"Lady" and "Tramp"

"Lady" and "Tramp"

AN: Umm... Hi guys. I'm so sorry for taking so long *pouts* But finally, the oneshot is ready xD Though it differs a bit from the foreword that I'll be correcting in a minute xD

A pale, blonde haired boy was lying on his overly fluffy bed, staring at the ceiling with his feline, brown eyes. A soft sigh left his lips as he rolled onto his stomach.

The bed was so soft, but so vast.. Sometimes the boy wondered if he deserved like this, when others his age in the same dorm had to sleep on uncomfortable bunk beds. The again, he was Kim Kibum, the son of a wealthy businessman and a famous actress.

Ever since he had been small, barely old enough to even know what was around him, he had been pampered. He would always get what he wanted, let it be toys, books, or even pets he would later have to get rid of as he was allergic to them.

Whatever he wanted, had always been given to him on a silver tray. Until last summer, he loved it. He'd loved how many people craved his attention, how everyone wanted to help him, to shower him with gifts, not only his parents and servants, but other too. He just liked the attention – something he had been given since he'd been born.

But last summer, something changed... This something was more than enough to make Kibum realize that maybe, just maybe everything didn't revolve around him.

It had all started on a normal, almost boring day. It was in the middle of June, Kibum had barely gotten home from school. He couldn't have been happier to finally escape from the hell people called a boarding school. Maybe his room was luxurious, a lot better than anyone's, but it didn't change the fact that he was still caged like a bird, one that was expected to sing, yet only sat in it's cage, looking in front of itself, recalling the times when it was free.

Then again, Kibum was different as he had never really been free. He had always had places to go to, influential people to meet, celebrations to attend, a family to please. For the first sixteen years of his existence, he could never be truly happy. Because even when he was home for the first time in months, wanting to finally have some fun, he had to be somewhere, he had to do something. He hated it, but he was used to it.

Still, he yearned for something else. Something different, exciting. Something that would shock him, thrill him, make him happy. Yet even he didn't know what he wanted so desperately...

And still, on that bright summer day as the boy whose hair was a little lighter than now strolling down the street, looking around with a small, customary smile playing on his plump lips. He noticed plenty of his parents friends, as they knew almost everyone, looking at him with cheerful smiles.

Some had stopped him, complimenting his new hair, his flashy, colorful shoes, his bright blue T-shirt and his style in overall. Some pulled him over, pointing at some pretty girls, asking him if he liked them. Kibum would always shake his head with a tight, polite smile, eyes fixed on the ground. These type of friends were the ones that only stayed close to his parents because of their money. It was easy to spot them, really. They would always try to hook him up with cute but spoilt girls that would turn out to be their own, or someone related to them.

They would always smile at him awkwardly, wherever he was. Heck, even the principal of his current school tried to get his niece and the teen together!

To the blonde, who had had everything from day one, who had never lacked anything you could touch, smell, hear or eat, these attempts were pathetic.

Some could blame him, some could say that he had always lived a sheltered life. That he had no idea of what was really going on in the world. He wasn't stupid of course, actually he was quite sharp, but he still lacked something that only real life could teach people.

Because he didn't know how the friends of his parents had to struggle to keep their smaller firms going, to feed their families. Of course, now most of them were wealthy. But unlike Kibum, they actually had to work for it.

Said boy had never done anything in order to get money. He actually enjoyed this part of his life, so easy, so trouble-free, so simple in a way. So he never even thought about the people that actually had to do something for living...

Never, until that day.

Looking up at the cloudless sky, a small smile graced his lips, this time a genuine one. Out of the seasons, he loved summer the most. He loved feeling the hot summer's touch on his skin, he loved the ocasional, cool breezes that would make him let out a sigh in contentment. He loved the water, the sea... Oh god, how much he enjoyed swimming in the cool ocean, not caring about who could be staring at him.

Slowly, he continued walking, sometimes nodding or waving to the people that were greeting him with ear-splitting smiles. He cringed at one point when an elderish, baldening man pulled him over to his baby girl that was at least twice as old as the boy was.

After so many greetings, many forced smiles and waves, he finally reached his destination. A quite little cafe.

