hold my hand.

| Stuck Like Glue |


i'm sorry for not being able to update frequently! ;n;
to make it up to all of you, here's a thing i vomited that's just basically about hands...and...holding hands bc of the tsunami of gifs of krisbaek holding hands.
warning; word vomit, repetition of words everywhere and lol the ending. also i posted this from a mobile device so forgive me for any mistakes!


sometimes, out of nowhere, baekhyun gets the urge to intertwine his fingers with someone else's. most of the time, that someone is his bestfriend, kris. they sit together in class and they hang out together all the time. seldom, you would see one without the other. more rarely would you see baekhyun without his hands in kris'.

he doesn't know why but often he would find his fingers slowly wrapping themselves around kris' much larger ones. kris would always say that it might be some that baekhyun developed ever since they started hanging out together and baekhyun would start to panic - because what if he freaks out and leaves - but then the lopsided grin kris gives baekhyun assures him that he's just playing around. baekhyun would usually reward him with a slap on the chest because kris is just too tall for him to hit the taller on his forehead. 
baekhyun has tried reasoning with kris, who often complains at how clammy his hand would be every time baekhyun  gets a grip on it, that it was reflex; a habit he has accumulated over the course of spending almost all his life with kris. it was just natural and there was nothing he could do about it. kris rolls his eyes but baekhyun thinks he secretly enjoys them so he gives him hus sugnature smile in return, not forgetting to give his hand a light squeeze.
it was creepy and weird at first when baekhyun realized what he was doing. he even contemplated on getting it checked out at the doctors although that idea was dismissed once he shared it with the older. it was then he realized that kris doesn't mind. kris doesn't mind at all so he lets it be. baekhyun was sort of amused at this fact and then he slowly began to notice how kris' hands would meet his halfway, how sometimes kris nervously tug at baekhyun's hands and how kris often tightens his grip, if that was even possible. 
baekhyun remembers the first time they met which was also, unsurprisingly, the first time they held hands. little kris found little baekhyun, lost and forlorn, and little kris somehow helped him find his family, all the while keeping a firm grip on little baekhyun's hand. baekhyun chuckles to himself at that particular memory from time to time, earning a shake of a head from kris. 
it was comforting, and the sense of security was undeniably there whenever baekhyun takes kris' hands in his. it's warm and big and his fingers fit perfectly in kris' and baekhyun thinks it might be because of all the hand-holding over the years. 
there was a quote that often ran around baekhyun's mind, “sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey.”
and baekhyun thinks his has already long started and it was one he would gladly share and enjoy.


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Chapter 1: author-nim, this is the first drabble about krisbaek that i have read and it was really cute :(
can i translate it into vietnamese? i'll write full credits for you, thanks! :D
Chapter 14: omg this is too cute. ; v ; hold hands forever bbys ♥♥♥