
EXO Fairytales


Story Two: Cinderehan

Once upon a time, there was a happy family, which consists of a man, a woman and their loving little boy. The boy was cute, curios, lovable and again, cute. But one tragic Thursday (it was Thursday when I wrote this, so bleh), the wife fell sick and died. The man was sad, broken hearted. But for the sake of his little child, he stayed strong.

They lived in a mansion, for the man was well known in the business world. Even though he was busy, he still made time to see and play with his little deer (haha, you get it? LOL). The boy, Luhan, didn’t understand death that took his mother away from him, but nether less, he still enjoyed his father’s attention to him.

One day, his father saw him moping in the corner when his friends about being ‘mother-less’ on Mother’s Day. He felt like the little boy deserves a mother too, so he remarried with a widow, who had two stepdaughters. At first, Luhan was overjoyed hearing the news of his new mother, but soon died down when he saw her.

She was evil (according to Luhan) looking, and Luhan did cry the first time he saw her. His father apologized, for Luhan was still little (little my , he was 10. Pfftt) and can’t accept new things so easily. So the stepmother and stepsisters kept a distance.

Again, one unlucky day (shesh, so many unlucky days for this fairytale. Tsk), the father died of a dieses, thus, leaving the poor Luhan to his (evil and maybe but actually is) stepmother and his stepsisters. When Luhan was of age, they treated him like garbage, asking to do this, and do that. The only thing that was friends with him were the birds (and the house rats but they are disgusting if you pictured them , not clothed, running around and spreading dirtiness around you. Ew) that flew on his window at his room in the attic. He had thin blankets, so when he was cold, he would sit near the fireplace, thus, making him stained by cinders.

Everyday, he was treated like a maid. Wake up at the crack of dawn, make breakfast, do the laundry, the ironing, the scrubbing, the sweeping, the feeding, the bathing, the dusting, the picking, the cleaning, the one who has to stand hearing his awful stepsister’s singing and the list goes on and on. Of course, he never complains for he was too soft and lovable and cute and cuddly and-

We’re going off track, aren’t we? My apologies.

One day (yes, there are so many ‘one day’ s in this tale. Deal with it), there was a knock on the door. Luhan who was scrubbing the bottom of the staircase quickly dried his hands and opened the door. To his surprise, a royal messenger was standing at the door.

“Special and urgent message from the palace. Good day, sir!” He said as he ran off after giving Luhan the letter. Luhan was curious. Urgent, eh? Guess he would have to interrupt singing lessons again. He hastily walked up the stairs and near a room. From the outside, he could hear his awful stepsisters voice. He knocked and went in, much to his stepmother’s outrage.

“How dare you? I said not to interrupt music-“

“But the letter was from the palace and-“

“The palace! THE PRINCE!!!” One of the stepsisters gasp as the other one held her head as if she would faint any minute. The stepmother took the letter, ripped it open (like some kind of A-class predator would rip the flesh of it’s prey) and read the letter out loud.

Dear Madam/Mousier,

 Tonight, the palace is to have a ball to celebrate Prince Sehun’s 18th Birthday. Each and everyone are invited to the ball. Also, he is searching for a bride tonight, and every eligible maiden, or stunning young man is to attend tonight’s ball.

     (Royal Stamp here and yada yada)

Sorry, I’m not that good in making official letters. Let’s go on, shall we?


Back at the palace, Prince Sehun was moping at the window while the royal dress makers were fussing over him like no tomorrow.

“Your highness, please, one more fitting? We need to make sure it fits you perfectly!” one begged him. Prince Sehun sighed again as he lazily stood up and tried on the suit. After it was done, he took it off and the dress makers left his room to do whatever dress makers do. Sehun went back to moping at the window when his father barged in.

(Ehem… others shall make a cameo in this story. It’s so fun using everyone LOOL)

“Sehun! Why the long face?” His father asked. Sehun blew the strands of hair away from his face.

“Dad, I do not want to get married.” He sighed. The king stood behind his son and ruffled his hair, much to the prince’s displeasure.

“Aww son, think  of it in a good way.” He persuaded. The royal advisor (who sticks to the king no matter what) nodded his head.

“Yes, Prince Sehun. King Suho is right!” (See what I did there? Grandpa Suho is the king. Muahahahaha)

“Good way as in…?” Sehun asked, already bored.

