feel a little love.

| Stuck Like Glue |



i'm back again. hehehe. idk, been having a lot of krisbaek feels lately and most of the time, things like this are the products. ;n;
enjoy and forgive me for any mistakes and errors! 
i think i kinda failed with staying consistent in this one but i like it! also posting from a mobile device is harder than i thought. ;n;


it isn't always that baekhyun gets drunk. usually, on the rare occasions that it happens, it's always kris who returns home a little bit more than tipsy. so when chanyeol arrives one night, a giggling baekhyun in tow, kris is fairly amused. 

“kris! i missed you,” he mumbles, unwrapping the arms he interlocked with chanyeol's to throw it around kris' neck although with much struggle, “i missed you so much. where were you?”
yes, kris is most definitely amused. when baekhyun is drunk, he's the kind of person who rambles on about his feelings and tells stuff he'd regret telling in the morning. he's the kind of person that's straightforward and says what he thinks. because of the aforementioned reasons and because he has low tolerance for alcohol, baekhyun decides to stay away from drinking. 
chanyeol apologizes profusely before leaving kris with a giggly twenty-one year old, sweaty and flush-faced. kris drags the younger to the bedroom but not before picking baekhyun up on his demand.
“i thought you didn't like to drink, baekhyun.” kris says, one arm supporting baekhyun's hind, the other on his back. baekhyun giggles, shaking his head. 
“i felt bored and all you did was work and i felt lonely.” baekhyun fesses, fingers trailing slowly along kris' broad shoulders, “you should be at home more.”
kris presses his lips together and sighs, “i know. i'm sorry.” 
work wasn't easy with kris. his work hours were flexible, and often it was for that very reason that he had to be away from home a lot. baekhyun stays too silent for a little too long after that and kris worries for a bit.
“hey,” baekhyun mumbles after the long period of silence, once kris places him down on the edge of the king sized bed, “you won't leave me, right? i mean, you've been away a lot and i-” 
kris shushes the other, directing a playful glare at him, “what are you trying to say, baekhyun? do you really think i'd break up with you after all we've been through?”
“no, it's just that-” he's silenced again but this time by a soft peck on the lips. 
“no, baekhyun. i won't ever leave you. i promise. now stand up. i'll help you change, okay?” 
after stripping down the younger, and helping him re-dress in a shirt twice his size, kris involuntarily carries him to the bed. once he cover both of their figures with the thick duvet, baekhyun snuggles into kris, releasing a long sigh, “i love you so much.”
“likewise.” kris murmurs, a small smile playing on his lips. 
“hey, baek, you didn't turn the lights off.” kris jokes, toying with the ends of baekhyun's hair.
“no, you close it.” baekhyun whines, scrunching his nose and giggling afterwards. kris smiles, pushing the hair that spilled over baekhyun's forehead back earning another cute whine from the younger. he drops a kiss onto it before standing up and flicking off the light switch. 
“now come back.” baekhyun says, patting the empty spot beside him, a cute giggle escaping his lips once more.
“i'll always love you, okay? so don't even think of leaving me.” baekhyun mutters, tiredness taking over his small form. it wasn't long before light snores escapes his lips, and kris is stuck admiring his beautiful features. 
“like i ever could.”



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Chapter 1: author-nim, this is the first drabble about krisbaek that i have read and it was really cute :(
can i translate it into vietnamese? i'll write full credits for you, thanks! :D
Chapter 14: omg this is too cute. ; v ; hold hands forever bbys ♥♥♥