{ eight } - KAI - { magic trick }

〈 exotic fever! 〉☆ saranghamnida. ☆ 〈 exo oneshots! 〉

{ Magic Trick }

{ for HaeKyung }


There was something about Jongin's smile that always seemed to glow. Even if you were amidst a snowstorm, Jongin's smile would be that beacon of light to guide you through the blizzard, and into his welcoming arms. Something about Jongin's smile always managed to pit an unknown wave of turbulence inside your stomach, and despite the annoying turns and churns it gave you, you enjoyed it. And despite the fact that you probably saw Jongin smile eight thousand times a day, each time still gave you that knee-wobbling sensation that you must've memorized by heart by now. Jongin's smile was definitely something -- was it magic? Because you sure thought that smile of his was something out of this world.

So when he was found smiling substantially wider today, you couldn't help but notice the sudden heaviness of your butterflies. The electric jolts electrocuted you at a volt that seemed to be ten thousand watts stronger than the norm. He was decorated in his usual dance attire, but instead of being in his man cave at the dance studio, you found him waiting for you on your porch with a bouquet of lilacs in hand. The other was occupied with a small box wrapped in lavendar gift wrap, topped with a dark violet bow. He grinned sheepishly, admitting that he was indeed waiting for you to get off work. And with another heart-stopping smirk, "Happy birthday, baby," Jongin kissed you.

You closed the front gate behind you, graciously accepting his kiss, but not before pecking his cheek gratefully. "You don't have practice today?" you inquired curiously, a genuine flicker of confusion streaking behind your glimmering irises.
He shrugged coolly, a languid smile grazing his plump lips. "It got cancelled."
"Or did you cancel it?" you teased, earning yourself a hearty chuckle.

He wrapped his arms around your waist securely before he released a dramatic sigh. "It can be our dirty little secret, can't it?" he retorted playfully. You nodded happily, eyes crinkling up with mirth as you peeled open the small box. Your shoulders slumped affectionately at the charm bracelet sitting inside, smiling at the golden hues accentuating the soft lavendar charms surrounding the chain. "Do you realize how hard it is to find a gift to match your favorite color?" Jongin scolded, masking an irritated tone. "Aish, what a complicated girl!"

You giggled mischieviously, pulling open your front door and letting in your boyfriend of four years. "You know you love me, though," you chirped gleefully. You squealed, nearly dropping your gift as Jongin lifted you, giving you a big twirl before locking his lips to yours in the softest kiss imaginable. He smiled against the tenderness of your lips, hands flowing through the locks of your dark hair as he breathed in your sweet scent. The delectable aroma of cherry blossoms wafted into his nostrils as he nuzzled his nose into the crook of your neck, giving it a small nip to tease.

"Of course I love you," he breathed, pressing his forehead to yours. He beamed then, and you felt the mind-blanking waves overpower you again. He grasped your hand reassuringly and gave it a light squeeze, initiating a small dance with you. Placing your belongings onto the couch nearby, he reached for you again and spun you as you laughed jubilantly. Every now and then, he would twirl you close into his chest and leave you with a ginger kiss to the nose before releasing you again into yet another twirl.

"Speaking of loving you," Jongin began listlessly with an elated smirk, "there's something I've been meaning to tell you." He pulled you back into his arms, holding you tight as the dizziness glistened behind your brightened eyes. You giggled up at him incoherently, "What is it?"
"Well," he sang playfully, swaying the both of you back and forth. "So we've been dating for four years," he remarked, giving a shrug as if to hide his giddiness. "And I love you.."


There was a bubble of weight welling up inside of you, and at any moment, you felt as if it were going to burst. You knew that bubble contained a lifetime's worth of happiness and cheer, as well as luck; you could tell just by how excited and enthused the internal bubble of emotions made you feel. Your lips stretched across your picturesque visage into a loving beam.

"And you love me," Jongin continued lamely, pressing his forehead to yours. "So I was just wondering..."

It was coming. You knew it. He's going to do what you've been waiting for him to do! After two and a half long years of waiting, your boyfriend Jongin was finally going to propo --

"Can I show you a magic trick?"


You blinked once. "Huh?" You glanced incredulously up at your devious boyfriend, watching his handsome face contort into a look of mischief. For some odd and peculiar reason, despite the smile that was lingering at his lips, the normal butterflies weren't as powerful anymore. Instead, disappointment and a heap of crushed hopes flooded your system, bringing your mirth down a substantial notch. You almost frowned. "A magic trick?" Had you heard him right?
He nodded, grinning like a child who had just won a lollipop for being Student of the Month. It was as if he almost didn't notice the grave tone of your inquiry; you spoke slowly, and it was rough, like the sound of chains crawlin over asphalt.

"A magic trick," you repeated dubiously.

"Yeah," he breathed, laughing whole-heartedly. "Aw, c'mon, baby!" He pulled you back up against his chest as you tried to pry his arms off of you. "Trust me," he cooed, kissing your lips. "It'll be a magic trick you'll never forget!" His eyes lifted into crescents as his smile obliged to widen, overspreading across his tanned features as he laced your hands together. "Okay?" His eyes glimmered with a hope for approval.
You couldn't help but sigh. It wasn't rare for Jongin to get elated over unnecessary things, but today deemed to be different (must be because it's your birthday), so you obliged grudgingly, bracing yourself for the worst... or the best, whatever Jongin thought it to be.

"So as I was saying," Jongin tittered cheerfully, winding an arm around your shoulder. He brushed your lips with a free thumb, smiling inwardly at the softness of the supple flesh, "we've been dating for four years now, and --"

You felt a cold metal graze past your ear, and before you could turn to see what it was, Jongin tilted your head so you were looking down at his hand. In between his index finger and thumb, he held a large ring, branded in white gold, with a lavender centerpiece screwed in right through the middle in the shape of a heart. "Ta-dah!" His beam radiated into you, overfilling you with a wave of undescribable emotions.
"Jongin.." You could hardly recognize the sound of your voice, as it was so heavy with shock and astonishment. "Jongin you --"

"Yeah," he chuckled sheepishly, "so I just thought that maybe we should get married." 

"Oh Jongin!" You threw your arms around him shortly after he slipped the ring onto your finger. A perfect fit; of course. He didn't even wait for you to say yes, or to agree. Because Jongin knew. He knew you through and through, in and out, left and right, up and down; Jongin sees right through you, and vice versa. The two of you would not have it any other way. He kissed your temple, sweeping you off your feet as he carried you to the bedroom, features almost hurting from grinning so wide.

"Happy birthday, baby. I love you."


And it was most definitely, as Jongin had mentioned earlier, a magic trick you would never forget.

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i realized it never published. omg im going to cry i didnt even save it ashk823tdhsgk GAH TOMORRO WI SWEAR NAFHJ


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Chapter 49: PERFECT ENDING !!!! '-' I LURB U ,, U ARE MY FAV AUTHOR ~~wohoo
moncieletoile #2
JjangJoo #3
Chapter 46: That was so beautiful. I cried and laughed at the same time. Thank you so much! Wait this was for me‚ yes?
zeewei #5
Chapter 43: Gggaaaahhhh Yixing aaahh!!! So cute so fluff ohh I don't know what to says so romantic :) thank you author-nim I'll request again :D
JjangJoo #6
Chapter 40: ..... Yes! I will request again! You do really good with those kind of scene the next one I wonder.. hmm.. I dunno! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!
JensuXP #7
Chapter 39: Aww Sehun.. ur so cute <3