Double Date

The Perfect Guy


Hara : mwoya ? double date ?
Hyuna : yeh .
Hara : wae ? Ithought you hate Jiyong .
Hyuna : I do but i think i should give him a chance .
Hara's P.O.V
Why is Hyuna all of a sudden asking me for a double date ? She hates Jiyong . hmmmm , that's it . If i do the double date , I'll make her jealous. Hara , your so brilliant .
Hyuna : so .. what do you think ?
Hara ; you know what hyuna , i think that's a great idea . how about we go to the restaurant where i celebrate my 17th birthday .
Hyuna : that's expensive .i'm sorry . i don't think we can afford it .
Hara : Don't worry , my treat . not only it'll be a double date but it'll be a celebration for both of us becuase we found the perfect guy .
Hyuna P.O.V
Now i feel guilty because she'll be treating us . mianhe unni but i really like junhyung . please don't hate me .
Hyuna : jeongmal ? kamsamida .
Hara : Don't mention it .
Hara and Junhyung arrives first at the restaurant .
Junhyung : I don't understand why'd you agree on doing this ?
Hara : oppa , what's wrong with you ? she's also your friend . I don't understand why are you avoiding her .
Junhyung : i'm not , is just that ..
Hara : ouh , there they are .
(Jiyong and Hyuna are walking towards them)
Hyuna : sorry for kept you both waiting .
Hara  : no your not . Oppa , this is Jiyong . Hyuna 's boyfriend .
Jiyong : nice to meet you .
(Jiyong was going to shake his hand with junhyung but junhyung ignores. Hara nudged his shoulder )
Jiyong : okay .
(Hyuna's prediction was right , it was awkward)
Hara : so , how do you both become a couple ?
(Hyuna was about to answer but Jiyong interfere)
Jiyong : I beg her to give me a second chance .
Hara : ouh , i see .
(since it was a high-class restaurant , they were people dancing waltz at the dancefloor)
Jiyong P.O.V
If i ask Hara to dance with me . Hyuna will be able to talk to Junhyung .
Jiyong : Hara , you look beautiful night .
(Junhyung immediately glares at junhyung)
Junhyung P.O.V
F___ this guy ! It's enough that he stole Hyuna , now Hara ?!
Hara : kamsamida
Jiyong : do you want to dance with me ?
Hara : mwoya ?
(Junhyung glares at Hara . Hara clears )
Hara : I would like too but does your GIRLFRIEND mind ?
(Hara glares at Hyuna)
Hyuna : I don't mind .
Hara : oppa , do you mind ?
Junhyung : whatever . do as you pleased )
(Jiyong smiles at Hara . Hara give her hand to Jiyong . Jiyong grabs it and lead her to the dancefloor )
Okeyy 'Awkward'
(Hyuna and Junhyung were left alone)
Hyuna : so how are you doing ?
Junhyung : I'm happy with Hara  
Hyuna : okay .. I'm sorry about this morning .
(Junhyung nodded . He start to take out his phone and pretending to text .Hyuan was very pissed off , she braves herself to sit next to Junhyung and snatch his phone from him just like what Jiyong said)
Junhyung : what the hell ?
Hyuna : aren't you going to talk to me ?
Junhyung : about what ?
Hyuna ; i don't know , anything .
Junhyung : okay fine . congrats on being Jiyong's girlfriend . I hope you both last long .
Hyuna : cut it not , we're not together . you kidding ?
Junhyung : yeh right .
Hyuna : because this is the onnly way i can talk to you
Junhyung : why do you want to talk to me ?
Hyuna : because i miss you !
(Hyuna began to cry )
Junhyung : hyuna , don't cry . i miss you too .
Hyuna : i'm not is just that stupid dust .
(Junhyung burst into laugh)
Junhyung P.O.V
I can't believe i'm making her cry . what the hell am i doing ?!
Junhyung : how are you feeling ?
Hyuna : like crap .
Junhyung : i'm sorry 
Hyuna : i miss you too .
(Junhyung and hyuna feel comfortable with each other now)
(Jiyong and Hyuna were dancing)
Hara : what the hell are you doing Jiyong ?
