trial 05 : oh the things i do for park junhee .

When Queenka Meets Nerd . {Hiatus, sorry~!}


trial 05 : oh the things i do for park junhee .


Kyungsoo's POV:


I painfully removed my monster of a backpack off my back, plopped it on my chair and set my glasses on my desk. I proceeded to then plopping on my bed. I rolled over so that I was facing the ceiling. I spread my arms and legs and let out a big sigh. What a day it's been. A very BAD day. My whole school day was filled with the ever-so-irritating queenka group f(x). You guys are probably wondering, Why Kyungsoo? Why else would I go near them, other than with a reason having to do with Park JunHee.

I reached for the left side pocket of my pants and got out a messily folded paper and unfolded it. On it was JunHee's address. THIS was the reason I had to actually communicate with those dumb girls. Ugh. All the pain and suffering -- being called a ert, getting my head drilled in with a manly fist, being sarcastically flirted on, being flicked on the head a second time, and now having to do all of their homework for each freaking class. All of that just to acquire this stupid piece of information.

Oh, and it only gets better. It ends up being that JUN HEE WASN'T EVEN AT HOME. GRAH! Out sick? You gotta be kidding me. Knowing she's a queenka, she probably went out clubbing. All my hard work of acquiring her address only to find out she wasn't even there -- WHAT A FREAKING WASTE OF MY TIME. Out of anger I sat straight up crumpled the paper and threw it across the room, not caring where it went. I already memorized it. Unfortunately.

Now, you guys are probably wondering, Why did you need to get her address Kyungsoo? 




I got to school early. As I entered from the school gates, I saw that Tiffany was waiting for me at the usual spot, a bench surrounding a tree.  

"Oh, Kyungie! Over here!" She waved and smiled.

"Ah, arasso! I'm coming!"

I walked up to her and she stood up. We began walking to class. Once we arrived, we sat next to each other and just talked about homework and other things. As time passed by, the class was becoming less empty and more noisy as more students began entering the room. Then, the class became unreasonably more loud when f(x) entered with all of the members talking to each other at the same time. How is that even possible?

Then they began playing a game. It seemed that the f(x) members were playfully teasing one of their own, Sulli. They took off a headband she was wearing and started tossing it around to each other; it was a game of monkey in the middle, f(x) version.

"Yah, give it back unnie~! I just bought it yesterday and I don't want it to get ruined!" She chased after Victoria, the one who snatched the headband first.

"But don't you think it looks better on me?" Victoria tried on the headband while trying to evade Sulli and did a bunch of silly poses with it.

"Yah! Pass it on to me!"  Victoria passed it to Quartz lady. She began doing the same thing as Victoria, and all of them were laughing except Sulli, who was desperately trying to get it back.

"My turn!" Amber shouted. Victoria tried to throw it to Amber, but before Amber could catch it, Luna jumped and caught it in front of her.

"Haha~! Knowing you, your just going to give it back to your child Amber omma. That's no fun at all!" 

"Not fair!! I wouldn't do that!" Amber stuck her tongue out to Luna.

"Bwuahaha! Whatever! Anyways, this is so cute Sulli! Where did you get it? I really want one too! Or maybe I can just have it? You can just get another one right?" My goodness, she talked so much while running around.

"Give it back!" Sulli was tearing up. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Sulli. I wouldn't have the tolerance of being the monkey in the middle.

"Okay Luna, that's enough, we don't want our Sulli to cry. You know how sensitive she is." Victoria, being the leader of the group, finally stopped the game. Just in time too, it was only about 5 minutes before the teacher would come in.

"Fine, fine, fine. Don't cry Sulli! It's just a headband. Here." Luna threw it in Sulli's direction, which was also in my direction. She ended up throwing it a little too high, so Sulli had to jump for it, but her fingers only brushed the headband and went over her.

Onto my desk.

I decided to pick it up so I could hand it to Sulli. Bad idea.

"Uh... i-is this y-yours?" I looked up and saw an expression of disgust coming from Sulli's face. My eyes then peered at the rest of the f(x) members. Luna was trying to contain her laughter by putting her hands over , Victoria and Quartz lady exhanged smirks, and Amber looked genuinely worried. The rest of the class became completely quiet.

