trial 04 : when queenka meets mini queenka .

When Queenka Meets Nerd . {Hiatus, sorry~!}


trial 04 : when queenka meets mini queenka .


JunHee's POV:


I wake up to the smell of my mother making kimchi. Ah, I guess we were running low on the supply of the delicious side dish. I turned and squinted to look at the clo-- HOLY FRICK IT'S 7:43am. I jolted up to get ready, but as I was about to get off the bed the door knob was turning. SHIZ. Instinctively, I jumped back into bed and covered myself full on with my blanket. I shut my eyes and tried to pretend I was  still asleep.

"June? Are you awake yet?" My mother said gently. I wondered why she didn't wake me up when she knew I had school. Is she letting me stay at home today? She walked to my bed. I tried relaxing myself. I forced myself to breath slowly despite my heart beating quickly. My forehead was the only part of me not covered by my blanket so I felt her hand touch my forehead. "Hmm... she's warm, but she doesn't have a fever. She did look pale and sickly when she came home though." Why thank you mother. That makes me feel a whole lot better. I decided to pretend I was just waking up.

"O-omma? Ugh..." I slowly took the blanket off my face.

"Oh dear, I think it's best you stay home. You look absolutely hideous. Maybe you are sick." WHY THANK YOU MOTHER.


"Plus, you're not going to make it school any way. I'll go warm up some left-over porridge for you, okay? I just finished making kimchi. You can have some too, but it'll taste better later after it's marinated more."

"Are you going to call the school for me?"

"Yes,  don't worry. Just try and finish your homework today okay?"

"Arasso omma. Thanks so much..." I didn't really need to alter my voice. My morning voice already sounded sickly. She left my room. After I was in the clear, I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I checked myself  in the mirror. Dear goodness, I was hideous. As usual, my face was puffy, and my hair looked like tumbleweed, but unlike my other mornings, my eyes were extremely swollen.

 From crying.


Stupid Taemin.

All of a sudden I felt really tired again at the thought of yesterday's incident. After freshening up just a bit, I sluggishy walked back to my bed and just plopped on it and pulled over the blankets again. I was not in the mood to go to school. I tried to restrain myself from remembering yesterday's incident, or else I might start crying again. My mom entered my room again with my breakfast. I sat up so she could put the breakfast tray over me.

"Here's the porridge June. You'll have to blow it because it's hot. Also, I made you hot barley tea and cut you some oranges."

"Uwaaah~ thank you so much mom." I smiled. I wanted to hug her, but my mom was afraid she'd get sick as well.

"Okay, I'm going to go to work now alright? Don't work yourself too hard! Continue to get plenty of rest! Just do your homework later in the afternoon."

"Arasso, omma. Be safe~" And with that she exited my room. I heard her go down the stairs and then I heard the front door open and close. I was now alone in the house.

I took the spoon settled next to my bowl of porridge and began slowly eating it. It really was hot, so I had to blow each spoonful a few times. I also made sure to eat the oranges and drink my tea. As I was in the middle of eating my phone played the ringtone of UN OBA by the popular K-pop girl group MC2. That's Victoria unnie's ringtone. I reached for the phone. It was a text message.

 Vick<3 : YAH PARK JUNHEE! Where are you?! Are you okay? Krystal told us all about you and Taemin! Nice kick! But anyways, are you going to be able to come to school?

Junjun: lol, thanks unnie. I'm at home right now, and I'm not doing very well. I look disgusting because of all the crying. I'm staying home for one more day. There's no point in going to school if I'm not beautiful... (;_;)

Vick<3 : Waah~ And you call Amber a drama queen. Kukuku~ but poor JunHee... Taemin's a jerk. He deserved that. 

Junjun: Definitely. But don't worry about me though~ just tell the others I 'm fine and that I said hi okay? 

Vick <3: Mm~ okay. Get better JunHee!! You should put put a pack of ice over your eyes to loosen up the swelling. I do that every morning. Annyeong~~

Junjun: Alrighty. Annyeong unnie (^w^) 

I placed my phone near me on my bed and resumed eating.




I decided to do all my homework from yesterday right after I finished my breakfast. I was sitting on my chair finishing up my last assignment, which was for math. By the time I was done with my homework it was about 2:20pm. Dang, I've been cooped up in this room since yesterday afternoon. I took my reading glasses off, stood up, and stretched a bit. Then I let out a big sigh. I think I deserve to at least have some fresh air outside.

I walked to my closet mirror and checked up on my face. It wasn't as bad as this morning, but it still looked really unpresentable. I decided to take up Victoria unnie's advice and get a pack of ice and set it on my eyes for a few minutes. The ice was super cold, and so I had to lift up the ice from my eyes a few times. I did this while laying down on my bed. I began thinking about yesterday's incident...


