Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate


“One cup of hot chocolate, please.”
Kyuhyun raised his head from the counter as he heard the familiar voice in front of him. He smiled as he was welcomed by his friend’s tired smile. “Had a tough day at work, Min?” The latter just nod his head at him. “I’ll make your favorite drink then. Just wait for a couple of minutes.”
Sungmin walked away from the counter and sat at one of the empty chairs in the coffee shop. He glanced at Kyuhyun’s direction and was surprised to see that the latter was staring at him. Kyuhyun suddenly winked at him, making the inside of his stomach be filled up with dancing butterflies. He lowered his head as he felt how his cheeks burned furiously from his friend’s sudden act. Sungmin can’t deny from himself that he has grown to like Kyuhyun more than as a friend.
Sungmin met Kyuhyun at the coffee shop he is currently working at a year ago. He was shivering from cold due to the heavy rain that showered the whole city of Seoul that day. Kyuhyun made him a cup of hot chocolate to warm him up and allowed him to stay for a while. They started in getting to know each other, and soon Sungmin found himself talking comfortably with Kyuhyun. When the rain had subsided, Sungmin bid Kyuhyun goodbye and was about to hand him the money for the hot chocolate, but Kyuhyun immediately refused.
“Why not become my friend instead?” Kyuhyun suggested to which Sungmin eagerly answered with a yes. And from that day onwards, Sungmin found himself visiting the coffee shop every day after his work and having some chit chats with Kyuhyun. He started loving the taste of hot chocolate, but only because it was Kyuhyun who made it for him.
Kyuhyun went towards the table that Sungmin has been occupying and handed Sungmin his order. Sungmin gladly took the cup and started to take small sips from it. Kyuhyun watched Sungmin in admiration. The man in front of him had successfully turned his whole world upside down and knocked him off his feet without him knowing. His day is always complete whenever he sees Sungmin.
Kyuhyun was actually known as a woman killer and a player by his friends before he met Sungmin. He never believed that love at first sight and true love exists. For him, those are just part of human’s imagination and fantasies. He had watched some of his friends endure the pain of breaking up; how they are being cheated upon by the people they thought who love them truly. 
But when he met Sungmin, he knew he was doomed. He felt something towards the latter that he had never felt before with anyone. His heart skipped a beat when their gazes met for the first time that one rainy afternoon. Sungmin was all soaked up and he never thought twice in helping the man. He was an evil brat to his friends, but on that day he first met Sungmin, he behaved so kindly. Sungmin is beautiful, prettier than any girls he had dated before. Sungmin is an angel, while he is the opposite. That’s why when Sungmin gave him money for the hot chocolate, he immediately refused and offered to become friends with the later instead. He wanted to get closer with Sungmin and know him more. He jumped around the coffee shop in happiness when Sungmin left after his offer to be friends with the latter was accepted.
“Kyu? Is there something on my face?” Sungmin questioned making Kyuhyun snapped out of his thoughts.
“You are perfect.” Kyuhyun suddenly blurted out, making both of them blushed. Sungmin blushed because he was taken by surprise again with Kyuhyun’s weirdness today, while Kyuhyun blushed due to embarrassment.
There was a moment of silence before Kyuhyun faked a cough. Sungmin looked at him in worry. “Kyu? Are you okay?”
“I… I’m o-okay, Min.” Kyuhyun stammered and Sungmin can’t help but giggle. Seriously, what is happening to Kyuhyun? “Yah! What’s funny?”
“Oh! Nothing, Kyu. You are just too adorable and weird today.” Sungmin replied trying to suppress another giggle from escaping his lips.
“I mean it.” Kyuhyun said and Sungmin looked at him in confusion. “I want to tell you something important, but I need to finish my shift first.”
“Why not tell it now? Don’t mind Yesung hyung’s scolding. If you got some problems, you know I am always here to listen.” Sungmin said.
“I don’t have problems with anything, hyung. It’s just…” Kyuhyun paused before looking at Sungmin’s eyes again. “Are you free tonight?”
Sungmin arched his brows in confusion. “Ahm… Yes. Why?”
“Great!” Kyuhyun exclaimed before going back to the counter. He looked at Sungmin’s direction again and smiled lovingly. “I’ll go to your house at 9 in the evening to fetch you.”
Kyuhyun was restless and nervous as he examined himself again in front of the mirror. Does he look good? Should he cover his forehead again? What if Sungmin does not like his outfit or his exposed forehead? It took him an hour to fix his hair and another hour to look for an outfit that would make him look good in Sungmin’s eyes. He wanted to make everything perfect for tonight.
“I never thought that a day like this would come where I will see you become nervous over confessing to someone.” Yesung suddenly appeared from Kyuhyun’s back, making the younger jolt in surprise.
