would admire him much more and would start hanging around him if this side of him showed but I was scared. I was scared that he might just forget about me if he had new friends and leave me behind to chase his other cool popular friends. No, I won’t let that happen.

I’m not taking that risk.

So I pretended like I didn’t notice a thing.

Of course bad intentions never lasts, Key started to out shine his old self with time. His astonish personality began to surface and it went noticed by the people around him, that includes Sonya.

“Hey sis, I think that boy’s cute don’t you?” Sonya nudged me from across the cafeteria table craning her neck to get a better view of Key. “Hmm,” I hummed to her question not really wanting to take part in any of her meaningless conversation. She kept bragging on and on about his nice features and cool attitude. Hadn’t she realised that this was the same loser that she hated the most? She’s lucky she’s not blonde or else I would’ve called her a bimbo.

Key came passing our table and winked at us giving us his best smirk to our direction. After her passed Sonya jumped about squealing at how he was so adorable, that he might just be interested in her and all her gibberish. I laughed.

“Bimbo,” I uttered under my breath.

Apparently, Sonya had heard that loud and clear. She gave me a deathly glare, her gaze menaced with danger boring holes through me. I shrugged completely amused. She rolled her eyes in defeat- that’s the first- then presumed back to her gossips and brags. I continued to ignore them as they didn’t meet my interest at the time then felt my phone vibrated initiating that I had a new message. I took it out and flipped it open.

From Key

            One wink means I’m asking you out, two winks means I’m just going to take you out disregarding your answer.

            Confused I searched the cafeteria and found him sitting across out table. He winked again. I blinked bewildered to his actions then felt my phone vibrated again.

From Key

            That makes it two winks ;) I’m kidnaping you to the movies this Sunday.

I giggled. I saw Key gave a jump to his massage tone then flipped it open.

To Key

            Actually you’ve just given me another wink so that makes three winks in total J

            He laughed. The bell rang so I skipped off to class with a huge grin on my face. Sunday was four days away yet they felt like eternity in anxiety.

            “Sis you’re awfully happy, something good happened?” Sonya whispered catching me still staring out the window when everyone else had left. Don’t blame me that our school has beautiful vicinity. “What? N-nothing happened,” I stuttered earning a sheepish grin from Sonya.

“OK, if you say so”

It was funny how Sonya had only left me without further penetrating painful questions; she doesn’t even do that once every blue moon. It was odd that she didn’t throw a tantrum when I was obviously tried to run away from her question and yet I just decided to let it go, push the thought aside thinking that maybe she might have a change of heart.

I was dead wrong.

After that incident happened, Sonya went on doing unimaginable things. She wrecked my room, flushed my phone down the toilet and kept me up all night by locking me out of our shared bedroom. It didn’t make sense to why she did all that but I didn’t care. As long as I had that unofficial date with Key, nothing else really matters.

Sadly, fate wouldn’t have it that way for me. It was only for days wait but it was enough time for my heavenly lived life to turn into a living hell.

“Key and I are dating”

That news itself was sufficient to make my heart stop, literally. I couldn’t believe my ears, I wouldn’t believe them even so, Sonya’s smiling face and eyes gleaming with joy forced me to believe it was true. Still I had to asked, “you’re joking… right?”

“Nope,” she shook her head, my breath stopped. Sonya took my hand into hers then said, “I know you’ve like him and all but-“

“You knew?” I said cutting her words. She shrugged not a slight of guilt plastered on her facials.

She knew.

She knew of my feelings towards Key, that I love Key. “If you knew… then why did you-“

“May the best man wins, best girl in this case,” was all she replied.

My heart shattered to a million pieces. I couldn’t stop starring at the floor; a long chain of thoughts came rummaging my brain as I felt pain where my knees had hit the ground. Though the pain was excruciating, I was numb to feel anything both heart and body.

“Why?” was the only word I managed to utter.

“Well duh, because I like him, you’re not telling to break off are you?” Sonya retort nonchalantly.

I fought against tears that threatened to fall. Sonya didn’t even sound sorry, not the slightest bit. “Now if you don’t mind, I have a movie to go to.” She snatched the movie ticket from my hand, her heels and headed for the door. Only when seeing her grinning face from the ajar door slowly closing did it dawn in me.

She did it on purpose and there’s nothing I would do about it.

I didn’t eat the whole day and only stayed in bed crying myself to sleep. It didn’t make me feel any better but I didn’t intend to stop the tormenting either. Mother and father’s worries were easily shrugged off by Sonya; really for her it wasn’t that hard. It went on like eternity and I missed a few days of school but then got back to my senses reasoning to myself that I wouldn’t want to end up begging in the street for being dropped out of school because I was dumb. Plus Key was getting worried and had been miscalling me during my absence. I didn’t want him to know. Days went on normally after that like nothing has happed. Until now my love for Key remains. I didn’t promise myself to forget him that’ll be too hard on me neither did I oath to take revenge I’m much of a goody-two-shoes for that horror so I’ve decided to let it pass and let fate play its own cruel game. What comes around turns around.

“Ouch!” I felt my head hit against something hard bringing me back to harsh reality. I looked up and saw Key hovering above me inches away. He -for the first time- wore a very determined face focusing only on me. He pulled out his phone, opened the massage inbox then shoved it to my face.

From My Juliette

            Actually you’ve just given me another wink that so makes three winks in total J

            It was my massage to him. My Juliette? Is that what he calls me? I looked at him dumbfounded. Was there something wrong with that massage? He heaved a deep sigh. Then something I never thought was possible to have happened to me took place. Key leaned in and pecked my lips, my eyes widen in shock.

            “What are you doing Key?” I hissed scanning the area to see if the coast was clear.

“Three winks mean I love you,” was his reply.

            I stared at him startled. I opened my mouth only to have it closed again completely out of words and too taken aback to retort.

“I’ve always liked you, from the first time we met,” Key continued. “What about Sonya?”

“What about her?”
“Well weren’t you in love?” I asked.

“It didn’t feel right” he simply replied.

“And I’m right?”

He smiled and intertwined our fingers then said, “no matter how much you think you’re nothing, trust me; you’re never short of my everything.”

            I guess fate isn’t always that bad right? One good thing about cruel games is that the good guy always wins.



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Promi53ToB3li3v3 #1
Chapter 1: I swear if i had a step sis like sonya im gonna turn the tables around
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #2
Chapter 1: Sonya u.....!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahh at least they r together now! Hehe great oneshot!:3