{ twenty seven } - CHEN - { valentine's reunion }

〈 exotic fever! 〉☆ saranghamnida. ☆ 〈 exo oneshots! 〉

{ Valentine's Reunion }

{ for nataliesong }


You cursed, groaning as you glanced at your ticking wristwatch. The rain was already growing relentless and your binder wasn't going to be able to provide you with much shelter any longer; the watery raindrops pelted against your coat as you bustled about the Seoul boardwalks, your hawk-like eyes on the scope for a vacant taxi. You cursed mercilessly at the couples shuffling past you with their arms and fingers interlocked, causing your features to distort with slight digust. You knew it was a bad idea to come out on a rainy day, much less Valentine's Day.

You sighed for the umpteenth time that hour, a breath of relief merely escaping your shivering lips when you had finally managed to flag down an available taxi. You quickly ran to it, oblivious of the other figure running to the same vehicle from across the street; unknowingly, you stepped in and exhaled deeply at the sensual warmth of the heater blasting against your damp hair. You indulged yourself silently - and quite contently - at the heat radiating throughout the cramped atmosphere, when you felt a dark glare set on your side profile, the lightning daggers obviously evident against the side of your face.

Turning awkwardly, you found the eldery taxi driver glancing back from the corner of his eye with an unsure frown tugging at his wrinkled lips. You blinked innocently and turned to your left, which was the origin of the sinister - and severely unnecessary - glaring. Your dark orbs widened and you began to furiously return the glare, your finger instinctively moving to point accusingly at the smirking man before you. "Kim Jongdae!" You scoffed unbelievably, cursing your terrible luck.

Your bully from highschool, you pondered pathetically with a scowl. "Just my luck, I just had to run into you," you bitterly remarked with a snide sneer. He returned your foul expression, a scoff of his own leaving his lips.
"As if I would want to be here with you," he muttered. Nevertheless, despite the awkward air, he motioned the driver to start talking, immediately giving his designated destination's address.
"What are you doing?" you inquire incedulously with a gape hanging at your jaw.
The defined lines of a taunting smirk pricked at the corner of his lips as he shot you a sideways glance, irises twinkling with mischief. "It's raining and I'm sure you wouldn't want to be soaked from walking. We might as well share the cab."

You growled lowly in the back of your throat, huffing as you defeatedly directed the taxi driver to your apartment's address. 

"You moved?"

Flabberghasted at the abrupt question, you turned from the window to face Jongdae, who had a genuine look of curiosity beaming at his features. You gave him a surreptitious once-over as you nodded; the sudden image of his defined jaw line and collarbones came into view, and you felt a familiar warmth spread across your cheeks. He responded to your nod absently with a hum, lips forming into a taut line as he leaned back into the cushioned seats. You mimicked his actions, wondering in scorn what you were even doing.

For heaven's sake, this was the same boy that terrorized you through all four years of high school, relentlessly calling you 'four-eyes' and 'Miss Piggy'. You were neither fat nor ugly, but he just seemed to see differently; Jongdae -- this was the same boy that put gum on your seat; the same boy that clapped chalk dust all over your hair; the same boy that tripped you whenever he had the chance. And you were sharing a taxi with him, without even swearing at him?

"What am I thinking?" you wondered aloud.

The second the words left your mouth, you clamped it shut, too late in realizing you had physically voiced your thoughts. Jongdae's head turned to snap at you, cocking it to the side in question. You shook your head simply, frowning. Maybe it's best if I don't start trouble; he's not even doing anything wrong. At the thought, you lips subconsciously pulled itself back down into a condescending scowl. The memories of your four horrifying years of high school came rushing back all at once, and soon you were red in the face with pent-up rage. 

You took as many calming breaths as you could, and at that point, you didn't care whether or not the driver or Jongdae thought you were having an emotional breakdown. Soft whispers of encouragement to contain your irritation left your mouth and you consulted in staring out the window, in attempt to let the passing landscape lull you to tranquility. No luck.

Jondae began to speak.