"Not anymore. Gross." She rolled her eyes at me turned around and went back to her group. "I can just get another one. That one's been contaminated."


Excuse me?

I tried containing my anger and just clenched onto the headband. Are you serious? Just moments ago, she was about to cry over this thing (and I actually felt SORRY for her), and now she's going with Luna's suggestion of just getting another one. She really is a drama queenka. I knew that they didn't like nerds, but to treat me as though I was a kind of germ... they messed with the wro--


Control yourself Kyungsoo. They're just a bunch of dumb people who try to make themselves feel superior by making fun of people smarter than them.


That's it. No need to get mad at them. I should pity them for feeling that way. I took a deep breath and just placed the headband in my backpack. Since they said it's new, it'll make a nice gift for EunJi.

Just then, a substitute teacher entered class and instruction started. I looked at the desk beside me. I realized the other f(x) member was missing.




When the bell rang for the end of first period, Tiffany walked over to me, and sat where JunHee would have sat. It was only 5 minutes till the next class would start, so she was probably going to tell me something quick.

"Sorry Kyungie. I saw what happened with you and f(x)." Everyone did. "Here." She handed me a little snack.  "I hope this makes you feel a bit better."

 "Thank you." I just smiled weakly at her. Trying to contain my anger drained out the energy in me.

"Hey, at least you didn't have to deal with all of them. JunHee's absent."

"Yeah, that's true."

"Don't you need to give her homework to her since you guys are partners?"

Shoot. That's right.

"Oh yeah. I don't even know her address though." I glanced back at Tiffany. She had an expression of regret. I wonder why?

"Maybe you can ask the teacher?"

"Yeah, I'll do that."

"I'll come with you."

"Haha~ don't you always?"

"Of course!" She smiled. She went back to her seat since next period was about to start. I seriously wish Tiffany could sit next to me instead of that JunHee.




When it was finally nutrition break Tiffany and I headed over to the teachers' lounge. The homeroom teacher is the one who keeps the record of all the students' contact information in our class, but she was absent, so we tried asking the substitute teacher. Unfortunately, they didn't have the keys to the records.

"How about you ask some of your partner's close friends? They're bound to know where she lives." The substitute teacher suggested.

"Oh, okay. We'll ask them then. Thank you for your help." I replied with a smile. Tiffany and I exited out the lounge.

"Uh-oh. You know what that means."

"Yeah." I sighed in grief. I'd have to ask the members f(x). Dangit. I doubt they'll give it to me without bullying me in some way. Why, oh why did JunHee have to be my partner?

We walked back to our classroom before the bell would ring for third period to start. While walking to my desk, I could hear the whispers of students as I passed by them.

         "That's the kid."

                                 "Man, I pity him."

                                                              "He's definitely their target now."

                                                                                                                   "I'm so glad I'm not him."

                                                                                                                                                             "He shouldn've done that."

I didn't find it strange that they would be saying things like that. It's expected. I had already caught the eye of f(x) before this all happened. What surprised me a bit was that never had I heard anyone mention my actual name. Kid. Him. He. Am I really a nobody in this school? Funny... I wasn't at my other school.

Fortunately, f(x) had minded their own business, and I went with my own. However, I dreaded thinking about how in a few moments, I'd have to communicate with each of them... for the sake of that JunHee.




Right after the bell rang ending fourth period, I saw that f(x) exited the door quickly. Tiffany also got her things, and walked speedily towards me. "We have to hurry! We don't know where those girls hang out, so we gotta follow 'em!"

"Yes! Yes! I know! Just wait a second, let me pack my things!" I hurriedly stuffed my backpack, and ran out the door with Tiffany.

Once we exited the door, we ran straight through the hallway, but f(x) was nowhere to be seen. 

"They're probably at the canteen." Tiffany suggested.

"Yeah, let's go there." We walked in the direction of the canteen and suddenly, we saw Sulli come out of the girl's restroom. Where were the others? Oh well, it's better to deal with just one. Tiffany looked at me and I nodded at her. We quickly walked up behind her and I tapped her shoulder.

