do the dishes together, then apply hand lotion to each other's hands.

| Stuck Like Glue |

comment pplz! HAHA! 

that is me begging right there. 

jk. like, you don't have to. like, i'm not forcing you guys to. but like, you guys totally should.

this is like the continuation of last chapter? or not. HAHA. It's really short, tho. HAHA. and i have nothing to say to this. HAHA.

and omg, isn't the picture up there adorable? asdfghflksjadflkjasldkjlskdjflaksjdflkajdlfkj

"But, Yifan, I did the laundry yesterday!" Baekhyun pouts, crossing his arms and glaring at the taller male. 

"Correction, I did the laundry yesterday. So today, you do the dishes." Yifan replies, raising his eyebrows. 

"Yifan." He whines. When the other didn't reply, he let out another whine before stomping off to do the dishes.

Though he hated doing the dishes, because they ruin his pretty fingers, he didn't like an angry Yifan, especially when he gives him the cold shoulder, more. He was scared of the angry him. The image didn't suit him very well.

He sighs as he ran the tap water, letting the water fall onto the pile of plates in the sink. He wrinkles his nose at the sight, picking up a sponge and starting doing the chore he hated the most. 

When Yifan sees his boyfriend, pouting and mumbling something much too low for him to hear, he sighed. He hates ordering Baekhyun around, but he gets his lazy days. He sighs again, shaking his head before joining the other male. 

"What are you doing here?" Baekhyun asks, glaring at the taller beside him. 

"Helping you." He answers, pulling the sponge out of Baekhyun's grip. The shorter's glare softened at the answer, resorting to biting his lips instead.

And then they both fall into silence, the water running the only source of noise in the room, as Yifan washes the dishes and Baekhyun dries it.  After  finishing with the dishes, Yifan pushes Baekhyun into the living room, telling him to wait. He comes back with a bottle of hand lotion, squeezes some onto his palm and asks Baekhyun to hold his hands up. 

Baekhyun watches as his boyfriend applies hand lotion onto his hands, a small smile playing on his lips which is quickly replaced with a frown. 

"Yifan, I'm sorry." He mutters. 

"What for?" Said man, looked up from Baekhyun's hands and pushing the bottle into it. Baekhyun repeats Yifan's actions, squeezing a huge amount on his palm and starts applying lotion onto his right hand. He does this very slowly, chewing at his bottom lips, before answering, "For being pathetic."

"I'm not a big help around here, aren't I? I'm sorry." As Baekhyun finishes applying lotion onto Yifan's hands, he chooses to toy with the bottle instead of looking into his boyfriend's eyes, because he was sure he'd cry.

Yifan responds by cupping his chin and dipping down for a kiss on the lips.

He pulls away after a short while, a huge smile on his face, "I don't mind if it's you."


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Chapter 1: author-nim, this is the first drabble about krisbaek that i have read and it was really cute :(
can i translate it into vietnamese? i'll write full credits for you, thanks! :D
Chapter 14: omg this is too cute. ; v ; hold hands forever bbys ♥♥♥