“Aish! Yesung! Don’t be a creeper!” Kyuhyun yelled while touching his fast beating chest. “You are going to kill me before I can even confess to Sungmin.”
“Manners, Kyuhyun.” Yesung retorted to which Kyuhyun just rolled his eyes. Yesung suddenly pushed him towards the door. Kyuhyun was about to struggle and throw curses towards his hyung when the latter shoved his wrist watch at Kyuhyun’s face. “It’s almost nine in the evening, you pabo! Don’t make him wait or he’ll not accept you as his lover.”
“How sure are you that Sungmin hyung feels the same towards me?” Kyuhyun asked in curiousity.
“I’m really positive. Trust me. We can bet Ddangkoma’s life for it.” Yesung assured him.
Kyuhyun somehow felt relieve with his hyung’s words. After all, he even used his pet’s life for a bet. He knows how much Yesung treats that turtle like a real kid of his. Ddangkoma will sure not like it a bit if he finds out that his appa is betting his life. 
“Okay. But if Sungmin hyung doesn’t love me like the way I love him, Ddangkoma’s life will surely end tonight.” Kyuhyun said before walking out of the house.
Yesung gulped in fear of his baby’s life. He only said that to Kyuhyun to calm him. Why did he even bet Ddangkoma’s life? But he is really positive that the two will end up together. Or not? Oh no! He should pack his things now and leave before a broken-hearted Kyuhyun arrives and kill his baby.
“Did you wait for me for a long time?” Kyuhyun asked worriedly as he led Sungmin towards a dim lighted room inside the coffee shop. He prepared this place for the confession he was going to make tonight with Yesung’s help and some of their friends. He arrived late at Sungmin’s house and that was not a really good impression. He kept on apologizing and Sungmin told him that it was okay.
“I didn’t mind it at all, Kyu.” Sungmin replied with a reassuring smile.
“I apologize.” Kyuhyun bowed his head again in apology.
“I told you it’s okay. What is important is that you are here now.” Sungmin smiled and began to scan their surroundings. “What are we doing here, Kyu?” He asked and looked at Kyuhyun before examining the younger’s looks. “Wow! Kyu, you look so good. I like the way how you style your hair and exposed your forehead.”
“Really hyung?” Kyuhyun inquired in happiness. 
“Yes, and why are you dressed in that way?”
“Because tonight is going to be a very special night for me.” Kyuhyun replied.
“Oh” Sungmin can only exclaimed as he felt a pang of hurt hit his chest. Is this what Kyuhyun is going to tell him? Is he going to witness Kyuhyun proposing to one of his girlfriends tonight? He doesn’t want to see it. But Kyuhyun is his friend and he should support him no matter what.
“Close your eyes, hyung.” Kyuhyun whispered.
Right. Sungmin should really just close his eyes so he will not see how Kyuhyun will propose to his girlfriend. He suddenly felt Kyuhyun’s hands held his and he felt how their hands fit perfectly. Maybe this will be the first and last time that he’ll be holding Kyuhyun’s hands. Suddenly a soft music fills their surroundings.
“Open your eyes now, hyung.”
Sungmin heard Kyuhyun told him and he immediately comply. He was welcomed by Kyuhyun’s eyes staring at him, and he can see his self in those pair of brown orbs. “K-kyu.” Sungmin can only say as Kyuhyun smiled sweetly at him, the kind of smile that he had never seen from the younger before.
I finally found someone, who knocks me off my feet;
I finally found the one who makes me feel complete...
“When I first saw you, I knew I had fallen head over heels for you. As the time goes by, I realized that true love does exist and you had proven that to me. You always make every day of my life memorable and being with you is what I really wanted to be.” Kyuhyun whispered while staring at Sungmin’s doe eyes as the song began playing on their background. It was actually Yesung and his lover Ryeowook’s voice.
It started over coffee; we started out as friends;
It's funny how from simple things; the best things begin...
“We actually started over a hot cup of chocolate, and then eventually became friends. I wanted to know you more, be close to you every day because I fell for you on the first time our gazes met. I don’t want to let you go just like that. We may have met in a simple way, but I know that it was fate that brought us together. You are my destiny, hyung.” Kyuhyun continued and he saw Sungmin’s eyes were b with tears. He saw the older one biting his lips as if to control his tears from coming out of his eyes. Why is Sungmin crying? Is it because he doesn’t feel the same way towards him? No. He should not be distracted. He should finish his confession whatever will happen in the end.
This time is different;
It's all because of you!..
It's better than it's ever been;
Cuz we can talk it through;
“You know about my past, how playboy I was. But when you came along, you changed me into a better person. You have no idea that I broke up with all of them because I had finally found someone who can make my heart beat erratically, someone who made me realize that true love exist, someone whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”
This is it!