“Well… you are going to get married and become and husband and soon enough,” King Suho grinned. “a father!” He then pauses. “Well, if you marry a girl. If you marry a guy then I don’t think that is possible and-“

“See? Getting married is just a burden.” Sehun wailed.

“…but I really think you should top, no? Right Xiumin?” The king mumbled to his royal advisor, ignoring his son’s wail. “Cause I cannot imagine my son actually bottoming and-“

“Dad! You do not get the point!” Sehun wailed again as he buried his (handsome. Wowowowowo) face in his knees that was brought to his chest.

“Yes, I do. Love knows no boundaries. So I don’t care if you marry a girl, or a boy-“

“Daaaaaaad!” Sehun groaned. Xiumin (the royal advisor. Bleh) chuckled.

“Come on, King Suho. Might as well check the pantry for the food for tonight!” He said as he led King Suho out of Sehun’s room. Sehun sighed as he looked at the sky that was darkening.


Now, back to our miserable CindereHan.

He was busy styling his stepsisters hairs. For a boy, he sure knows how to be pretty (I do not doubt that) and fashionable. He was the one who picks out the dresses, and unfortunately the one who suggested glitter on their hair. ‘Unfortunately’ because the stepsisters got into a glitter World War I and now he was drenched (?) in glitter, from head to toe.

So, obviously he wasn’t going to the ball. Duhh. The stepsisters laughed at his pathetic picture and sashayed (I hate it when people sashays. I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it) out of the room and towards the waiting carriage outside. His stepmother just smirked and laughed at him like he was some leftover meal on Thanksgiving and went out with her daughters.

Luhan, although he tried to mask it, was sad that he can’t go to the ball. He heard that the prince was an actual ‘wowie’ from his stepsisters, and he really wanted to see him. It has been 15 years that he hasn’t cried, and now is maybe the right time. He ran to the garden and slumped on the stone bench and brought his knees to his chest.

All the pains and suffering for 15 damn years got up to him as he buried his face in his knees and cried.

Forgive me for being so emotional. I am listening to ‘River Flows in You’ and it really got me and-

Oh, I am still narrating. Forgive me, again.

He sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and wailed and bawled and cried and bawled and wailed again and-

I’ll stop here :P.

Suddenly, out of the blue, sparkles appeared around him and a man wearing a robe appeared. He was smiling as he gently tapped the crying Luhan’s shoulders.

“Ayyo kid. Why the long face?” He asked. Luhan lifted his head and screamed at the sight. The boy wearing the robe was shocked too (mostly because of the screaming) and he staggered back, making the hood from his head fall. Luhan stared at the black haired boy in confusion after he regains consciousness after blacking out for a second of shock.

“Who are you?”

“Me?” The black haired kid asked again while pointing to himself. “I am Tao. Your fairy godmother! But wait, I’m a boy. Oh umm… your Fairy Godbrother, I think?” He asked as he scratched his head. “Whatever the term is, I am here to help you with yo problems, lil bro.” He said as he pointed at Luhan.

“Help? Help what?” He asked, confused as hell.

I mean Luhan, I get it. One time you were crying and the next thing you know you have your very own freaking godmother… or godbrother. Whichever goes, to help you and then before you know it, there were sparkles and glitters everywhere.

I mean, I get it.

“Duhh.” Tao said as he rolled his eyes, as if it was that obvious (which it is). “Help you get dressed up for the ball.” He said excitedly. Luhan made an ‘ahh’ sound as he slowly nodded. “Now get up, hunny.” Tao instructed. “We need stuff. Geez, where did I put my wand?” Tao mumbled as he rubbed his sides. “Boom, I put in my Gucci purse. Silly me.” Tao laughed as he took out a black purse with an obvious Gucci logo on it and took out a wand.

“Is that…” Luhan hesitated. “is that real?” He asked timidly and was answered by an eye roll by Tao.

“It is as real as your , sweet cheeks. Now, we need a carriage. A big one that can fit a chandelier inside! And a cake too, I love cakes.” Tao rambled as his eyes twinkled. “We need a pumpkin. No wait, a watermelon could be good too. Or even an onion, but bleh.” Tao said. He walked over to a tree and picked a red apple from a branch. “Or an apple. Still can do.” He said.

