Bond between the siblings...


Jiyoon’s Pov

(Skip to 1 month later)

It was another school day, but today, I felt extremely uneasy, a weird feeling in my stomach, like something bad was gonna happen. I just shrugged it off and continued my preperation. I brushed my teeth and changed into my school uniform before picking up my packed school bag and going downstairs towards the main door.


I saw my beloved Yoseob standing there as promised last night, we then walked to school together happily hand in hand. I can’t believe that we have been dating for a month or so. We were as happy as ever, my life was great, just that my relationship with my siblings are not so good. Naeun has been giving me smirks nowadays, and that makes me twice as nervous today, was i gonna die?! NO!!!!!!!!!


We reached school in a matter of time and headed to our class together after collecting our books, boring lessons as usual...




*Kring* The lunch bell rang, me and Yoseob headed to the cafe together as usual, not a surprise to everyone actually since our relationship was made public... Keke but I suddenly had a need of going to the toilet, so, I asked Yoseob to go ahead first.


(In the toilet)


After doing my business, I headed out of the toilet, only to be blocked by Naeun and her “Gang”. 


Jiyoon:What do you want Naeun?

Naeun:I wanna make your life horrible!



She smirked before her next action took me by surprise. She punched me in the stomach before slapping me on both my right and left cheek, HARD! Then, she pushed me onto the floor, I think there are some cuts down there! After that, she took out something sharp, and walked closer and closer to me. Making me move back in shock. WHAT WAS SHE DOING?! I moved back all the way till my back banged onto the wall, her knife slashed both my hands before she smiled, then, she cut HERSELF! and shoved me the knife before she started screaming and shouting, tears were forming in her eyes too! I could hear the sound of door banging, but I was still in a state of shock! 


The next thing I know, the door was open, it revealed Doojoon oppa, Kikwang oppa and YOSEOB OPPA! I have a BAD BAD feeling!


Doojoon:Omo! NAEUN! YOUR HAND!


His statement drew everyone’s attention and that caused all of them to look at me, the person holding the knife!


Yoseob:JIYOON! HOW COULD YOU?!?! I never expected you to be this bad! I never expected you to hurt your own sister even though you hate her! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! The nice Jiyoon I loved was gone... I can’t do this anymore, LET’S BREAKUP! 

His last phrase caused my whole world to freeze, my heart stopped beating and it shattered into a million pieces... He j-just broke up with me... 



Kikwang:YAH! HOW?!


My brothers were also screaming at me, wait, I don’t even think they want me as their sister... I lowered my head and headed out of the toilet, and out of school, ignoring all the glares that I received. Oh, and yes, I was wearing long sleeved shirt and it was black, that’s why... Dear god, why is this happening to me? My life is a piece of right now... While walking home, my head started to spin, soon enough, my vision turned black... The last thing I heard was “Miss! MISS!”


I woke up at an unfamiliar environment, it was not my room, nor the hospital, suddenly, the door opened, revealing a handsome figure...


Jiyoon:W-where am I?!


??:Oh, annyeonghaesaeyo! Yong Junhyung imnida! I found you unconscious on the road, 

I didn’t know where you lived so...


Jiyoon:Ah, Thank you...


Junhyung:So, how bout I send you home?


Jiyoon:I don’t have one now...


I muttered, loud enough for him to hear I guess as he replied...


Junhyung:Ah I see... How about you stay here for the time being? I mean, I have a vacant room...


Should I? I mean, I don’t have any other places to go...


Jiyoon:Ok... Thank you though.. Would it be troublesome?






He just smiled back in return...



Awh... Jiyoon... BUT, JUNHYUNG IS IN! LET'S WELCOME HIM!! Keke... Subscribe and comment please~

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Ydvvfjkch #1
I really love son naeun. How could author make her evil character. When she looks pure and innocent. I really hate this story.
Chapter 18: oh who is jiyoon the long hair or the short hair
it awesome so good
Chapter 27: :'( sad ending
shujun #5
Chapter 27: surprise ending..congrats for finishing this story..^^..
Chapter 24: wahhhhhhh PLEASE UPDATE SOONNN!!!
missLKim #7
Chapter 24: Ah! Pabo Yoseob
missLKim #8
Chapter 23: I bet Naeun going to do something bad again.
shujun #9
Chapter 19: at last..she forgive them..
-kpop_bunny- #10
Chapter 19: i bet its naeun :/