As he sat down at a free table, he wondered why he liked to come back here. Maybe it was the atmosphere – quiet, homey yet lively something Kibum had encountered in his life. Maybe it was the decoration. It was nothing much, to be honest, the walls adorned with vibrant pictures and paintings that gave off a cheerful vibe, the tables small and round, surrounded with at least three chairs each. They were quite plain compared to what the teen was used to, but he liked their dark color nonetheless.

There were some booths for couples in the corners, usually occupied as there were only a couple of them, and the cafe was quite popular despite its size.

Maybe, but only maybe what Kibun liked was that somehow he felt like he was an ordinary boy here. Somehow, barely any people seemed to care about who he was. He was treated like other customers, probably because most of the waiters were boys his age, and they didn't really care about who he was. Why would they when they had their eyes set on the pretty waitresses or the gorgeous customers?

The only thing that bothered him were the pretty waitresses who would always stare at him with wide eyes, adoration radiating form them as they squealed every single moment he moved or sighed. They were quite annoying, but Kibum still loved this place.

A waiter stepped to the blonde's table and took his usual order, not really paying attention to the customer. Seeing this, a small, victorious smile was hiding in the corner of Kibum's lips as he waited for his cafe, looking around.

He spotted a few familiar faces, a girl, the daughter of some smaller shop's man, a middle-aged woman, one that had been to one of his father's little get togethers.

Kibum shrugged a little, turning his gaze back to his table. But as he looked there, he noticed someone sitting on the opposite of him, a lazy smile on their lips. An annoyed huff wanted to escape the blonde's lips as he eyed the stranger, almost sure that he was another friend of his father, or some relative of a friend. He couldn't be sure though, as he had never seen the male before.

Dark, weirdly puppy-like eyes were staring at him intently, a playful smile playing on the other's lips. His hair was dark and a little messy, his clothes rather out of season. But there was something in him that had caught Kibum's attention, and had prevented him from snapping at the other for sitting down at his table without asking anything.

For a few minutes, the two of them continued to stare at each other. Kibum getting a little irritated, while the stranger smiling a little, a swirl of emotions in his eyes that the blonde couldn't really understand. Finally, the rich boy's order arrived. He thanked it politely, taking it quickly.

He started sipping the drink slowly, relieved that this time, he hadn't said hot coffee instead of iced one. Sometimes, especially in the last, warmest weeks of spring and the first few weeks of chilly winter, he would accidentally say the other, out of habit.

He would always drink it despite the fact that he would be able to just pay for another one. He never knew why though... It was just a habit, he guessed... Drink what he first ordered.

The stranger looked at the obviously younger boy, a glint of amusement in his dark eyes. He hadn't ordered anything yet, but he didn't seem to care.

Kibum rolled his eyes as he put his glass down, leaning a tiny bit closer as he did so. “Who are you?”He asked, his voice, genuine curiosity in his voice. For some reason, he didn't hate how the other was looking at him, though he was aware of the fact that the boy could have been a talker or a murderer. Okay, maybe not as he was obviously too young for that.

Kim Jonghyun,”the other stared, a wide grin slowly creeping onto his face,”nice to meet you!”He finished, outstretching a hand towards Kibum.

The blonde took it, feline eyes boring into the deep, dark ones. Both felt a shock of electricity course through their body, surprising them a little. Looking at the table, Kibum pulled his hand away.

I'm Kim Kibum.”He said, expecting something like 'I know' or 'Of course' as a reply. But Jonghyun only smiled, nodding a little.

You're name fits you.”The brown-haired male said after some time, still looking at the wealthy teen. “How come you're here alone?”He asked before Kibum could have reacted to the sort of compliment.

I like to come here alone.”The blonde answered, glancing at the wall. There was a particular painting there, one he really like. His gaze was now fixed on it, not even wandering towards his companion.

I see.”Jonghyun muttered.

Some time later, Kibum had finished his drink. He had called a waiter, and had just paid for his drink when Jonghyun suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the cafe, an excited smile on his face.

A soft sigh left Kibum's lift as he remembered his first meeting with the weirdly puppy-like male. He couldn't help but smile softly, a bittersweet pain of missing the other making him do so. He was the one that showed Kibum that life wasn't as easy as he thought, but it was way more fun as well.