Luhan watched in amazement as Tao threw the apple in the air and said the magic words:

“Flippity floppoty floo!” Tao cried as the wand emitted a dazzling white light. The apple grew big, so big that it could fit 10 people inside. The red skin turned white and the delicious insides were hollowed out and was replaced with a luxury fluffy and leathery seat, a footstool, a chandelier and of course, a table with a big chocolate and vanilla cake (since Tao likes both flavors).

“Oh, this is pretty. Now we need horses.” Tao beamed. “Ehh… any living creature shall do.” He shrugged as he saw three mice scurrying under his feet. “Flippity Floppoty floo!” And thus, the three ugly, dirty, filled with dieses mice turned into three stunningly white horses. “Driver! We need a driver!” Tao called. A cat was walking by, and Tao’s eyes glowed. He picked up the cat and turned it into a driver.

Well, let’s not describe how he looks. This story then might be rated.

“Okay, hunny. You are good to go. Now shoo shoo.” Tao said as he pushed Luhan in the carriage. Luhan, only wearing his old, unfashionable tattered house clothes stopped him.

“But… I’m wearing this!” Luhan said. Tao looked back at him, properly, and gasped.

“Hunny! This is outrageous! You are breaking the Gucci code! Arghdksnkjbh! You are not even Prada, or Versachi, or Loius Vuitton, or even H&M! You…” Tao pointed at Luhan. “You are not even Calvin Klein! Let alone Padini or Jimmy Choo shoes or… or…” Tao was lost for words. He was absolutely horrified that he almost fainted. “Not even the Reject Shop!” He sobbed. “NOT EVEN VOIR!!” He wailed.

“Excuse me? I am a maid in my own house? How am I suppose to shop or own any Gucci or LV products?!” Luhan asked, completely frustrated. Tao calmed down from his outburst.

“Okay, Okay. Major fashion problem…” He mumbled. He took out his Gucci purse from the pocket of his cloak (I think the cloak is branded. IDK) and rummaged into it, searching for something. His face brightened up when his fingers brushed against something and pulled it out. It was a walkie talkie. “Hello?” A muffled voice answered him. “Kwonnie, godchild fashion crisis. Red alert, class A.” Tao said worriedly, while Luhan didn’t understand anything. When Tao was done talking Luhan was dragged by Tao until they reached the pond that Luhan used to play in when he was a kid.

“What are we doing here?” Luhan asked. Tao stopped him and took a deep  breath. He waved his wand over the pond and a figure rose up, and another. And another. So basicly, Luhan was staring at three figures that appeared from the pond. Whippie.

“Guys! This boy, seriously need fashion help.” Tao said as he pointed at Luhan. The one with a cat ear headband gasped.

“Oh my god! Save me!” He said as he fanned himself. The one who oddly looks like Lady Gaga squinted his eyes at Luhan, making him feel uncomfortable. The other one just eyed Luhan up and down.

“I see. You look horrible, darling. Don’t worry. We will make you feel like a trillion bucks in just five minutes.” The man said kindly as he smiled. “My name is Jo Kwon. You can call me Kwonnie, like little Taotao here.”

“My name is Key. Nice to meet you~”

“I’m Heechul. But please,” Heechul said as he held out his hand. “Call me Lady Heehee. It sounds much more fabulous that way.”’

“Um.. hi?” Luhan said nervously. Key tsked.

“Not even a tint of confidence! This is so red alert. Come honey, we’ll dazzle you up with bling and you would feel like a boss!”

So, long story short, Luhan had a really intensive ‘diva’ session by the three famous divas, Key, Jo Kwon, and the well renowned Heechul, also known as Lady HeeHee. They decked Luhan with bling and manicures, pedicures, massages and waxing (ouuuchhh). After 5 short, agonizing, torturing minutes, Luhan stepped out, covered with so much awesomeness you could literally see him glow. Key though the prince would be much attracted to a female than a male, and plus, Luhan is very delicate and has a very feminine feature, they decided to disguise him as a girl, placing a dress over him and putting on a wig.  When they were done, Luhan didn’t look like Luhan. He looked like… a girl.