"Bwoh?" She turned, and her eyelids sunk when she saw me, making a straight face.

"Ew. What do you want? Leave me alone! Hmph." She was about to leave.

"Wait!" I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Get off me!" And she shoved it away.

"I n-need Park JunHee-ssi's a-address!"

"Hah?" She raised her eyebrows. Then I saw her eyes deviate from my face to something behind me. "Is that my..."

I turned, and saw that her headband was sticking out of my backpack. I didn't close my backpack all the way when I hastly stuffed it.

"Yah!" As she came near me, I flinched when she snatched the headband from my backpack. "Why do you have this, huh?"

"W-well, you didn't want it, and I c-couldn't just throw it awa--"

"What are you? A ert? Who keeps a girl's things like that? You're so gross!! Gah! I can't believe I'm touching it!" She threw it at me quite hard, but I caught it. "ert!!!" And with that she ran away. What the...?

"That didn't go too well."

"Tell me about it."

"Since you didn't get her contact info, we still need to search for the others."

"Deh, arasso, arasso..." I didn't want to hear something I already knew. I couldn't believe I was being called a ert. I didn't do anything erted! I looked at the headband I was holding. Maybe I shouldn't give this to EunJi. Queenka essence might rub off on her if she wears this. "Do you want it, Tiffany?" 

"The headband? Well... it looks cute. And none of them want it. Okay~" I gave the headband to her.

"I'm sure it'll look much cuter on you than any of the f(x) members."

"Really? I'll definitely wear it then! Not at school though. I don't want them to notice."

"Of course. Let's look for the rest now." We continued going to the canteen. Once we entered, I could see Sulli lined up getting food. It'd be best to avoid her. I scanned the place and saw Amber, but not the others. Where are they? To think they'd stick with each other anywhere they went. 

As I headed towards Amber, who was sitting on a table, elbows resting on her legs, legs spread like a guy, and feet on a chair, she was talking to a Kingka named Kim Kibum, who went by the nickname 'Almighty Key'. He noticed me walking to them and then looked back at Amber and motioned a single nod towards my direction. Amber turned.

"Ayo~ well if it isn't little fish eyes! What are you doing here, weirdo?"

"Um... I w-was wondering if--"

"YAH! Who said you could go near Amber omma?!" I heard a voice behind me. Dangit Sulli.

"Haha~ it's okay Sulli. This guy's a wimp. He can't do anything to us."

"Yeah, well, he's a ert!"

"BWORAGO?!" She jumped off the table and grabbed me under her arm and started giving me a really hard nuggie. "What did you do to Sulli?!" 

"W-what?! N-no! It's all a m-misunderstanding!! Ouch!! Th-that hurts!!! Ow! Ow!!"

"Who's a ert?" I heard an amused voice behind me. I escaped Amber's clutches once she lessened her grasp, and I fixed my glasses. I turned to see Leader Victoria with Luna and Quartz lady flanked at both her sides. I also saw that we were grabbing the attention of all the students in the canteen. Great.

"Sulli says this guy's a ert!! I should beat him up right now!!" Please don't.

"Amber, Sulli calm down." She then turned her face to me, and I could see she was smirking. "Wow, Kyungsoo. I never thought you had it in you~" As she was getting closer to me, I kept taking steps backward to keep the distance "Haha, don't be scared~ I won't hurt you. How about you and I go out one day, huh? You'd have a whole lot more fun with me~" She tapped my lips with her index finger. Disgusting.

"Victoria-ssi, you've got it all wrong. Kyungsoo isn't like that. Sulli-ssi just overreacted." Tiffany was trying to defend me again. 

"Was I talking to you? I don't think so." As she was nearing towards Tiffany, I intersected.

"A-all we needed was Jun Hee-ssi's address! P-please don't hurt Tiffany!"

"And why would you need it?" Quartz lady began talking with a stern expression.

"So I c-could give her h-her homework. Since I'm her p-partner in class."

"Yeah right! You just want to do naughty things with JunHee!!" WHAT? What kind of things go around in the head of this Sulli girl? Quit making me out to be a ert! 