I must not. Or else I'll cry again!! All this hard work of my trying to shrink my hideous eyebags will have gone to waste! I pressed the ice on my closed eyes even more. "Aigoo!" I yelped. It was freezing, but I had to endure. After a few more minutes I lifted the pack of ice from my eyes for good, and set the pack on my desk. I checked myself again.

Huh... it worked quite a bit. My eyes weren't as puffy. Nice. Mm... I think this is good enough. I decided to wash my face, put on my moisturizers, and replaced the bandages on my feet with new ones. I'm gonna have to wear closed flats. I don't want anyone to see how ugly my feet are either. I also decided not to put on any makeup. I was afraid students or teachers would recognize me if they ended up going to the same location I was going to after they were done with school. It was already 2:31pm. School ends at 3:20pm and it'll take me about 10 minutes to get to my desired destination. Yup, better safe than sorry. I won't put any makeup.




I had decided on an outfit that would match the sunny day we were having today. I had put on a yellow-orange blouse full of cute floral-designs tucked in a black pleated skirt. Simple, but cute. You could see that my face was still a bit puffy, but presentable. All I had on was chaptstick. I looked nice for someone who was sobbing their heart out all day before.

 When I arrived at the park, there was a stand selling smoothies. Yup, I guess I'm pretty thirsty. It'd be nice to have something refreshing. I decided to get a watermelon smoothie. Yum~


I walked along the white fence, and turned left. I sat down on the cement steps and looked down at the lake full of small lillies."Ah~ It feels so nice outside." I continued slurping my delicious smoothie. I then closed my eyes and stretched my arms beside me. I peered down at the pond and saw little fish swimming around.

Fish eyes.


Oh yeah... I completely forgot about our science project. Well, it isn't due till next month so I shouldn't worry. Plus I'm paired up with a nerd. And he's paired up with me, a smart queenka. It should be a breeze starting and finishing the project. The only thing is that I hate his wimpy non-existent guts. I seriously do not want to make friends with him. First I break up with THE kingka of our high school, and then I befriend a nerd? Not in my books.

"Excuse me unnie, where did you get that smoothie?" From out of nowhere a little girl asked me. She startled me a bit.

"Oops! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Awww~ she seemed cute.

"No, it's fine! I was just dazing off~ I got this smoothie from over there." I pointed to the smoothie stand.

"Kamsahamnida unnie~!" She said.

"Ah, wait~! Where are your parents?" I asked, just to make sure she was safe and was under supervision.

"At home." Oh dear.

"What about any older siblings?"

"School." Not good.

This girl is alone in the park, she's exposed to several dangers of the world! Including kidnappers, pedofiles, rabid dogs. Nuh-uh. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to her. Gotta make sure this KID'S safe. I've always had a soft side for cute, pretty girls. Because they reminded me... of me~

"What's your name?" I asked.

"EunJi. Do EunJi." Pretty name, but... something sounded familiar about that name. Huh...

"Well, EunJi. It's your lucky day. You're getting a free smoothie from a pretty unnie, who's gonna make sure you're safe from pedofiles and other people while you walk home. Sound good?"

She nodded. "Ah, but unnie, what are pedofiles ?"

"Bad people!" Her eyes widened and I just chuckled. When she noticed I chucked, she gave me a pretty and cute eye-smile. Oh, I see a future queenka here. 

" And one last thing, what's your name, unnie?" Oh that's right. I didn't even tell her my name.

"JunHee. Park JunHee."

"Then can I call you... hm... Park unnie? You know, because we met at a park?" Haha~ nice play on words. She's cute and clever. Like me!

"Sure~! As long as you're a good girl!"

We both walked to the stand and got her smoothie.


EunJi's POV:


YESH. School's finally finished! 3:10pm bebeh! Yeyuh! Hmmm... where should I go? I don't wanna go home yet. Mm... the park, yes, the park.

It took me about 15 minutes to get to the park. As I was walking, enjoying the sun rays touching my skin and the wind breezing through my hair, I noticed a really pretty unnie sitting at the cement steps near the pond. Oh, she's drinking a smoothie. Where'd she get that from? I vant van (I want one)! I ran over to the steps and walked up behind her. I slightly tapped her shoulder, but she didn't seem to notice. I then decided just to ask her where she got the smoothie. When I asked her, she jumped a bit. I think I startled her.

"Oops! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." When she turned, I realized she was a really pretty unnie! Even though she was hardly wearing make up... just woah! But, I hope she doesn't get mad at me.

"No, it's fine! I was just dazing off~ I got this smoothie from over there." She pointed to the smoothie stand. I thanked her and smiled. I wanna be that pretty someday. As I was about to walk to the stand, she called out to me.

"Ah, wait~! Where are your parents?" Huh? Is she worried about me?

"At home."

"What about any older siblings?" Uh...