"I did it for your attention, you know."

You cocked a brow. "Excuse you?"

He simly shrugged, leaving your swirling mind on a cliffhanger. You clicked your tongue disapprovingly when you caught the image that he wasn't going to speak anymore than he just did. You went back to your staring when you heard his voice again; agitation nipped at your stomach and you could swear you felt your eye twitch at the sound of his now-much-deeper-and-seemingly attractive voice echoing throughout the cab's tight walls. "Your attention.. I just picked on you because those were the only times I could get you to notice me."

"You wanted my attention so you terrorized me?" you echoed dubiously. "Gee, I think a nice hi-nice-to-meet-you would've been nicer."

He shrugged, as you saw from the corner of your eye; you swore you could detect a naive playfulness in his languid smile. "I wanted to stand out, I guess."

You were about to seak, but Jongdae beat you to it once more. "And I got the opportunity to meet you again after two years.. a coincidental one, at that.. I swear this wasn't planned," he remarked. He turned to look at you, forcing you to return his burning gaze. You felt unconvinced, a prodigious amount of doubt lingering in the back of your mind. However, at the sight of his innocently eyes and slightly lopsided smirk, you felt yourself suddenly waver. His hair was shorter, now falling just above his brow; eyes were sharper; body was leaner; features more sculpted, more defined.

Jongdae had grown to be seemingly handsome, you realized. 

You cleared your throat, wiping away the thoughts, immediately ridding of them and cursing yourself.

"God is on my side today," Jongdae smiled to himself, glancing through the windshield. You shrugged, pretending not to care, when inside you felt yourself clawing at your heart to contain the blush spreading across your now pink visage. 
"Maybe God is on my side, hoping I'd finally kill you off," you groaned stubbornly, crossing your arms over your torso.
You saw shock cross his features for a moment before he chortled, his deep voice resonating through your ears; his smile remained and the shock was no longer evident, but was rather replaced by a look of humorous wit. 

He pulled something out from his pocket and handed it to you.

You glanced at it questioningly, with no intent on receiving it.

"Hi, I'm Kim Jongdae; it's nice to meet you. How about you give me a call sometime?"
You couldn't help it. You laughed, suddenly overpowered by the humor in his voice. "What are you doing?" you catechized incredulously. "I know who you are."
He shrugged nonchalantly, wearing the same casual beam he did two years ago; except now, it seemed more endearing rather than mocking. "You did tell me, a hi-nice-to-meet-you would've been nicer," he retorted snidely. He smirked, "So I'm just going to add my own flair to it and give you my number, too." You didn't know what hit you, but you felt an elating pang hit your heart at his bold words. You didn't realize it, but you smiled; and in return, Jongdae gave you one of his best smirks, shooting you a flamboyant wink to match.

The car came to a slow stop and recognition flashed behind Jongdae's eyes as his condo came into view. 

"Call me."


"Oh, you will. I just know it... oh, and happy Valentine's."

And he was out, walking with poised confidence as he strolled into the lobby of his building. You scoffed, shaking your head dismally. Confident jerk.


You didn't know what you were doing.

But you called him, and he never seemed happier at that moment.

The same went for you.

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i realized it never published. omg im going to cry i didnt even save it ashk823tdhsgk GAH TOMORRO WI SWEAR NAFHJ


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Chapter 49: PERFECT ENDING !!!! '-' I LURB U ,, U ARE MY FAV AUTHOR ~~wohoo
moncieletoile #2
JjangJoo #3
Chapter 46: That was so beautiful. I cried and laughed at the same time. Thank you so much! Wait this was for me‚ yes?
zeewei #5
Chapter 43: Gggaaaahhhh Yixing aaahh!!! So cute so fluff ohh I don't know what to says so romantic :) thank you author-nim I'll request again :D
JjangJoo #6
Chapter 40: ..... Yes! I will request again! You do really good with those kind of scene the next one I wonder.. hmm.. I dunno! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!
JensuXP #7
Chapter 39: Aww Sehun.. ur so cute <3