Jonghyun was pulling the blonde not too gently, not really saying anything when he was asked about where he was taking the younger. He was intent on taking Kibum there though.

The blonde was getting a little annoyed. Normally, he would have slapped the others hand away and went home, but somehow he didn't want to do it at that moment. There was something in Jonghyun that made him want to find out where he wanted to go, and why he was taking him. His heart was pounding as they ran and ran until they reached their destination.

It was a small fair with many old merry-go-rounds, a few rusty booths with games, a big, threateningly aged looking Ferris Wheel with colorful little cabins.

Kibum cringed, the scent of sweat and greasy fair-food filling his nose. There were so many people there! He had seen crowded parties, many, to be honest, but at this place there seemed to be even more people.

The rush, the high-pitched laughter of children the weird, creaky sounds of the many carousels, the sea of people and just the atmosphere was making Kibum a little dizzy. He actually had to lean against Jonghyun for a few moments, looking around.

He had been to countless theme parks before. He had seen many fairs, many celebrations, but none of those were like this. His parents had never taken him to the town's own fair as it was 'small' and 'not for him'. Plus they never really had the time to go with him when he was young.

Jonghyun chuckled softly at the other boy's reaction. He already knew that Kibum would like it. When he first spotted the blonde, he seemed so lonely despite the fact that there was a small smile lingering on his lips. It never reached his eyes. Jonghyun being the hopeless romantic he had always been just couldn't leave such a beautiful being like this. He wanted to see at least one single true smile before they would part.

His actions might have seemed rushed to some, but weirdly, he felt connected to Kibum the moment he noticed him sitting in the cafe, waiting for his order patiently. Of course, he knew who the blonde was. Everyone knew him as he was famous because of his parents. And well, his looks.

Honestly, no one could ignore such a beautiful person. To Jonghyun, who was used to... well, normal people, Kibum seemed like an unearthly creature, someone out of this world. Yet there was this sad look in the boy's eyes that made his heart clench.

He wanted to see those eyes light up, he wanted to see the boy truly happy, cheerful as he should have been.

Something that even Kibum didn't know was that many people called him 'diva' or 'lady' behind his back. The reason was pretty simple. The personality he showed towards people was usually bossy, whiny, a bit obnoxious, yet he still had the fashion sense of a true diva. It was really hard to describe him, to be honest.

He would give polite smiles to everyone, but his voice would be sharp, sarcastic. His laughs would be forced as well, something Jonghyun had barely seen in his life.

You know, the brown-haired male had grown up rather differently from the rich boy. His parents had been quite poor, sometimes struggling to feed him and his siblings.

But they would always have dinner together, right before watching a family movie or playing some games. They would always grab the chances to have family-times, however poor they were. Of course now, they were in a better position as his father got a much better job a year or so ago. But still, his family was... a family.

Somehow he had a feeling that Kibum's perfect, wealthy family wasn't like his at all. And it saddened him a little, though he did wish that they had everything like the blonde did. But even now as they were in the fair, the younger looked so lost as if he had never been to a fair like this before...

Another sigh left Kibum's slightly dry lips as he glanced at his phone. Almost a year had passed since his first meeting with Jonghyun. An agonizingly slow year. He wanted to see him again so much. He wanted to feel his arms wrapped around him tightly again, to feel his warmth.

Jonghyun meant so much to Kibum, from day one. He was... different. The blonde couldn't quite understand why, but still. And this difference drew him in.

He glanced at his phone sadly, knowing well that Jonghyun wouldn't call him. At first he would call daily, chatting to the blonde for what seemed like hours. But Kibum didn't mind, he loved Jonghyun's voice. And still, the calls became less and less frequent. Of course, the teen lying on his bed had tried calling the other as well, but he would never pick it up.

Now, can you tell me why we are here?” Kibum asked, wincing a little when a kid bumped into him. The small boy stared up at him with wide, brown eyes before running off, a soft blush on his cheeks.

We are going to have some fun here, obviously.”Jonghyun said, grinning at the younger widely. He couldn't have been happier as Kibum had come with him. He knew that he seemed weird, suddenly dragging him off to a fair like this, but he also knew that Kibum deserved a day like this.

