"Let's do it."

| Stuck Like Glue |

...idkay about this, peoples. I decided to get off track from the long list and write whatever I wanted to write. :3 I swear I've re-wrote this chapter over and over again. In my head the visual was pretty. I'm sorry! Plus it seems rushed and all that crap- sljlejldkjlkjerlkjrlkrjlkjr. I'm sorry if you think it's boring and short. Forgive me. ;_;

There will be a continuation, I think. If I'm not lazy. Look forward to it, I guess? haha! C:

oh and, if you know any more KrisBaek shippers, tell them about this and I will love you forever! C:

Byun Baekhyun wasn't sure why his house was basically upside down and looked like a tornado just hit it. Everything was messed up. Cushions and pillows on the floor instead of their usual place on the sofa and blankets everywhere. He was also unsure why he agreed to take care of his friends' children while his husband and them go off to wherever - he was too angry (at his husband mostly) to even remember. 

He mentally cursed himself for agreeing and giving in under the touch of his very y and a tease of a man he calls his husband. He sighed as he folded all the blankets and re-arranged all the cushions and pillows. The children, all of six of them, was in the living room of his house watching television - something he did to distract them - which worked.

He didn't know why his husband love to torture him, physically and mentally. He didn't know why his husband would ask him, alone, to take care of six overly hyper children. He did have a clue though. His husband, the giant freak, has been dropping hints on wanting a child. When his husband asked him honestly, face-to-face on what he thought of adopting a child, Baekhyun disagreed.

It wasn't that he didn't like children - he loved them. He was just nervous and very scared. He didn't know what he was nervous or scared about, he just felt that way. Plus he was just in his twenties, he wouldn't know what to do. Maybe he was scared to be a bad parent? He didn't know. He exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. 

It wasn't until one of his husband's friend came to pick his son up. 

"It's a long wait, but what we got in the end is just...priceless, for the lack of a better word." He said while grinning at his bouncing son who was eager to see his other appa. 

It wasn't until he told Baekhyun of the wonders of being a parent, he gave it a second thought.

So when Yifan came back that night, after all the children were back home and he was sure of his answer, just as soon as his husband stepped in, he ran off to the man and then wrapped him in a tight hug before murmuring, "Let's do it. Let's get a baby."


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Chapter 1: author-nim, this is the first drabble about krisbaek that i have read and it was really cute :(
can i translate it into vietnamese? i'll write full credits for you, thanks! :D
Chapter 14: omg this is too cute. ; v ; hold hands forever bbys ♥♥♥