"Uwaaah~! What kind of things Kyungsoo? You're really wild aren't you? First Sulli, and now Jun Hee! You go after the young ones don't you? Why not the older ones? Like me? Or Victoria? Or Krystal? Or Am--"

"Luna, please... shut up." Krystal interjected. Finally I knew her name.

"Here~ we'll give it to you." Victoria had just finished writing hastly on a little piece of paper she had gotten out while Sulli and Luna were blabbering. I reached for the piece of paper just when she took it back to herself. Oh no.

"I'll give you this if you do today's homework for us."

"All of you?"

"Yes, ALL of us. And for each subject." Are you kidding me? No!

"O-okay..." I hate myself.

Victoria smiled and put her arms over my shoulders as if she was about to hug me. I was about to push her away, until I heard my back pack . She had put the paper in my backpack and zipped it back up. She then rested her hands on my shoulders and I could feel her breath at my right ear. 

"Don't forget fish eyes~ or else." She blew into my ear which caused me to shiver. "Come on girls! Let's go outside."

"Bye bye ert Kyungsoo!" Luna shouted. Each of them followed behind Victoria. Sulli stuck her tongue at me. Then I saw Krystal turn back and walk to me. Oh, come on.

"You better keep your word of doing our homework, and DON'T do anything weird to JunHee, fish eyes. The girl's already got a lot on her plate after breaking up with Taemin." She said so with a quiet, but harsh voice. Then she flicked my head.  Again.

Once they all exited the canteen, I could see almost everyone's attention directed towards me. I ended up just bowing at everyone and apologizing for the commotion. I took Tiffany by the wrist, and walked quickly through another exit.

"He's not a ert by the way!" Tiffany said loudly as we exited. Thank you Tiffany. I smiled on the inside when she said that. We began walking back to our home classroom.

"That was horrible." Tiffany said sadly. I didn't reply. I was exhausted after dealing with those brats. "I'm sorry this happened to you."

"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong."

"But for that to happen to you is just unbelievable. If I were stronger, I could protect you from them!" Haha... Tiffany. It should be the other way around.

"No, Tiffany. You're fine just the way you are. Let's just head back to class and ignore f(x). They can't do much more to me. Hopefully, I won't deal with them anymore today."

"Yeah... I hope so too. I just really can't believe you had to go through all that, just to get JunHee's contact information."

"Me neither. Tiff... let's not talk about this anymore. It's really giving me a headache now."

"Of course! I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay." We walked back to the classroom. F(x) wasn't present so they must be eating somewhere else around school. Tiffany and I sat together and we began eating our lunches quickly since break was going to end in 10 minutes.  I tried not thinking of f(x) for the rest of the school day. Although that was pretty impossible, because right after school ended they all handed me their homeweok once the teacher went out of the class. I had to stuff everything in my backpack. So... HEAVY. I dragged myself to Tiffany, and we walked together to the school gates.

"Well, I guess I'll get going now Kyungie. Are you sure you don't need any help? I could do some of their homework too."

"No, no. It's fine. This is my burden. Just wish me luck in finding JunHee's house."

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "Alright." She seemed really sad looking over my back. She noticed how fat it had gotten. "Good luck! Careful carrying that thing. I don't want you to break your back. Call me if you need any help!" 

"I will! See you tomorrow!" We waved our goodbyes and began walking our separate ways. I took out the paper Victoria handed to me. Yeah, I have no idea where this is. I decided to take a taxi. At least I was able to remove my backpack and place it next to me, easing the pain of my back for the while I was in the taxi.




Dang this girl lives pretty far from school. It'd probably take half an hour of walking from here to get to school and back. After I paid the taxi driver, I went out of the car with my gigantic backpack and walked to the front gates of the house.


It was a pretty big house. Almost as big as mine. I saw a doorbell next to the gates. Above the door bell was a metallic sign engraved with: 


Mr. Jung Min

Mrs. Su Yeon

Jun Hee

Huh. So she's an only child. I peered over the the bars of the gates. There were no cars at the front yard. The parents were probably still out at work. I began ringing the doorbell. No one answered. I waited 30 seconds before ringing it again and pressed down longer. Still no answer. I rang the bell about 5 more times until a loud BEEP came from the speaker under the doorbell. Did JunHee open the gates? I looked over at the gates, but they didn't open. Suddenly an automated voice began talking from the speakers. I got startled and jumped a bit.