As much as Jonghyun loved going to a 'normal' theme park, it was still different from this. The crowd, the noise, the booths. They were something inexplicable. And he wanted Kibum to see it as well.

Minutes later, they were sitting on one of the merry-go-rounds, Kibum wincing occasionally when it would give out a creaking sound.

He was starting to enjoy it, sitting next to Jonghyun as they went round and round. He noticed some kids giggling in front of him, one of them playfully pushing the other a bit, a wide grin on his face.

He leant forward a bit, enjoying the ride.

But it had to come to an end, sadly...

Kibum pouted a little, pressing the call button on his phone. But Jonghyun didn't pick it up, which saddened the blonde. He missed that idiot puppy so much, why couldn't he just answer the damn call?

They went around the fair, sometimes even buying some food. The blonde didn't dare to eat much of anything, but he still enjoyed picking at Jonghyun's food occasionally.

Time seemed to flew as they strolled around, sometimes losing each other on the sea of people. But somehow they would always reunite.

They even sat on the Ferris Wheel. It wasn't too big, and the sight wasn't the best, but Kibum still liked it. He was sitting close to Jonghyun, their arms touching as the seats were pretty close to each other, and they weren't too big. But it just made the blonde's heart race even more, a slight blush gracing his cheeks whenever they would accidentally get closer to the other.

It was around nine when he walked home, Jonghyun following him to his mansion. Kibum didn't want him to leave.

They exchanged phone numbers before Jonghyun left, kissing Kibum's cheek before walking away.

The blonde stood in front of the gates for a while, a soft, true smile sitting on his lips. He couldn't help but feel... happy.

A tear slid down the boy's cheek as he recalled the first time he'd met Jonghyun. It was so weird, really. Butterflies fluttering in his stomach, his cheeks burning whenever the older had complimented him. Their arms so close to each other, touching. Holding his hand after they had lost each other for almost half an hour...

The second time he saw the brown-haired boy, was again, at the cafe, but this time, he was pissed. Well, not at Jonghyun, but at his father. It seemed like he was trying to set him up with girls again. They were pretty, gorgeous even, but they never made Kibum's heart race.

He was a bit mad at himself as well, as he know that his father was rather disappointed in him. But could he really like someone just because the old man wanted him to? He doubted it.

Jonghyun looked at the boy, a soft sigh escaping his lips. “Are you okay?”He asked softly. Kibum shook his head a little, frowning a little.

My dad kinda pissed me off...”He mumbled, not looking into Jonghyun's eyes. He hated talking about his problems to anyone because it made him feel vulnerable.

Aw, poor Lady... Or Diva? Which do you prefer?”Jonghyun chuckled, patting the blonde's head.

The younger glared at him, as he had always hated those 'nicknames'. He rolled his eyes before finally having an idea of how to take 'revenge' on the elder.

Neither, you Tramp.”He muttered in reply.

Tramp?”Jonghyun asked, chuckling softly at the 'nickname'. “Then I'll call you my Lady from now on!”He exclaimed, sticking his tongue out at the younger.

Hearing 'my' before his nickname caused a dark red blush appear on Kibum's face. He looked away, playing with his fingers awkwardly.

This little action made Jonghyun chuckle as a victorious glint appeared in his eyes. It seemed like ha had managed to distract the younger a little so he wasn't as mad as before.

Hopping off his bed, Kibum wondered if Jonghyun even remembered him. They had spoken for many times of course, which pretty much made the elder forgetting him impossible, but he knew that they hadn't met in a long time. There was a chance that the puppy, or Tramp as he called him many times had gradually forgotten about him, but at first he just didn't tell him over the phone.

Even the though had caused the boy to tear up. He had become sort of dependent on Jonghyun, over the time they had spent together.

It was weird, really. He had always felt attracted to the man with those gorgeous, brown eyes, messy yet perfect hair, and well-built body, but at first he just thought that it was just a little crush. Even when the other took him out on their first official date, he felt like it was very similar to the ones he had with those girls.

