Time routine

Haunted Mansion

When they heard a scream! Is it a scream of a person or a scream of a ghost?

Luhan and the gang hurriedly went downstairs and to the girl's room. They saw Velsya, Bam and Mimi looking

pale and hugging each other. “What happened?”, Xiumin helped them stand up. Velsya told them what

happened. There was this ghost, mouth wide open, blood squirting from it's eyes. Chen shivered as a cold wind

passed by them. “So, you saw the ghost in the mirror?”, Velsya frowned after Luhan asked. “Where's Kris and

Lay?” “Where is Alaysha and Pony?!”, Xiumin exclaimed.


They searched the kitchen (where they, Alaysha and Pony, washed the bedsheets) but they saw no one! 


Ding dong.. ding dong..


“What's with that sound?”, Luhan looked around, sweating. Velsya looked at her watch. “But it's only 12 pm! not

am!”, Bam and Veslya ran upstairs, followed by Luhan and the gang.

As soon as they arrived upstairs, they saw 3 shadows!

“UWAAA!!!” “AAAAHHHH!!!”, screams are heard (obviously).

They stopped when Kris, Lay and a girl came in sight. “Kris!”, Bam hugged Kris. Xiumin looked around,“Where's

Alaysha?”, They all looked at each other. “Where?!!”.


They gathered themselves in the dining area. “So, your saying that my Alaysha and Pony washed the bedsheets,

you guys went downstairs and found no one?”, Xiumin stood up and walked back and forth, obviously worried.


-Mimi and Pony-

“Where are we Alaysha?”, Pony looked around. “This isn't the mansion, it looks more elegant and Look! There are

lampshades.”, Alaysha looked around and really saw lampshades. They suddenly saw a woman dressed in black,

she also have a veil, covering her whole face. They followed the woman to the garden. Pony and Alaysha's eyes

widened.... AS THEY SAW British-looking PEOPLE. Someone looked failiar.. The one who is talking to a

beautiful girl! When the boy turned around, the two gasped. THE MAN LOOKED LIKE XIUMIN! “Oh my gosh! Is

that Xiumin?”, Pony said. Alaysha looked down, clenching her fists. Someone held their hands. “What are you maids

doing around?! Didn't I told you not to roam around?! Go back to the kitchen and start working!”, the woman

left them. As they went to the kitchen, horrible things are seen. Maids' body everywhere, blood on the walls and

floor! They saw something moved in front them. As they threw near the moving object.....









A scream awakened the gang who was in the dining area. They fallen asleep, waiting for Alaysha and Pony come

back. “That's Alaysha's's voice!”, Xiumin hurriedly stood up and went to the kitchen. Kris and Lay followed him.

They saw Alaysha and Pony laying there, under the big table of he kitchen. “But they weren't their the moment

we searched for them.”, Bam said scratching her head. “Omo! This place is really creepy!”, Luhan exclaimed.

Kris carried Pony while Bam got jealous. Xiumin, of course, carried Alaysha to the Girl's room. Mimi clinged on

Lay's arm due to fear. They all left Yoli there, standing. Yoli examined the kitchen. “It's almost time.”, she said

and went to the Girl's room.


Bam looked at Kris with a furious look. Yoli tapped her shoulder that made Bam scream. They all look at them. 

“Who-who is this g-girl?”, Bam pointed at Yoli. Luhan scanned Yoli, “Maybe she's a spy from Super Junior!”,

Kris smacked Luhan. Lay and Kris introduced Yoli to them. Then, Yoli began to spoke.


“In this mansion, you need to prepare yourselves EVERY HOUR. Here are the TIME ROUTINE.


12 pm - You better finish eating lunch before 12 pm or else. You'll get spooked by the ghost in the dining area.

1 pm - Don't roam around the mansion, especially the 2nd floor and the basement.

2 pm - You should be in one place because an angry ghost will roam around and make a mess. IT'S ALL BECAUSE THE GHOST CAN'T TAKE IT THAT SHE DIED.

3 pm - 5 pm  - 6 pm - Fortunately, this is the most peaceful time along with 4, 5, and 6 pm.

7 pm - You guys should be asleep at this time. If not, your bed will shake like crazy and NEVER EVER LOOK UNDERNEATH IT! NEVER!

8 pm - The singing ghost. This ghost is harmless but if you interupt her singing, she'll run away.

9 pm - Your face should be underneath your blanket because a ghost of a butler will roam around. EVERY ROOM.

10 pm - 11 pm - Very cold wind will be felt. Windows will go close-open and the light will flicker.

12 am - 3 am - The most dreadful time. If you're still awake, you can hear foot steps, whispering voices and humming. If you have the nerve to peek on what's happening outside, you can see people. 

4 - 11 - Safe time. But don't room around, ESPECIALLY THE BASEMENT.


“That was long.”, Chen yawned. “But Im excited! Woo!! Ghost sighting's is in the house!”, Chen while he held his hand. 


A\n; I know, it's boring ;-; I have trouble completing this because I watched Manny Pacquiao and Manuel Marquez' fight. XD

Kamsamnida  for reading!








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please update
........ speechless
I like this 8D
You really have a lot of characters
Sorry but it's not really scary. But I like it! Update soon Author-nim!
Chapter 4: Interesting fic Author-nim. Update soon
O_O Ulzzangs + EXO + Horror = My FAVORITE!! LIKE! LIKE! LIKE!
Chapter 4: This chap is short but I like the Yoli and Lay scene! High five! XD
Chapter 3: lol XD Singing ghost? but the Time routine scares me.. HOW DARE YOU AUTHOR-NIM! Scaring me! XD