one and only.

| Stuck Like Glue |

omfg, thanks to painful--double you, i am officially addicted to this song. i'm in love with the song! XD

HAHA, i'm sure this this is terrible. enjoy anyways. C:

I dare you to let me be your one and only.

Baekhyun only wanted Yifan. He didn't know why he was afraid. Maybe he was scared of Yifan letting him go and leaving him for a better person. Yifan was so reserved, a huge wall surrounding him and not letting him in, not letting anyone in. It was very difficult to break down. 

Baekhyun could only imagine how it would be to just hold him close.

He knew this wall existed because of his past that was very hard for him to let go and forget. He was almost at that point where he'd beg, down on his knees, and plead for Yifan to accept him.

Yifan, for Baekhyun, was a very peculiar person. He would open up to Baekhyun one day, let him through a very small hole from the huge brick wall, and the next day, Baekhyun would be back outside, screaming for Yifan to let him in. At the small mention of Baekhyun's name, Yifan would stop and then stare into space. Yifan would think of the wonderful person who's also his boyfriend. His mind would just revolve around the man, and he'd loose track of the time, something Baekhyun chuckles at but loves very much.

Baekhyun wanted to let him know how easy it would be to just forget about his past and just be his, if only he'd let him help. Baekhyun as starting to think Yifan didn't like him, love him, even though Yifan tries his best to prove him otherwise. Baekhyun was the only one Yifan wanted. 

Baekhyun wasn't much of a writer, he was more of a talker. He'd rather talk about his feelings than write about it. He was stuck in his room for days, wondering why he was doing this. This being writing a song just for the sake of this one man. The man he loved very much. He had to admit though, he didn't actually do it alone. 

After he finished pouring his heart into paper, and a few more days of practicing, he  trudged up to Yifan. He told him to listen very carefully to the lyrics, and enjoy. There was that awkward silence before Baekhyun's voice filled the air. 

By the end of the song, the one he called 'One and Only', Yifan was in tears. Baekhyun was just shocked. Yifan didn't seem like the person to cry. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry." Baekhyun pulled the taller man into a hug, almost in tears himself. Was he so bad that Yifan was crying out of displeasure?

"No! It was good, you were great." He murmured, pulling away from the hug, "I'm sorry I made you feel like that. I thought-"

After another hour of tears and hugs, everything was settled and Baekhyun have never felt happier. 

"Baek," Yifan softly called. The shorter turned to him, and raised an eyebrow, "Yes?" 

"You are my one and only." 



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Chapter 1: author-nim, this is the first drabble about krisbaek that i have read and it was really cute :(
can i translate it into vietnamese? i'll write full credits for you, thanks! :D
Chapter 14: omg this is too cute. ; v ; hold hands forever bbys ♥♥♥