"We apologize for the inconvenience; however, there is no one at the Park Residence at the moment. Please leave a message, and we will notify the Park family of your visit. Thank you."

You gotta be kidding me. I rang the door bell some more. No way. How am I supposed to give her her homework?! I rang the bell more and more. WHERE ARE YOU PARK JUNHEE?! GAH!!! I waited 15 minutes in front of the gate, at times walking back and forth, other times sitting next to the gates. At the final moments of my sanity, I had my head leaning on the wall right next to the doorbell with my index finger systematically pressing on the bell every 5 seconds. I ignored the automated voice.

This is it. I'm not waiting anymore. My head hurts; I'm hungy, tired, cold, I have a bunch of homework to do... I WANT TO GO HOME. I looked for a mail box belonging the the Park Residence, and I did, but it was too small to fit JunHee's pack of homework which I had inserted inside a big orange envelope. I decided to drop JunHee's homework on the other side of the gates on the concrete floor. Hopefully someone would notice the packet as they drove in. I then rang the bell a few more times until the automated voice came up again. I left a message.

After that, I began waiting for a taxi. Once I got on the taxi, I told him my address and he began driving. I decided to take a little nap. When I felt a familiar turn, I woke up. I looked at the taxi driver's money checker. 


"Ch-chogyo, you can stop here."

"Cheongmal? Wae?"

"Uh... j-just stop here please." He parked next the sidewalk. I hurriedly gave him my money and ran out the door.

"Chincha Jwesoamnida!!!" I kept bowing. He had a confused expression on his face and then he looked down at the money. Uh-oh. Better run.

"YAH!!! You're 15,000 won short!!! Come back here!!!" He opened his door and shouted at me, but I just kept running. "Aish, kids these days."

I took a route that only had private roads, so that there was a slim chance that I'd be caught by the taxi driver. I was extremely exhausted, but I had to keep walking. It'll take about 10 minutes from here to get to my house now. I feel sorry for cheating that taxi driver. At least I'm not lost anymore though. I kept repositioning my backpack a few times so that my back wouldn't hurt as much. Only 5 more minutes now. Suddenly, I saw a taxi from a distance driving in my direction. Shoot. Is it him?! I didn't know what to do. There was no place to hide! WHAT AM I GONNA D--

It just passed by me.

Huh. Must have been a different driver. Thank goodness. The path was now going downhill, which was good, because my house was along this path. Then, as I was getting closer to the house, I noticed my sister outside of the house. I called for her, and she ran up to me and gave me a hug. I put my arm around her for support and we both talked while walking to the house.




I sat up after contemplating over today's experience. How much torture will I have to go through during this school year? I changed my clothes into home clothes and then walked to my desk and began pulling out my homework. And Victoria's homework. And Krystal's homework. And Luna's. And Amber's. And Sulli's.

I groaned at the horrible site. I sat on my chair and scooted closer to my desk. I decided to do my homework first. I picked up my glasses to put it in the drawer, but then I decided to look at it for a bit. I sighed looking at them.

"I thought you were gonna bring me peace little guy, but instead, I'm having the some of most chaotic experiences of my life right now." I let out a big sigh again and finally put my glasses in the drawer. I began doing my homework. I also began thinking of a certain f(x) member. She should seriously thank me. I mean, the things I do for her. That Park JunHee...








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LuckyJune #1
Chapter 6: This story is real good. It may sound like typical queenka and nerd stuff but I love the way you elaborate it. Jinhee who actually isn't bad, but want to be a queenka. She's also smart and actually very kind!! I love it so much! Hope you can finish your other story and update this one really fast!
Chapter 6: I didn't get it author-nim...o___O i mean Eunji's age :(( what's her age author-nim? Anyway, i like your story! HAHA keep it up author-nim! Sarangahe~ lol okay bye :>
Chapter 5: This story is really good! Keep up the good work! :D
elle87 #4
Chapter 3: I do like the story and where it's getting so far.
Waiting for more Kyungsoo and Junhee interactions!