cHaPtEr 1

Fate Through a Computer Screen

HI THERE!! OR SHOULD I SAY 안녕하세요/ANNYONGHASEYO!! (I'm sorry if I sound pathetic.... Just bear with it okay? ㅠ,ㅠ)  Anyways, this is my first eva story... (I really mean this is my first...) Even though I'm a totally unskilled writer, i will still try my best (yay for me!!) I'll try to update as much as my brain can handle so, ENJOY!!!!








I reached out my hand to turn off my alarm. I glanced at the clock and literally jumped of my bed. I WAS LATE!! BUT WHY?!?! I was pretty sure I locked my alarm clock at 6 am!! I quickly went to the bathroom to get myself ready for school. Oh My Gumball!! I have 10 minutes before school starts!!! I ran downstairs to have my breakfast but...... eh? What th- why is it so dark? Why isn't my mom awake yet? Why is the lights still off? And... Wait a minute..... WHY IS THE KITCHEN CLOCK SAYING IT'S 5:30 AM?!?!?!?! I quickly went back to my room and stared at my alarm clock (obviously dumbfounded) that was stating that it was 7:30.... What the _______ is going on? (A/N: I know she's supposed to be innocent and all but being too innocent is wwwaaayyyy too boring) *sigh* It must have stop moving while i was at school yesterday. Oh well! Just have to go check my email.... and.... nothing! Why isn't he replying my emails anymore? He is one awesome pen pal *rolls eyes*. I guess I’ll just practice dancing while i have time.  I turn on some music and started dancing. My room was soundproof so it was okay to turn it up loud. After doing some dance routines, i went downstairs to check the time. It was still 6:15 am but i decided to go to school early today. "OMMA! I'm going to school okay?" i waited for her reply but the only thing i heard was her snoring.... i guess I’ll take that as a "have a good time at school". I look myself at the mirror for the last time. I was wearing my school uniform

 When I reached the school gates I looked around. "Wow! Doesn’t anyone come to school early?” I said while blowing my bangs up. I marched up the stairs and was surprised to see Yoona there. What is she doing here so early in the morning? I waited for her do something but she just glared at me. When she realized I was waiting for her to respond, she smirked. I know that smirk! I know that smirk anywhere! The last person who got that smirk from her got into a car accident (I bet you couldn’t guess who the car belongs to). She started to walk towards me and whispered “Just make sure you don’t win the Dancing Competition, or else, I’ll have to get another car”. She smirked and walked away. Uh-oh… I’m really in trouble. I better tell MischieviousrappeR about this. Maybe he knows what I should do.



“Omma! Please just let m-“

“No! What will you achieve from this?”

“I promise to do well if you just let me!”

“NO! You will just end up embarrassing me!! You don’t even have that much talent! You’ll rot in the entertainment business in a few days!!” (doesn’t she sound awful?)

I could feel my blood starting to boil. I bit my lips trying to keep it inside. But it didn’t work. (that’s ok L.Joe… I don’t blame you)

“I’ll prove you wrong! I’LL PROVE YOU WRONG FOR UNDERESTIMATING ME!! I’LL PROVE EVERYONE WRONG FOR EVER DOUBTING ME!!” I said as my voice rose higher and higher.


“I couldn’t stand it! I couldn’t stand it anymore!” I thought to myself. I walked upstairs to my room not even caring about what she’s blabbering (I think this word is really funny! Don’tcha think so too?) about. I quickly slammed the door behind me. The last thing I heard her say was, “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING TO THAT AUDITION!!” I just sighed. What else could I do? She drives me crazy but she’s still my mom. The only thing left to do today is check my inbox. I suddenly smiled when I saw her user name. *sigh* AngelcLoud94… what will I do without you?



DID YA’LL ENJOY THE STORY? WELL, I HOPE SO… I’m a totally crazy Teen Top fan! I just can’t live without them… I mean seriously! I don’t think I was even alive 2 years ago! XDD Anyways, I’m sorry if it was too short and confusing. It’s 2 in the morning and my brain feels all mushy… if there are any mistakes please KINDLY point it out at the comments section. Kamsahamnida!! *bows several times*

 Oh yea… Remember to subscribe!! That would be totally awesome! Bye bye!!

*starts singing and everything starts to die*

P.S: Could someone kindly make a poster for me? PLEAAASSSSEEE!!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!! I don't want to make u feel weird or anything, i'm just kinda desperate... pppllleeeeaaassseeee.....

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leslie143 #1
Chapter 2: Could you please update it's a good story
Nice story ^^ please update :)
alexme #3