Yoochun's Byung


DBSK's dorm when upside down when The Almighty Dr Shim Changmin diagnose them with Yoochun's Byung.


Notes : Courtesy of my darling sora_ciel ! Arigatou ne! <3 

"YoochunByung literally means Yoochun Sickness, a term that fans use to call Yoochun's sensivity and depressive disorder; and it was Changmin that came up with that term. 
It's a well-known fact that among TVXQ, YooChun is probably
the most sensitive guy whose
emotions do fluctuate a lot. Hence,
he used to feel blue and get
depressive very often. His family background and problems played a big part there.
During DBSK early days, Yoochun used to snuck out to Han River while the others were sleeping during midnight. Jaejoong most times managed to keep following after him in case of emergency, and since Jaejoong was pretty melancholy himself, it was no wonder he got infected himself. The reasons why JaeChun are so close and became soulmate to each other. 
YoochunByung got better during 2007-2009 pre-lawsuit, all thanks to Changmin and Junsu's crazy antiques.
He started to get depressive again right after the lawsuit began, to the point of locking up himself and giving up everything, refusing to meet anyone including Jaejoong. Thankfully Junsu managed to coax him up and brought him out of his depressive state."


---> i've added this explanation a little bit late. Gomenasai! Miannaeyo everyone! I hope you guys know now what actually is Yoochun's Byung m(_ _)m


I've posted this story long time ago. But i didn't notice that the story was marked 'friends access only'. Therefore i was wondering this whole time why no one read my story T___T 

That's when my darling  Haebaragiclouds told me about the friends access. So, instead of modifying the tag, i decided to repost it. Lot easier :DD anyways, do enjoy the story and do leave your comment, susbscribe me and be friend with me! because all of you are the reasons for my motivation to write! Ok bye! *runs & hide*


*peaks behind the door* ohhh.. and Merry X'mas to everyone who celebrates it and also, let's celebrate the DBSK Anniversary together Cassies!!! No matter whether we've seperated into HoMin or JYJ but one thing I do know about Cassies that we always believe in DBSK as 5 and we, ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH!! <3



Kireinoharu-chan <3


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soul_demon #1
Chapter 1: yoochun sickness..
oh i love this story :)
write again author-nim
buffy501 #2
Chapter 1: Sorry but what is yoochun byung exactly? Why chun depressed?
alexeil #3
Chapter 1: haha, nice story author-nim, i like this!!
*thumb up
Chapter 1: i really like this story,its makes me giggling from the cuteness and makes me sad by imagine junsu every night waiting worriedly for his chun! love this!

*smack shim changmin hard!!!!
eh? so this is oneshot?! i thought this is longer chapter!

ehey you mentioned my name~~~kkkk...