archangel ┋ an au apply fic; ( open )



 a kaiser- idea 
In the streets of Acropolis, there are always fun things to do. Clubs, food stands and many more. But there is a certain street where no one is allowed to come in. Only the members of Archangel. Archangel is a ragtag, supernatural gang formed from the shadows of neon-lit streets. Their eyes are set on revolt, and nothing is going to stop them. It consists out of nine members. All of them having a certain power, each from their own world. A certain girl called Chime, started up the gang by looking for people who were fitted for the task of fighting against the dictator, Glaze.
The whole world, Substratum, is being ruled over by Glaze. There is no choice but for Chime to gather all kind of people with their own powers to fight Glaze.
 author's note 
» so, kaiser- is back with another apply fic. i haven't even started on the other one. o u o
anyways, the application form and such will be up later! 
i'll tell you one thing; this apply fic can be thought of as a different apply fic than most people.
because here, you can choose either an anime person or ulzzang as character appearance.
o u o
` ( arch ) — i'm fine with waiting for applicants, but isn't it taking waaaaaay to long? o u o;


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MindragonFan #1
I'm working on my app and will send it to you asap. Mianhae~ >///<
Chapter 3: The teaser.... it was cool... will try to turn in my app...nxt time..
Chapter 2: Love the teaser! Hope to see you update really soon!
Chapter 2: I applied as Sena Leonard
I hope you enjoy the application! Fighting for your your story~
Chapter 3: I also really liked the teaser. I can't help but question whatever happen to Alin? I know Chime left him at the Lunatic Asylum but hmm, gosh it's so interesting. :3
Chapter 3: I applied as Axel Xenos!~^^
I hope you like her as much as I do. I worked very hard on her.
Here's the link:
Pabolicious #7
Chapter 3: I'm in the middel of my app ~~
sorry it takes me so long to post =.=
anyway great first teaser/chapter :) everytime I read it, it makes me wanna apply even more XD
Chapter 2: Applied as Zelphur Moonelle~
Here's the link, hope you like her and please tell me if I need to change anything.