` ( archangel ) — Zelphur Moonelle


Zelphur Moonelle  
name: HyeRi.
username: LeeHyeRi-ah 
activiness: 9

characters name: Zelphur Moonelle (Like the chemical Sulphur but the 'Sul' changes to 'Zel')


  • Zelly
  • Moonie
  • Jelly

date of birth / age: 11/01/96, 17


place of birth / hometown: Substratum, Lymphapolis

ethnicity: Substratiumnis. Lymphapolian

height / weight: 168cm/49kg


ulzzang / character: Append Miku / Black Rock Shooter (cr. Nico Nico douga & BRS Project team)

pictures: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|

back up ulzzang / character: Raven (Teen Titans)

pictures: 1|2|3|4




She has two sides of her. One is the Light and the other the Dark. The Light side of her is what you would normally see, the dark side only appears when battles gets dangerous or when she feels like changing into the Dark One when it's night. 

The Light One has blue hair with the most cheerful smile on her face while the Dark One has black hair with blue flames coming out of no where from her right eye and she is always frowning.

She is pretty easy to spot as her costume is one of the most unique ones out there. The Light One has sound systems added on her suit as it helps to enhance her powers and The Dark One perfers wearing something that is free and easy to move around hence she only has a leather bra on and a really short black pants with bulltets as a belt.

The Light One has a small scar across the right eye due to a fight with some other super dude and the Dark One has a scar on her stomach as she injured herself when she was doing intesive practice.


The Light One has a 1.1 on her chest to indicate the day she was found and the Dark One has a star shaped tatto across her neck.

She wears a Crystal Blue necklace which indicates her soul. If the Crystal Blue necklace turns Midnight Blue it means the Dark one resides in her and if the Crystal Blue necklace turns Sapphire Blue it means the Light One resides in her. It's also works as a communication tool between the Light and Dark ones.




Zelphur is a youth with two very different split personality  as she is split up into two different person once it comes to day and night.


The Light One:

The Light One was born as a happy go lucky child. She is doubt free person. 

She is a trustworthy friend whom you can trust to keep all your secrets with. She is also the type of person who would give you her love and care whenever you're down or upset about something and she would always be ready to lend a listening earShe remains very positive even meeting with ends meet. She is a very wise person who gives sage advice whenever needed to. She keeps an open mind and is pretty careful when it comes to considering the right choice for ideas or tactics. 


The Dark One:

The Dark One was born totally opposite of The Light One. 

She was born as a silent stubborn child. She is always quiet and pretty distant from people.

She HATES people calling her by her name 'Zelphur', she prefers to be called 'Zen' instead.

Distancing herself from people around her helped her to developed acute hearing and sense to her surrounding. She is very observant and sharp and would never lose sight of her target. In ends meet, The Dark One is positive she'll make it out alive with everyone else just as long as they keep together and listen to her when she gives them accurate tactics to fight head on. The Dark One can be a little insensitive towards people's feelings as she is rather a straight-forward person than The Light One. She may appear off cold and unfriendly but if you give her time to get to know you, she isn't any much different from The Light One.


character's history: 

She could not recall anything about her past as she was found by Dylan Moonelle. All she could remember was that she was found at the sea where Dylan was practicing a few of his moves. 

He found her almost dead 4 years old body and revived her with his healing powers.  He brought her to his place and brought her up like his own child. He taught her everything there is to teach her but the only thing that he couldn't teach was her powers. He had no idea where she came from and so does she hence it made it almost impossible to teach her anything about her powers.

At the age of 9, Zelphur discovered her powers were pretty different from the people of her city although she had one or two powers similar to theirs. She knew that she has two sides of her with different gifted powers. Dylan named the side of her with the blue hair, The Light One and the other side with the black hair, The Dark One. He tattoed The Light One's body with '1.1' to indicate the day he found her and The Dark One with a star.

Dylan went to study about her powers and discovered that how magnificant her powers were and tried to train her with whatever powers he had on him. He helped develop suits which helps enhance her powers.

With each passing day, Zelphur grew stronger and stronger. Dylan had equipped her with skills that would help her survive and protect herself.


One day, as Zelphur was practicing her powers with the side of the Dark One, she heard the news about someone by the name of Glaze LED taking over some city or something. She had once heard from Dylan about this person and decided to go on a mission to take him down. Dylan encourages her to go on with her mission and sent her away to Necropolis to find someone who has the same intention as her to stop Glaze LED.



  • surfing
  • dj-ing 
  • cooking 
  • sword fighting
  • cracking jokes
  • scuba diving 
  • the night sky 
  • stars
  • guns 
  • snow
  • animals


  • noise
  • moths
  • people touching her guns
  • people touching her blue long hair
  • getting into too much fights
  • maths
  • duo battle
  • meat
  • too much heat
  • summer



  • Lightning & Thunder
  • Moths
  • Maths (numbers)
  • exposing to too much sunlight.


  • She loves animals.
  • She wishes to have a pet cat
  • She hates moths, she finds them utterly disgusting
  • she loves music  a lot
  • Sword fighting is pretty much The Dark One's life.
  • The Light One prefers to fight in the day while the dark One prefers to fight in the night.
  • She hates maths as it is her weakest subject and she fears it.


Dylan Moonelle | Guardian/Adopted Father | 35 | Power Suit designer | Alive

best friend(s): 

KC Willheart | 17 | Rebel 

Hyun Sun | 18 | Part Time Student/Rebel

love interest: 

Kim Jong In (Kai) | 18 | Rebel | He may seem rather cold and distance from the outside but when it comes to protecting the one he cares, he would go all out to protect her.

back-up love interest: 

Wu Yi Fan (Kris) | 22 | unknown (he wouldn't tell her) | He oftens gives that face but he is a caring and understanding fella who would go through the odds with someone.


Qin | 17 | Assassin


city: Necropolis 

powers: The Light One: Gravity Manipulation, Sonic Scream, Sound Manipulation, Power mimicry.

                The Dark One : Shadow/ Darkness manipulation, Mind control, Biological Manipulation (turn her hand into a canon), Energy Conversion (to enhance her sword).

weapon: The Light One uses the sound system (boom speakers) to enhance her powers and  The Dark One uses a weapon which she named herself "Soul Blast Canon" which her right hands would transform into the weapon itself and sometimes she may even use her own samurai sword to charge soul energy to fight. 

how old was he/she?: 11 years old.

how did you meet chime void?: While walking through the streets of -polis, she found a rather strange mark which looks like a symbol. She has seen this symbol somewhere before but couldn't put a finger on it hence she decided to hunt down the person who holds the symbol. One night while jumping through the city, she (the dark one) spotted someone coming out from somewhere deep in the alley and pasted the same symbol which she saw previously and she decided to chase her down and that's where she met Chime Void.

signature gesture: The Light One would leave behind a mark of a musical note. The Dark One would leave behind her fire star burnt mark.

education: She stopped schooling after graduating from middle school.

extra(s)?: Nope.

suggestions/comments?: Make a really cool introduction for each characters?

scene request: An extreme duo battle together with Chime Void as the both of them fight against Glaze LED.
A short but nice scene showing Chime Void opening up to Zelphur. and for the love part... surprise me~





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