When hyung finally fall in love


This day is not my day. I feel weak as I tried to cook for them this morning.
“noona are you okay u seems pale “ yesung noticed me
“Yah I’m okay”
“Oh are u sure well were going now” yesung say goodbye
After they left, a started to clean the dorm and it makes so weak after cleaning the mess. I get tired of their mess every day it seems it won’t be cleaned. Everyday new mess and I start cleaning again. I get so tired and sick so I slept in the sofa.
======= RYEOWOOK POV =======
As I enter the dorm at 10 30 pm, I saw yoonae sleeping in the couch, so I decided not to wake her up. Then kyuhyun get noisier and the others arrived.
“Ohguyz lets eat and don’t wake her up” I said to them
As we eat I notice she never move from her position
Then yesung interrupt the silent.
“hyung I think she’s really tired doing the thing here and she look so pale this morning” yesung utterly said
So I wonder if she’s really tired
“Oh I see” I said and stood up from where I sat and go near her from where she lay. As I look at her, she murmurs something that I can’t understand. I notice she’s actually cute and innocent that makes my heart started to pound.
“hyung!!!”hyuk yelled.
That I feel I get some heart attack.
“Oooh?” I reacted
“Come and eat first your food will be cold” hyuk said
“Okay I’ll be there” before leaving her I can’t resist to touch her face. So slowly run my hand to her hair, to her forehead but it startled me when I feel she’s hot. So I put my other hand to my forehead if we’re the same temperature but her forehead is hotter than mine. I get nervous and panic. So I decided to lift her and put her in my arms, then took her and move to her room.
“hyung??” hyuk confuse
“What happened?” sungmin
I know they’re confused but I don’t have time to explain to them. So I just ignored their reactions
===== EUNHYUK POV =====
When we saw ryeowook carrying yoonae in his arms we get shock like this O_________________________O
At first teuk leader reacted
“heyryeongah I told you ?” teuk said in depending tone
But I saw ryeowook worried face so I get it.
“hyungteuk don’t misunderstood. I guess yoonae got sick” I explained to them
“yaah I guess it too. coz she’s really weak and pale this morning” yesung defend me
“Ooohthat’s why mianhae”teuk apologized and laugh
And we laugh too.
“Well for me it’s good for him” sungmin said with a smirk
“Hah? Good?” kyuhyun ask curiously
“His growing up right teuk?” sungmin replied and ask teuk
“yaah your definitely right hyung” teuk agreed and smile
 “Maturing??” kyuhyun ask again
“Of course no, His being immature kyuhyun“ hyuk replied to kyu
Then we laugh hard
“Stop joking hyuk” shindong said while laughing
“Right guys he is immature” sungminsaid teasing tone and chuckled
“Who?Eunhyuk!!We all know that he’s really gross that’s why he is immature”kyuhyun teased eunhyuk back
We all laugh, nodded and agreed.
They are so epic lol ^_^
Then suddenly ryeowook goes to the kitchen and we get shocked by his serious appearance. So we stared to each other. After he gets what he needed he left immediately and no one tries to ask him. We’re speechless.
==== RYEOWOOK POV ====
When I put her down, I grab warm water and wipe her arms but he tried to pull her arm out of my hand. And murmur “ anneyo” but still I wipe his other arm because she needs it. Then my hand had shaken when I need to wipe her face so I slowly wipe it. Then my heart pound fast and unease feeling goes up in me when I need to wipe her neck as I bite my lips in nervousness.
After doing that things I feel hot for some reasons, so I step out of the room and headed in the kitchen were they are sitting.
====== SUNGMIN POV =========
I saw ryeowook coming on us.
“Heyhi..his coming” I said to them
So we pretend that we’re not talking about him
“Heyhyuk don’t be an okay sometimes you need to be sweet like ryeowook” donghae teased hyuk as he wanted to be heard by ryeowook too.
“Watch your word man” hyuk reacted
And we laugh hard. While ryeowook reached our table he bangs the bowl of warm water in front of us. So we all get startled and stared to him shockingly
“You guys don’t help me aish” ryeowook said irritated while his panting and his one hand holding the tip of his t-shirt up and down to feel some air.
“Are you okay?” hyuk ask curiously
“I bet not coz the virus transferred to him “ kyu bullying ryeowook
“Virus?” shindong laugh
“You look sweaty?” hyuk said to him
“Wet? Ooh?” yesung teased ryeowook
“Sweat you foolish turtle” kyuhyun reacted and chuckled
“aish you guys stop okay. Try to put your selves in my positionaish” ryeowook utterlysaid
“Oh sure I will put myself in your position” yesung said and stand beside ryeowook“ I’m in your position already” he continued and chuckled
“You fool” donghaesaid and toss a piece of small bread on yesung while laughing
“aishjinja” ryeowook reacted and leave
A minute later he comes again in our table
“Oh you change your clothes already” I said to ryeowook
“Yah” ryeowook replied and sigh
“I feel Gooooooodtanananah ”hyuk sang and dance while seating “I feel Gooooooodtanananah” he repeat it again
The silent broke when hyuk do that, and we all laugh hard again
“Ooh,pls give yoonaea medicine now” ryeowook said
“meeh!” yesung volunteer and rise his hand
“You??” ryeowook said in hesitating tone
“Yes me!” yesung confidently said
“No, not you” ryeowook disagree “I guess I will be the one again” he continued and headed to yoonaes’ room.
===== RYEOWOOK POV =======
When I reached inside her room, I woke her up
“yoonae, yoonae” as I called her name but she’s not waking up, so I called her name again “ yoonae, yoonae” and put my arm under her head. Finally she opened her eyes a little bit.
 “yoonae just take some medicine first before you sleep again” I said in a low tone since she can’t get herself up, I put the medicine on his lips til she recognized and open slightly. Then I gave her a water to drink but some water spill on her lips and chin, so I wipe it with tissue and I put her head down on the pillow again.
So I decided to stay just for a few minute. While staring at her I notice her breathing and I found it funny or I found myself so attracted to her for some unknown reason. This was my first time to feel this kind of feeling so intense. I like to stare on her face all the time. Is this love? Or do I fall in love? I never thought to fall again since the last time I had a 4 years crush.


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Ryeoula #1
Chapter 8: Wooooooooooooooooh it's a Cuute & Lovly Story *-* I like iiit :D :D Thank u :)
callmejasche #2
Annyeong Dine ^^ Jasche here~~ will read your story later after class, i just made sure I subscribed to this ^^ Aja!
i'll looking forward to your story . update soon
erykamaeo2 #4
Chapter 2: Daebak! Amazing. Thumbs up!! ~ ^__^
erykamaeo2 #5
Chapter 5: The love scene is great, its not totally exposed :) WOOKIEEEEE! ~
erykamaeo2 #6
Chapter 4: This story makes me swoon!! kya kya! THE HUG PART IN THE SINK AND THE GOOD NIGHT! aghdsgcsju! Wookie <3 _ <3 ~
erykamaeo2 #7
Chapter 3: OMO! I want to be sick too! Wookie oppa take care of me! :)))))
erykamaeo2 #8
Chapter 2: Asgdsydhjsdcdghs!! ~ The kitchen moment of yoonae and ryeowook! Waaaa!! :DDD
erykamaeo2 #9
Chapter 1: Woaaah! ~
Ryeowook with that mood? OMO! Its new! I like it author chingu :)))