Of course, by the end of the day, he thought otherwise. He enjoyed walking hand in hand with Jonghyun, just looking at the peaceful little lake he had taken him to. There weren't any people there other than them, which was quite weird for Kibum. He was used to being surrounded by people.

Their next date was a bit more fancy. Of course, it was Kibum that had planned it! He booked a table at one of his favorite restaurants. At first, Jonghyun didn't like the idea of the younger taking him out, but somehow the blonde managed to convince him.

And they both loved that night. Nothing happened, of course, they've only known each other for a few weeks. They just sat on the opposites sides of the table, eating quietly.

The older male would sometimes ask the younger about something, making him blush or laugh softly. He would get his answers though, which made him happy. He wanted to know Kibum... He really did.

The only tiny problem was, that summer was passing too quickly...

Kibum could recall that day in July when he had to go to America for a week. He had forgotten to tell Jonghyun about it, which in itself wouldn't have been a problem, but the older had already planned their week...

I don't wanna go~” Kibum whined, sitting on his huge, king-sized bed. The older boy, who was now his boyfriend by the way, was sitting next to him, an arm around his waist.

Where?”He asked, as he tilted his head to the side, his voice laced with confusion.

America.”Key answered, rolling his eyes a little.”I've told you before that I'm leaving on Monday, hadn't I?”He mumbled, leaning his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, letting out a soft, content sigh.

No, you haven't.”Jonghyun muttered, his voice sounding a little angry. He felt the younger tense, scooting away from him a bit.

Sorry.”Kibum said softly, looking at the elder sad eyes. “I can't believe I forgot.”He added, wanting to slap himself for being so stupid.

Jonghyun sighed, wrapping his arms around the blonde's waist.”It's okay, Lady. I've just planned a few things but we can do it after you've come home.”He said with a sad smile, planting a gentle kiss on Kibum's forehead. “When are you coming back home, by they way?”He asked as he felt the other relax in his arms.

On the next Monday. I'm only going for a week for some stupid language-course thing. I already know English.”The blonde boy mumbled, pouting a little.

Jonghyun couldn't help but chuckle softly, pulling him a bit closer. “Hey, it's only one week. After that we can go out again!”He said cheerfully, though his voice seemed a little strained.

Kibum nodded and little and let out another content sigh, nuzzling his nose into the crook of the other's neck with a soft smile.

The blonde slowly walked out of his room, grimacing when he was spotted by a few of his 'friends'. Still, he went over them as they called for him, his usual, forced smile already tugging at the end of his lips. “How fake a smile can get until people realize it's not real?”He asked himself as he was hugged by a few people.

They asked him if he wanted to go out with them, but he shook his head, saying that he was feeling a little sick. One of the girls, the one with brown hair and blue, colored contact lenses pouted, hugging him tightly.

“Poor oppa~!”She said, her voice so high that it was actually making the blonde's head hurt. He said his goodbyes and went back to his room as he knew that he couldn't really go outside not that he had refused to go with them. They would have assumed weird things if they saw him.

He knew them, the only thing they liked was a good rumor, something to talk about even months later.

“Pathetic...”He thought, rolling his eyes.

Luckily, he reached his room in a matter of minutes. Dropping onto his bed as he kicked his shoes off, he rolled onto his stomach, burying his head in his pillow. He let out an irritated cry, angry, desperate tears soaking the pillow quickly. He really missed Jonghyun. So much it hurt.

He could still remember the day he had to go back to school. It was a rainy day, on the first of September. Jonghyun was helping him to put his luggage into his father's luxurious car. He could have asked the servants to help, but this way he could actually talk to his boyfriend.

I'm going to miss you.”The blonde stated softly as he put one of his bags into the back of the car. He was frowning a little, not only because he didn't want to go back but because he hated admitting that little fact, even to himself. Especially since it showed how much he relied on his boyfriend already, and they had only been together for a bit more than a month.

I'll miss you, too...”Jonghyun said, pulling the younger into his arms, hugging him tightly. He leant in slowly, kissing the younger gently.

Kibum smiled into the kiss, his eyes fluttering closed as he kissed back slowly, enjoying the presence of the male. A stray tear slid down his cheek, but for once, it had been ignored, even after they had parted, Jonghyun leaning his forehead against the younger's, smiling at him softly.

