The ceremony


Victoria kept looking at the invitation. It's been 20 years since the incident. Umma, you'll be free at last, she thought. She sneered at the invitation. Her Aunt, walked out from the kitchen sat down across from Victoria. 

"It's time," she smiled. Victoria nodded and handed the invitation to her Aunt. 

"We have to find you a dress. I want you to be the prettiest one there, and you must know your duty," her Aunt advised her. Victoria nodded. 


"My prince, everything is set, please, come," Mr. Park bowed to the prince, Nickhun. 

"Thank you, Mr.Park," Nickhun smiled at the mirror, fixing his tie. 

Korea, a country of anarchy, is in search for a wife of the upcoming King, Nickhun. For weeks the country have been in a state of chaos. After the King passed away, Queen Huang took in her nephew to take office. Nickhun's the son of Queen Huang's sister, who passed away before Nickhun was prince. Because the Queen does not have a son to keep the throne, the Assembly decided on the next princess's son; Nickhun. 

Queen Huang walked in to Nickhun's room, and sat down on the chair reflecting in the mirror. Nickhun saw her appearance and quickly turned around to bow at his Aunt. 

"Oh," he bowed. The Queen walked up to him and brought him to face her.

"It's time, my son." She fixed his tie. "You'll be the best King." 

"Thank you," he smiled at her warmly.

"Before you go, I want you to call me mother once," she said, caressing his arms.

"U-Umma," he cried. He kneeled down, his head laying on the side of her knee.

She his head, and smiled. 


The Palace's limo arrived in front of Victoria's house. Victoria stood in front of her door, in a white dress showing her slim body. The tail of the dress was long like a mermaid's tail. Waiting for the Assembler to announce the invitation, Victoria held her Aunt's hand tightly. 

"Know your duty," her Aunt's last words echo in her mind. 

She stepped into the limo and off she went. 


The palace was filled with beautiful ladies from 12 districts in Korea. Five girls from each district came with a flower in their hand representing their district. From a rose to a tulip to a lily and many more. Districts that are rich such as district 1 brought a Rose; those that are poor like district 12 brought a violet.

When all girls are brought from their districts, they are placed to sit where they are assigned around a pond of Lotus. The Queen herself and Nickhun, the king to be, sitting in front of the pond on a level higher than the ground level watching the crowd below them. Suddenly, when everything was settled and quiet, a flash of bright colors, in many different shapes dominate the sky. The crowd below, fascinated by the fireworks, were drawn to the sky. Even Victoria herself felt fascinated. When the fireworks stopped its desire of popping, the people eyes wondered back to the pond. The water under the pond, spreads up in sprinkles, in different colors, amazed the crowd once more. Two groups of dancer, came out from a virtue Lotus under the water flew up, throwing flowers from each district everywhere. Everyone was mesmerized by the highlight of the night. The excitement cut off. The Queen stood from her sit and began addressing the crowd. 

"My fellow princesses." She smiled. "Today, is the day all of you have been waiting for. The day Korea, our beloved country begins a new future with a new King, Nickhun."

Everyone in the crowd began clapping. Applauding her speech. She held up her hand to silence the crowd. "And today is also the day, for our King to pick out his wives."

Did she just said wives-as in plural-more than one, Victoria thought confused. 

"So, please, lets enjoy the night." She waved her hand, and sat down. 

As soon as she sits, the girls from the virtue Lotus made their way down the alley, bringing fruits and desserts with a cup of tea serving to the princesses. As the night went on, the prince is set to dance with all the girls. And after the dance, the girls are to perform their talent in front of the Queen and King to be. 

When the music starts, the first girl was from District one, to be dancing. Her long red ombre dress makes her look like she's on fire. Her smile was warm and delight when Nickhun puts out his hand asking for her permission to dance. Of course she'd agree. Dancing was a way for the prince to find his love towards the girl. Those who made a good impression on the King to be has a chance to stay to go through another round of wive-picking-for-King to be. Those who failed, are automatically sent home, with an invitation thanking for their coming and is rewarded a bag Lotus petals from the palace. Lotus is the only flower that is used by the palace. It's a symbol of King and Queen. A symbol of Royalty. 

The last person to dance was Victoria. By this time the Prince was already head over toe. He could barely make a move from toe stepping by the girls and about to loose his voice from saying "it's okay". In his mind, he was praying to Buddha, God, any Gods he can think of, wishing the last girl won't be like the others. 

From little, Victoria was trained by her Aunt how to dance properly, walk like a princess, act like a princess, and even go to the restroom like a princess. If one mistake was made, she's afraid she'll loose her chance. 

Nickhun slowly made his way to her table, bowed to her with one hand behind his back. Victoria stands up and bowed back. She flashed a smile at him when he slowly lifts his head up. His pupil widens, mesmerized by her look; her smile, her face, her eyes especially. 

"Would you like to dance?" 

Victoria closed her eyes for a second, and opens them up and nodded her head. She walked around the table holding his hand, took a deep breath and music swayed the two. 

"May I ask for your name?" 

"V-Victoria Song. District 12."

"Ahh, the last but not least, 12."


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vicqian #1
Chapter 2: So curious about what happen in the past. Like this fic. Pls update soon •⌣•
Chapter 1: Her aunt? So she's not Vic's mom?
vicqian #3
Update soon
khuntoria. Subscribe. Update soon!!! :D
nichkhun and victoria be khuntoria.hehe
update soon!!!