“Okay, we are done! Now hurry off to the ball! Oh and wait!” Lady HeeHee said. “The stuff only lasts until 12. Then, all this will disappear, okay? Okay. Now go and shoo!” Lady HeeHee said as he slapped the of a horse, thus, making them run in an incredible speed, almost making the poor girly-fied Luhan at the back almost wanting to puke.

When they arrive at the palace, Luhan wobbled out on 2 inch high Jimmy Choo shoes, a dress that was oddly combined from LV, Gucci and Versachi brand and other accessories. Luhan looked like a *cough* princess than a male maid. He nervously stepped into the castle and could feel the guards curious stares at him. He ignored it and quickly climbed up the stairs to the ballroom, where the ball is being held. There, at a distance, everyone knew that Prince Sehun was bored to hell.


Sehun was bored and tired of bowing. He nearly yawned, but the face of his *old* father came into mind, and he straightened up, not wanting to disappoint King Suho. But on the other part of the castle, the balcony that King Suho and Advisor Xiumin was watching, King Suho was already fast asleep. Snoring, actually. Leaving poor Advisor Xiumin to watch over the ball and eye his son.


Just then, Luhan stepped into the room, and everyone grew silent. Sehun was curious of what the people were gawking at, so he tip toed and when he saw it, he gasped. There, he saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his 18 year old life (being cooped up in a castle since you were born doesn’t really help your social group. Meh). 

The announcer called out two names, which is Luhan’s two stepsisters. The two stepsisters, already dolled up by Luhan at home, proudly walked towards Prince Sehun and bowed, elbowing each other. But Sehun didn’t pay attention to them. Who wants to? They are bishes, lol.  Prince Sehun walked away, not even sparing a glance at the sisters as his eyes were only on one person:

The stunningly beautiful girl that caught his attention (who is actually a male and his name is Luhan but let’s not spoil it here, naeee).

Sehun hurried his steps and stopped in front of the surprised and baffled Luhan. Sehun bowed and smiled as he introduced himself. Luhan just smiled shyly at him, not telling his name or whatsoever. Sehun didn’t care, actually. He just wanted to dance with the beautiful  guy  maiden. Sehun took Luhan’s hands and guided him to the other part of the ballroom.

Xiumin, who saw all this, roughly shook the king awake.

“Your Highness! Your highness! The prince! The prince!” He said excitedly as he bounced up and down and pointed at the couple. Suho abruptly woke up and wiped the (disgusting, but somehow I find it cute lol don’t judge me) drool from the corner of his mouth as he looked at where Xiumin was pointing. He yelped in joy before yawning again.

“Okay, Xiumin. I am going to sleep. Take care of these two for me, neh?” The king said as he waved the baffled Xiumin goodbye and walked to his room, spinning any unsuspected guards that walked by.


Luhan couldn’t believe it. It was like a fairytale (which it is, but I prefer not to break it to him yet) that he was dancing with the prince of the kingdom. Sehun was happy too, to find a beautiful girl to dance with, although he swore at the first glance, there was something manly about her… but he don’t know why.

Whatever, he thought.

They danced and then walked to the courtyard, enjoying the soft moonlight glow and admiring the stars. The sat down on a bench and looked at the sky together, hands intertwined-

Hang on. This is getting waaaaaay to mushy and corny for my liking.

Anyways, Sehun looked over to his side, only to chuckle at seeing how cute Luhan was staring at the constellations with admiration. He leaned in; his lips close to Luhan’s head. Luhan looked back, and was scared out of his sanity when the prince’s face was so close to his, but he kept his cool and did not freak out, flail around the place while screaming hysterically. Instead, he leaned in also, their lips almost touching each other.

Oh you think they might kiss.

But that didn’t happen in the real fairytale, and I, being the mean narrator I am, will not let them kiss too.

Throw eggs at me, I don’t care. I regret nothing.

The giant clock behind them struck 12.


Luhan’s eyes widened.


He quickly pulled away, much to Prince Sehun’s displeasure.


Luhan got up and ran towards the stairs.


“I’m sorry!” He called out to the prince. “I have to go!”


“Wait! Tell me your name!” Sehun cried to Luhan. Luhan was about to answer but…


Whoopps. No time. Gotta hustle and get his Gucci booty outta there. Luhan couldn’t explain to the (handsome. *cough*) prince why he had to leave.