I'll see you soon, won't I?”He asked, thought he already knew that the answer was no. Kibum was going to stay at his aunt's place in the fall break, and he was going to spend the winter break with his parents somewhere in Japan. Spring was also busy for the younger as he would only come home to celebrate Easter as he was going to have many exams after that. So no, they weren't going to see each other soon. And it hurt Kibum...

Yeah.”The younger lied, kissing Jonghyun's cheek. “Very soon.”He added, sniffing a bit. He cursed inwardly at how weak he was, crying already.

Jonghyun just held him tighter, his arms gently rubbing the other teenager's back. “Study a lot and have fun!”He said, chuckling when he heard a soft scoff from the younger.

It'll be so~ great.”Kibum muttered sarcastically as he pulled away a little, checking if all of his stuff were in the car. He had said his goodbyes to his parents before as they had some big meeting around noon.

They did know that he was close to Jonghyun, but neither of them cared enough to realize that their son was going out with someone from the same . His mother was going to star in some weird TV show, while his father was almost always out, barely even greeting him in the mornings.

But at least he had Jonghyun.

Sighing, Kibum kissed the older slowly, as he knew that he needed to get going. Jonghyun held him even closer, kissing him sweetly. It was just a chaste kiss, but it was still filled with the love and admiration they felt towards each other.

Call me the moment you've arrived!”Jonghyun said, pushing the boy into the car slowly. Kibum nodded, sniffing a little.

I will...”He said, a faint smile playing on his lips. Jonghyun chuckled softly, closing the door behind his boyfriend. “Goodbye!”Kibum mumbled, waving a little as the driver started the engine.

Bye!”Jonghyun yelled cheerfully, waving back as the car slowly left the driveway.

Kibum was sitting on the comfy seat, looking back until he could see the other boy. Silly, useless tears were streaming down his cheeks. He wiped them away quickly, biting into his lower lip. He was going to see Jonghyun soon. He just had to wait for a little while.

Kibum sniffed into his pillow, recalling the last time he had soon Jonghyun. They'd tried setting up dates, but somehow they could never actually go on them. And it irritated the blonde to no end, especially that it was his tight schedule and strict school that would never let him meet his boyfriend.

“Maybe that's why he forgot about me...”He thought bitterly, another soft cry leaving his moist lips. “I should have sneaked out!”He muttered quietly, blaming himself for what had – or actually hadn't -happened in the past weeks. “I guess I should forget him, too. It was just a summer fling, huh?”He thought sadly, but still glanced at his phone that was on mute. His eyes widened a little when he realized that someone had called him only a few minutes before. His heart pounding loudly in his chest, he checked who it was from, a tiny smile forming on his lips when he saw the name under the number.

It was 'Jonghyun'.

AN: Oh god, so cliché T.T Well... whatever, I hope that at least a few of you had enjoyed it xD If you did, please don't unsub as I'm planning to make a chaptered fic out of this (btw this was sooo long o.o) so I might post the details of it here when I do xD And... I know that the beginning was weird but I had no other ideas about how to make them meet T.T

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Pipi92 #1
Chapter 1: This was great, I really need chaptered fic of thiis~~~
ilabya20 #2
shineeshipper #3
Chapter 1: You better right a hapters fic about this D:< or at least a sequal because I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! It ended so abruptly ;~;
darkangel11421 #4
Chapter 1: OMG ! it ended ! aldready?! :( but cannot wait for the chaptered fic !!! xD xD LOVED it by the way ^^
SohAnna #5
Chapter 1: Ill look firward to the chaptered fic!!!!
Chapter 1: Just LOVE it ^^
shiashin #7
Chapter 1: ok..i have to say this!it was sooo beautiful! <3 i really loved it.I was actually planning to propose to you to make this a chapter fic and that's what you said!!KYAAA i'm so happy! <3 this was really fluffy and not really any angst which is weird for you haha <3 but i love it!
Chapter 1: OMG OMG OMG! You finally wrote it~ God, I'm fangirling so hard now. I just loved it., whatevarh, who cares if it's cliché, it was fluffy and puffy, and plushy and I love it!
Aaaand I demand a sequel!