Letting His Guard Down

Rainbow Tears

AN: Hi guys ^^ *waves* I have no idea how this chap. will come out cause ever since I've woken up, I've been really tired xD And school was... well school xD Okay, so I kinda think this is moving a bit quickly, but I don't know... I hope you won't hate it though xD

The next day, Kibum was sitting at school, playing random games on his phone. He wasn't really paying attention to what he was playing though, he was simply clicking at random things on the screen or tilting it to the side when he thought he should do that.

He died again, which caused for him to frown slightly. He just wished that the day would end and he could go home. He didn't know what else he would do at home though.

'You're not even doing the right thing...'he heard the familiar, deep voice suddenly. Moments later, his phone was snatched out of his hands. 'Seriously, how could you die here?' Kibum looked at the older boy, his eyes full of hatred towards him.

'Give it back, Jonghyun.'he said, glaring daggers at the other. Maybe he wasn't the best in games like this, but why did the other care? Or was he just making fun out of how Kibum couldn't even beat the easiest level in the game? The younger boy wasn't even sure as he saw the playful twinkle in the popular boy's eyes.

'I won't!' the elder stuck out his tongue childishly, making the younger roll his eyes. Kibum reached for his phone, but Jonghyun didn't give it back to him.

'I'll just teach you how to play this, okay? As funny as you look when you're struggling with this game, I just can't keep on watching how pathetic you look...'though the words the older boy said sounded a little harsh, the smile on his lips told otherwise. He was just fooling around. And as much as Kibum wanted to frown at him, the gentle affection in the other's eyes made him smile a little.

'Okay, you can do it.'he said quietly. He told himself that he only did that so the other would leave him alone, but even he knew that it wasn't true. Something about Jonghyun made him want to let him close to himself. Of course, just because he would let him play around on his phone didn't meant that he would  interact with him again. It just meant that for once, he let his guards down, but only slightly.

Jonghyun pushed a few buttons before he scooted closer to Kibum so the thin boy would see what he was doing as well. 'So, I've checked your scores, and it sort of seems like you don't even know how to move in the game...'he started. Kibum rolled his eyes, though a soft blush was creeping onto his normally pale cheeks. It was true. But seriously, what Jonghyun had said was sort of true, because he had no idea how to play that game. But it's not like he cared about it. Playing on that damn phone was only a way to spend time, since he didn't know what to draw..

'I do know how to do it.'he said despite what he was thinking, an almost unnoticeable pout forming on his lips. He had no idea why he was acting so childishly when he knew that the other was right, but it was maybe because he hated it when he wasn't right.

'Okay, okay I believe you...'Jonghyun laughed, a triumphant glimpse in his eyes when he noticed that he actually managed to make Kibum show emotions. He still cursed himself for not being there for the boy when they were younger. He knew that he could have done it, but.. He was a coward back the. The almost inhuman beauty of the other boy made Jonghyun speechless every time he looked at him. And it was back then, when they were still kids. Kibum was even more beautiful now, which made Jonghyun feel nervous every single time he was near to the younger, yet now he actually dared to talk to him.

Because yes, Kibum did change, but Jonghyun did too. Luckily, he was much more confident now... Though, he did need years to build up the confidence to speak to the younger.

Slowly, as if talking to a child, Jonghyun explained Kibum the controls of the game. The pout on Kibum's lips was a bit more visible now as he hated how the elder talked to him like he was a child. Actually, he wasn't sure if he liked the other boy talking to him at all.

But, he had to admit that it felt nice to listen to someone brag about some stupid game. Strangely, he didn't want to push Jonghyun away at all, not even when he was playing on the phone and the other would randomly touch the screen, accidentally touching Kibum's long, fragile fingers.

But then, the ball rang, pulling both boys back to reality. Jonghyun walked back to his seat quickly but not before ruffling his hair affectionately.

To him, being able to touch Kibum was something inexplicable. To see the tiny smiles that would tug on the end of his lips occasionally, was something he had never even dreamt of. Okay, maybe he did, but he didn't want to admit it.

Kibum though, was having different thoughts. He felt extremely weak for allowing Jonghyun into his 'personal space'. His heart was still beating a bit too rapidly in his chest as the teacher walked into the classroom and greeted them.

In two days, Jonghyun had spoken to him twice. Their first little talk wasn't much, Kibum knew it, but what had happened in the classroom only a few minutes before, was a bit too much for him to handle. No one had ever taken the time to sit down next to him and teach things to him.

No one, but his nanny. Though she only did it when he was really small and he did something wrong. His thoughts wandered back to the List, his eyes saddening immediately as he recalled the last word, the one that he had crossed out. 'Maybe I'm weak because of that..'he told himself as he copied what was on the board messily.'Yeah, that's it. I'm just weak because of that stupid thing... We won't talk to each other ever again, or if he tries to talk to him, I'll ignore him...'

Even he wasn't sure if he would be able to do that though. Yes, maybe he let his guard down because he was still a bit emotional, maybe he only smiled because what Jonghyun was doing was simply ridiculous, yet he knew that he... kind of wanted to cling to the person that showed any forms of affection towards him. He just didn't know why.

He didn't need people, did he?

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I was supposed to update today. But my browser freeze and the chapter wasn't saved. Sorry guys T.T


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Chapter 4: This story is really good! I hope that you update soon!
Chapter 4: This is really good.'! When you have the time, please update!!
Chapter 4: Ooh key is so adorable and cute!! <33
a very sweet chp.thanks for the update.
Chapter 4: I could never experience this kind of cliché date thingy... First of all... I don't pay money to watch a horror movie especially because I know I don't handle it well... Secondly, I already jump at only loud noises or at almost nothing at all... My date would get annoyed at me twitching and jumping so much... Thirdly and lastly, my date would probably leave me there because of my annoying remarks... I tend to make fun of scenes when they get too scary for me so that I don't... Like I dunno... Pee in ma ?
Chapter 4: awww that was sooo cute <3 key being all scared and cuddling up to jong!
its great to see them getting closer to each other! :D
and kibum is opening up more!
i cant wait for the next update! looking forward to it :33
Chapter 4: Yup, okay, never going to see a horror movie unless in with a really good bf!!!! Lol that was so adorable!!! ^^ Loved it!!
Pabo-sshi #8
Chapter 3: I just love it, update soon, please~!
Chapter 3: Rr you are killing me by letting me wait for a long time
Like testing our patient

Update update update please