The mansion

Haunted Mansion

Lay and the gang is still 6 miles away. What will they experience their, inside the San Enrique Mansion? Is it good or is it bad? Let's find it out.

Bam woked up seeing a tired Lay driving. “You're tired Lay. You better sleep.”, Lay looked at Bam and yawned.

Lay  shooked his head and continued driving. Bam sighed and sat on Kris' lap, who is now sleeping. “Lay! Watch

out!”, Bam exclaimed as she saw an old woman crossing the road. Too late, Lay coulnd't steer the wheel and HIT

the lady.Lay and Bam immidiatly went outside to check the old woman. 


IN SHOCK, THERE'S NO BODY! Nor the woman's shoes. Lay scanned under the van and saw nothing! They

immidiatly went inside the van. Luhan and Chen woked up and saw a pale Bam and Lay. “What happened?”,

Luhan yawned. Lay and Bam looked at each other and then shivered. “We saw this old lady, I couldn't steer the

wheel and  hit the lady,” Bam told Lay to continue. “We went outside to check for the lady and..WE SAW

NOTHING.”, Bam  and Lay chorused. Bam hugged Kris due to fear and the cause why Kris woke up. “Why are

you hugging me?”, Bam looked up to see Kris' face and saw a face on the window. “KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!”,

Luhan, Chen, and Lay looked at Kris and Bam. Kris turned around and saw nothing. “Fa-fa-face..” “Face?! What

face?!”, Luhan looked around. Bam closed her eyes and wrapped her hands around Kris. 


They soon arrived at the mansion. “The mansion doesnt look that scary, dude.”, Xiumin looked up to the

mansion. Mimi and Lay, as usual, went to do their lovey-dovey thing. Tao, who was the last one to woke up,

looked around and saw a girl hiding beside a tree. “Oy, look.”, Tao pointed at the girl. The girl widened her eyes

and hides. “Where?”, Xiumin looked around and saw nothing. Kris carried Bam on his back. “I feel sick.”, Bam

said. Kris checked Bam's forehead and it felts hot. “We better rest, I'll help Luhan carry the baggages.”, Kris

gave Bam to Chen and pulled Luhan. “Where is Pony-noona?”, Chen looked worried. “Here I am!”, Pony said

coming from no where. Chen's eyes sparkled, seeing her crush smiling at him.


Meanwhile, Luhan and Kris carried the baggages. “I sense something fishy around here.”, Luhan whispered to

Kris. After they put the baggages inside the mansion, the mansion looks so antique and the weird part is, THE

DOOR ISN'T UNLOCKED! Tao, on the other hand, keeps on staring where the GIRL is. As far as he can

remember, the girl looked like alive, she doesn't look like a ghost or something. Tao was about to come near the

girl when he saw a shadow from behind. “Zizi, where are you going?”, Kris tapped Tao's shoulder. Tao nodded

and followed Kris to the mansion. The others went inside while Lay parked the car near a Palm tree. 


“It's really creepy here.”, Alaysha shrugged. Xiumin hugged his girlfriend to lessen her fear. “Let's find the boy's

and girl's room.”, Kris and the boys went to the 2st floor while the girls went to look for the girl's room on the 1st


- Girls -

Veslya was the one in front while Bam is at the last. They can see antique and creepy paintings everywhere.  There

this painting of a woman dressed in like “EUROPEAN” or “BRITISH”. The woman was with this “DUKE”, the

duke lookes happy while the woman isn't. It's like giving them a sign or something. Not long after, they finally

found the girl's room. It's quiet weird because a mansion should have separated bedrooms. Veslya looked at one

window, she felt someone or something looking at them. 


The girl's room looked scary. They put down their baggaged and started cleaning. 


They first cleaned the bedsheets. Alaysha and Pony went down to washed them. Bam wiped the floor with Mimi

and Nali arranges the beds. As Bam and Mimi wiped the floor, they saw blood dripping under a bed! PURE-

BLOOD! Bam gasped like Mimi and Veslya hurriedly helped them get up. Veslya looked under the bed and saw no

blood! “Bu-but, there's blo-blood there!”, Bam and Mimi chorused. 


Veslya looked at one of the big cabinet's mirror. Instead of herself, the mirror reflected a girl, who's mouth is wide




“It's more creepy here, than down there.”, Luhan shivered. Kris found their room immidiatly. Tao looked

around the room. It's not scary. It looks like a room in an apartment. “Wow! this is cool!”, Xiumin jumped

on one of the beds. Kris scanned the room and something caught his attention. “Guys, where is Lay?”, Kris

looked around and saw no Lay. “Maybe he got lost or something.”, Xiumin carelessly said. Kris went to

find Lay. 


He was halfway to the staircase when someone\something pulled him!


Meanwhile, the boys (who were left in the Boy's room) arranged and cleaned the room. After that, they went to

chat about this certain topic. “Someone from K-ed University High School said, that San Enrique Mansion was

built during colonial times. A couple name Don Enrique Jovar and Doña Rosela Jovar was MURDERED by this

unknown killer.”, Xiumin gossiped. “But there is some rumor that this mansion was a graveyard before this

mansion was built.”, Luhan shivered while Chen and Tao have their own businesses when they heard a scream!


 -Kris and Lay-

He was halfway to the staircase when someone\something pulled him!


Kris opened his eyes and saw a girl and Lay. “Oh, look, he's awake.”, Lay looked at the girl. Kris looked scared

and confused at the same time. “Dont worry, I wont hurt you.”, the girl smiled and helped Kris to sit down. Lay

told Kris what happened.



Lay was following Kris and others when someone/something pulled him. Lay was about to shout when the girl

knocked him out.

After some time, Lay finally woke up. He saw a girl sitting beside the bed he's laying on. Lay stood up and felt

his head hurting. “You must've not move.”, the girl said. “Who are you? What do you want from me?!”, Lay

looked around. The room looks fine and cozy, not scary or creepy. The girl introduced herself. “Im Kim Shin

Yeong, you can call me Yoli.

The girl then said that they must get out of the mansion as fast as possible. She also said that the mansion is

really complicated. 

End of flashback


A\n; it's a bit boring ;-; Thanks for reading! Dont forget to leave a comment ^_~








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please update
........ speechless
I like this 8D
You really have a lot of characters
Sorry but it's not really scary. But I like it! Update soon Author-nim!
Chapter 4: Interesting fic Author-nim. Update soon
O_O Ulzzangs + EXO + Horror = My FAVORITE!! LIKE! LIKE! LIKE!
Chapter 4: This chap is short but I like the Yoli and Lay scene! High five! XD
Chapter 3: lol XD Singing ghost? but the Time routine scares me.. HOW DARE YOU AUTHOR-NIM! Scaring me! XD