Hmmm... why is she asking me all these questions? Is it because I'm alone? But there's a bunch of kids out here right now... oh well. If she's worried, I can't help that. It's nice to have a pretty unnie worried about me. It's like having a big sister for real.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"EunJi. Do EunJi."

"Well, EunJi. It's your lucky day. You're getting a free smoothie from a pretty unnie, and making sure you're safe from pedofiles and other bad people on your walk home. Sound good?" WAAAAAAH?! REALLY? You're going to pay for my smoothie unnie? You're AMAZING. I love you already!!! Wait, what was that she said though? Oh yeah...

 "Ah, but unnie, what are pedofiles?"

"Bad people!" Hah? Really?  I wonder what kind? Maybe it's best not to know. I heard soft laughter from her. Did my face look funny? Uh-oh, gotta save the reputation of my adorable face! Quickly I gave her an eye-smile, and she smiled back. Soooo pretty. I really wanna be like her when I'm older. She's my new rolemodel! Oh wait...

"One last thing, what's your name, unnie?"

"JunHee. Park JunHee."

JunHee unnie~! That sounds a bit funny. Mmm... Park unnie? Haha~ and we're in a park too.

"Then can I call you... hm... Park unnie? You know, because we met at a park?" Uh-oh... I hope she doesn't think it's dorky...

"Sure~! As long as you're a good girl!"

Waaah? She accepts? Too cool to be true! She's awesome. Hehe~ we then got my smoothie. I ordered strawberry-banana, my favorite. After that we began walking to my house. The whole time we were walking there, we played a game of I Spy. I wanted to get to know my unnie more, but playing with her was good enough. We also exhanged phone numbers so that we could have another play date one day. Once we arrived at my house, which was uphill from where we were walking, I thanked her. "Well, this is my stop! Kamsahamnida for walking me home Park unnie!" I gave her a hug, and she hugged back.

"Deh~ Ah, why were you at the park anyways?" My unnie really is a curious one~

"I had just gone out of school."

"What time do you get out?"

"3:10." Once I said that, her eyes widened and an expression of shock covered her whole face. I wonder why?

"CHINCHA?!" Wait, but that's the standard time junior high kids like me get out. Why is she so surprised? She took out her cellphone. "It's 4:17?! OH SHUCKS. Well, I'll take my leave first! Study hard, EunJi-ah~!"

"Arasso~ ANNYEONG PARK UNNIE~!" She darted back the other direction, so I had to shout out my goodbye. She turned and waved and then resumed running. A taxi passed by her driving towards my direction, and so she turned back around and started chasing and calling for it. Luckily, it stopped and she got in. As the taxi passed by me, I waved at it, and I could see the silhouette of unnie waving back. Park unnie's funny. And pretty. And cool. I'm going to be like her when I grow up~

Hmmm... but why was she in a hurry? Does she have to meet with someone? Oh, maybe she has a date with her boyfriend! Just then I heard someone call out my name.

"Yah! EunJi-ah!"

I turned to the direction of the voice, and saw my brother walking downhill to the house, opposite from where me and unnie were walking. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Annyeong oppa!"

"Why aren't you inside the house? And what's with the smoothie?"

Hmm... should I tell him about my mini adventure with my new unnie? Nah... maybe next time. Park unnie's my secret unnie!

"Oh, I just decided to go to the park for a bit. There was a stand selling smoothies!"

"Yah. You shouldn't go out by yourself! It's not safe! There are pedofiles everywhere!" 


"What's that oppa?"

"Evil people. I'm too tired to tell you the whole thing. Just search it up."


"Come one, let's go inside."

He did sound really tired. Oppa then put his arm around my shoulder and we walked to our house. I looked over my shoulder and noticed his backpack was so FAT. Full of books n' stuff! It's not usually like that. I was about to ask him why, but it looked like he just wanted peace and quiet, so I let him be.

As we did our own thing, oppa going upstairs and me getting out mochi ice cream, I began wondering... what would happen if oppa met Park unnie? Wait, she's got to have a boyfriend already. She's way too pretty not have one. Man, too bad for oppa.

I bet he'd fall head over heels for Park unnie if he saw her~



Ayo~ this is saranghae_octonauts' sister!

She's sleeping right now. lol

Hope you liked this chapter~

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Thank you~! :3 




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LuckyJune #1
Chapter 6: This story is real good. It may sound like typical queenka and nerd stuff but I love the way you elaborate it. Jinhee who actually isn't bad, but want to be a queenka. She's also smart and actually very kind!! I love it so much! Hope you can finish your other story and update this one really fast!
Chapter 6: I didn't get it author-nim...o___O i mean Eunji's age :(( what's her age author-nim? Anyway, i like your story! HAHA keep it up author-nim! Sarangahe~ lol okay bye :>
Chapter 5: This story is really good! Keep up the good work! :D
elle87 #4
Chapter 3: I do like the story and where it's getting so far.
Waiting for more Kyungsoo and Junhee interactions!