
It's Your Choice.

1. It is a beautiful day outside. What do you do/ What are you planning to do?

You have chosen....

e) Oh, my friend just called! We're going to hang out! ]




2 E. You meet up with your friend at the ice cream store. "Oh _____!" she gets up her seat and waves to you. You walk to her. "Hey." you say then noticed a guy sitting there too. You were wondering, 'who is this guy?' You were wondering if it was her boyfriend or just a friend because she never really mentioned anything about having a boyfriend. What do you do?

a) "So... are you (friend's name)'s boyfriend? Or...?" you said staring at the guy because you don't want him to hurt your friend.

b) "(friend's name), is this your boyfriend?" you asked nicely, trying to make it not sound serious nor playfully.



[ The picture of who you met will be posted in the next link for both options ]
















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That was really nice and I really enjoyed it~<br />
Thank you :D<br />
If you write another one like that, pls tell me ^^
I got baebae :) hahaha! Love it :)
Awe! I seriously loved this!! At first I was choosing seriously..did NOT expect to get my bias..taeyang -insert fangirl sigh here- lol. Then I chose to go to the library, again not expecting to get t.o.p but I did..hmm love this ^^ GOOD JOB!
ARGHHHH!! I ALREADY TYPED SO MUCH WTFFFFFFFFFFFF I TALKED ABT GD AND DAESUNG!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH just ignore that. pretend u already read the things i wrote. Broadband . the connection is UGHHHHH!! <br />
ANYWAY, overallllll it's funny and amusing and YEAHHH MY TABI :)
Seungri flirting, LOL that's typical of him. heheh, at least what i imagine him to be. YUMMMM ICE CREAM!~! :) And stop hinting that the reader might not like ur story ==
Starting to like? *pfft* i'm already trying very hard not to fling myself at the omg-drop-dead-gorgeous guy in front of me! Yeah, get me and Tabi together!! kekekekke, I'm TOTALLY LOVING TOP, YES YES, MY TABI!! OMO~~~ HE's so SWEEETTTT!
OH NO I TYPED SO MANY THINGS THEN i forgot to post b4 turning to another chapter cuz i want to do the comment for the whole chapter u see. AISH!!!<br />
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Hahaha, i;m back! Hehehe, Taeyang is so shy. Kinda cute in a way :)
Nice job!!! :D I really like it so far. <3
Whoa, u must have put quite some effort into this!! It's good!<br />
O.O I met TOP at the library, and i accidentally blurted out that i want him to be my boyfriend. *sighs dreamily*
I met TOP.. I hope he's helpful.. Coz when I want a book, I really, really, want it.. :p<br />
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p/s : This is really cool~ I hope there'll be more options and links.. I love this kind of game~ ^_^