Oh, I finally found someone; someone to share my life;
I finally found the one - to be with every night;
Cause whatever I do
It's just got to be you!
My life has just begun, I finally found someone...
“Hyung…. Sungmin….. Min…..” Kyuhyun whispered as he gently caressed Sungmin’s face. Each symbolizes how much he adores and loves the man in front of him. “This may have been so sudden, but I can’t anymore hide this feeling inside of me any longer. I wanted to be with you each second, each minute, each hour, each day, each week, each month, each year, and till forever. I love you, Min. I love you so much.”
Sungmin’s tears suddenly fell down and Kyuhyun gently wiped them away. The song was done playing and it was only the wave of silence that surrounds them. Kyuhyun became worried, nervous, and afraid. Sungmin has not yet spoken any words to him after his confession. He wonders if the older one is angry or pities him. 
“Min, please say anything.” Kyuhyun begged but Sungmin only kept silent. “Kick me. Yell at me. Anything, Min. Just please say anything to me.”
“Anything.” Sungmin suddenly said. Kyuhyun wanted to laugh but that would be awkward. At least, Sungmin said anything in a literal way. But still he wanted to know what Sungmin’s answer is. If Sungmin don’t feel the same way for him, he can just go home and look for Yesung’s pet to kill. Then he will resign and look for another job that will not remind him of Sungmin. He will ignore him and will try to forget about the said man. Kyuhyun was readying himself for the rejection that he was about to receive from Sungmin.
“I hate you.” Sungmin said in between sobs.
“I know, Min.” Kyuhyun replied heartbroken. 
“Stupid!” Sungmin hit Kyuhyun’s exposed forehead hardly.
“Ouch! Min! What was that for?” Kyuhyun yelp as he nursed his reddened forehead. “You could have just reject me and not hit my forehead so hard, you know.”
“I love you, stupid!” 
Kyuhyun paused and blink his eyes repetitively while staring at Sungmin in disbelief. Did he hear it right? Did Sungmin just tell him that he loves him?
“Yes, pabo!” Sungmin said as if reading Kyuhyun’s mind, and began to lower his head shyly making Kyuhyun smiled at him widely. “I never had the courage to confess to you, Kyu. I am afraid that you will reject me because I know that you are straight and would not like someone like me. I don’t want to lose our friendship and make you feel disgusted towards me, that’s why I never tell you how I feel.”
“But I am not straight anymore now because of you, Min. And you have to take responsibility of it from now on till forever.” Kyuhyun said while smiling widely at Sungmin. He grabbed the latter’s chin and made their gazes meet. “You are mine, and mine only from now on.”
“I will take full responsibility of it, Kyu. I am yours from now on.”
“And I am yours too, Min. Cho Kyuhyun will be Lee Sungmin’s property from now on.” Kyuhyun said before lowering his face towards his new and true love. Sungmin closed his eyes as he expected for what will happen next. Their lips were about to touch, when Yesung’s voice suddenly boomed on the four corners of the room.
“Is my baby Ddangkoma’s life safe now?”
Kyuhyun glared at him. “Why are you suddenly appearing in the most important part of the scene here?!”
Opps! Yesung needed to escape now from the raging evil magnae’s hands or it will be his and Ddangkoma’s end. At least now his dongsaeng is finally together with Sungmin. He is so gonna tell this to Ryeowook.
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Oh, Yesungie, you´re really in very bad timing XD
Sweet and cute :)
Seriously, I love your stories <3<3<3
Chapter 1: ahahahaga i really loved yeye ahahha poor ddangkoma..
venzsuju #3
Chapter 1: I like this words >> "I wanted to be with you each second, each minute, each hour, each day, each week, each month, each year, and till forever." <3 sweet~
aleihs19 #4
Chapter 1: Anything. I like that part. Hahaha! I wonder how could someone suppress thier laugh after hearing it. XD
Chapter 1: I was jumping around while reading this
Chapter 1: HHHHHHHHHH Yesung was really funny in the end hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Chapter 1: Hahaha Yesung's sudden appearance! xD well he's worried about his baby Ddangkoma's life so I can't blame him hehehe :D
And yes, Kyu is straight but Min is an exception.. he'll only turn gay for Sungmin and nobody else :))
CoFFiee #8
Chapter 1: Yesung!! Your randomness is the reason why I love you!!! XD but, the main reason is because you are the president of my OTP!!

Come here let me hug you!!!

And Kyuhyun is only gay for Sungmin. And Yes, Cho Kyuhyun is Lee Sungmin's property!!! XD XD

Chapter 1: sweet and funny just the way i like it!!!