Luhan was in such a rush one of his glass shoes slipped off his feet and landed on the stairs. Luhan was about to turn to take it back, but..


Maybe next time.


He quickly got in the carriage as the driver saddled the horse and they speed off.


They speed off into the woods, through the trees and back to the house.


They reached the house, and Luhan breathed in relief.


A white light appeared, and everything was back to normal. The cat was chasing the mice and the carriage turned back into an apple. Luhan slumped on the ground, back in his own clothes as he breathed out, clearly exhausted. But he smiled when he remember the smile on the face of the handsome prince.

The next day, the whole kingdom was buzzing about the mysterious girl that stole the prince’s heart. News spread that the prince was searching for the girl using the slipped that she accidently left. Luhan knocked the side of his head.


He shouldn’t have been so careless. That day, the two stepsisters were busy cursing the girl who stole ‘their’ prince away from them.

“Have you seen her hair? Ugh! It looks so fake!” One said.

Duh, cause it is.

“And her dress! Ugh! Why does it has to be so pretty?! Makes me wanna puke!” The other said.

Puke ahead. IDGAF.

They wanted to say something again, but was interrupted when the door was knocked. They both opened it, and was shocked to see Advisor Xiumin and King Suho at their doorstep. But most importantly, Prince Sehun was behind them, smiling politely. The two girls shrieked as their stepmother came down.

“Ehem.” Advisor Xiumin cleared his throat. “I hereby declare that King Suho and Prince Sehun is in search for the mysterious girl that captured the heart of the prince. Now, the king has the rights to request every girl to wear the glass slipped that the girl accidently left.”

Luhan’s shoulders deflated. That means, he doesn’t have the chance to try one the slipper. His slipper, to be exact. The two stepsisters sat on chair as they held out their humongous and hairy feet to the poor advisor. Xiumin sighed as he held his breath.

The first stepsister tried it on, but it didn’t fit her at all. Her feet are way too big to fit into the slipper. Only her heels can. Xiumin smiled apologetically and retrieved back the slipper. Prince Sehun silently cheered, for he wouldn’t want to marry such an ugly hag women.

Then Xiumin tried it on with the second sister, and it was worse. Xiumin almost fainted at her feet odor and quickly put on the slipper, but it only fit a toe. Xiumin smiled as he quickly pulled back the glass slipper and inhaled fresh, uncontaminated air.

Prince Sehun breathed out a sigh of relief as he stepped back, and bumped into Luhan. He looked back and apologized, but there was something about those giant and doe-like eyes. The king and advisor thanked the family for their commitment and called Sehun to leave.

“Wait.” Sehun called, his eyes still looking at Luhan. “Let him try the slipper.” Sehun instructed. The king and advisor was shocked.

“What? But your highness-“

“Just give me the damn slipper.” Sehun demanded. Xiumin handed him the slipper. Sehun smiled gently at Luhan as he kneeled. He took off Luhan’s old and tattered shoes and put the glass slippers on him.

Magicly, the slipper fitted in perfectly.

Everybody gasped.


Sehun looked up and locked gaze with Luhan. He slowly stood back up and held his hand, the feeling so familiar. He then smiled at him.

“Its you.” He said. King Suho clapped with joy as Advisor Xiumin just stared at them with shock.

So, long story short, they got married, and Prince Sehun finally got to kiss his bride, I mean groom, I mean, wife…

Wait! I mean husband!

Oh what the heck. They got married, they kissed and they lived happily ever after.

-The End-


a/n: Okay, so I don't know how this story is 50% longer than Baekyeol's one LOL. 

Maybe its because I remembered Cinderella's fairytale more in detail than Sleeping Beauty's.. But bleh. 

OTL, I haven't updated in a long time lol. 

I was just busy.... watching dramas. LOL. 

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KwonAtie #1
Chapter 3: haha lol!!authornim jjang..btw what is the name your boarding school author?
madesu #2
I love it!
kitkat_bunnytime #3
Chapter 1: xD oh... my.... goodness... I am dying haha you are so funny...
Chapter 3: Omo come back soon!!!
BlackBrownPearl #6
Chapter 3: Awwww goood luck fella ><
Chapter 3: Awww BYE!~~~
Chapter 2: xD OMG I can't stop laughing...xD Update soon!