Jiyong : what the hell am i doing ? i'm dancing with you babo
Hara : excuse me ? OUCH !
(Jiyong stepped on Hara's foot)
Jiyong : i'm sorry that was on purpose .
Hara : mwoya ?
(Hara stepped on Jiyong's foot)
Jiyong : ouch !
Hara :payback time .
Jiyong : b____ !
(Hara slap Jiyong) 
Jiyong : what the !
(Jiyong was about to slap Hara but she point her finger at him )
Hara : dare slapping a girl in public ?
(Jiyonglet out a deep sigh and continue dancing with her)
Hara : It's amzing that Hyuna gave you a second chance . how'd you do that ?
Jiyong : well , every girl falls into the Kwon Ji Yong's charm
Hara : not me .
Jiyong : that means your not a girl
(Hara stick her tounge out to him . He shows his back )
Hara : you look ugly
Jiyong : your uglier
Hara : your ugliest 
(Jiyong looks at Hyuna and Junhyung and smile)
Jiyong P.o.v
This is sad to watch , but i'm happy if she's happy .
(Hara looks at the direction he was looking at )
Hara P.O.V
Damn it ! it's a trap .
Hara : YAH !
Jiyong : mwoya ?
Hara ; you and hyuna ! you both plan al of this to sabotage our relationship .
Jiyong : wow , didn't know you actually have a brain to figure that out .
Hara : i can't believe you !
Jiyong : give up Hara , Jiyong belongs to Hyuna .
Hara ; F___ you ! i'm warning you if you and hyuna ever come close with me or junhyung . i will tell hyuna that i pay you to stop junhyung from confessing to her .
Jiyong : are you threatening me ?
(Hara ignore him and went to their table )
Hara : oppa, i don't feel well , take me home .
Junhyung : now ?
Hara : yeh , i'll wait at the car .
(Hara leaves them)
Junhyung : i have to go now , ms.drama queen needs me .
Hyuna : okay then 
Junhyung : i'll call you
Hyuna : yeh , bye
Junhyung : bye 
(Junhyung leaves hyuna . as soon as he leaves , jiyong went back)
Hyuna ; what's up with her ?
Jiyong : i don't know , she freaks out all of a sudden . looking at you both talking together .
Hyuna : is she jealous ? i feel bad .
Jiyong : no , no , no . anyway , what happen ? you and junhyung okay already ?
Hyuna :we're good . thanks .
Jiyong : that's the least i can do .
Hyuna : i think we should leave now .
Jiyong : wae ? our food hasn't arrive yet .
Hyuna : who's going to pay ?
Jiyong : you got a point there . let's go .
(Before they leave , Jiyong takes the oppurtunity and finishes 4 of their glasses )
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Chapter 35: So im assuming he went to new york and they had a long distance relationship? Well at least they are together at the end!
vip4nia #2
Chapter 34: woww !! the end feel so fast ??? but , no problem its still cute like i expected :))
Chapter 34: The ending really not what I expected. I thought Hyuna will end up with Junhyung. But still love it.
vip4nia #4
Chapter 33: GD Hyuna pleaseeeee :( i ship both of them so hardd
Chapter 33: . . .then what?!? I want know if he stays or goes!
wildandyoung #6
Chapter 33: KYAAAAA! IM FANGIRLING RIGHT NOW! but its just not long chappie.
Chapter 32: Omg what jiyong said was so funny yet so sweet. I honestly didnt see this coming, i thought for sure it was gonna be junah, but because jiyong is so sweet (and hot) lol im ok with hyuna and jiyong! He was there for her!
wildandyoung #8
Chapter 32: go hyuna stop jiyoung.
Chapter 31: Oh come on hyuna dont be so harsh at least he told you. He didnt have to! Now he is leaving :( forgive him. What he did isnt half as bad as what junhyung did or said!
Chapter 30: ewww hara see now junhyung knows at least how you are, but you junhyung -_-.....jerk! how could you say that?!? im actually glad jiyong punched him, maybe it'll smack some sense into him!