When I count to 10

When I count to 10

Another day had come and it wasn't just a typical one. It wasn't the usual going to the office then come home day. It was different, it was worse than the typical day. It was the day she was getting engaged.

She wasn't getting married..yet. Maybe there's still hope, maybe I could still get her back. But when her heart doesn't belong to me anymore, it just makes it difficult. Sigh

If she was here, I would make her breakfast

"for the beautiful lady" I would say and kiss her cheek before placing the food in front of her

"aw, oppa so cheesy" she would say, and show her pretty smile

If she was here, I would take her on dates

"don't be such a girl, let's go ride that!"  she'd drag me to the ride as hyper as she could be 

If she was here, I wouldn't forget to tell her that I love her. 

If she was here, if only she was here. 


"glad you came!" 

Myungsoo. As cheerful as ever, must be the reason why she's attracted to him. He shook my hand and showed me his smile, god don't do that or I might as well punch you in the face. But that's rude. I, too, show him a forced smile and saw her right after. 

My smile immediatly dropped, my eyes widening. How beautiful is she, in that dress and on top a dashing smile anyone could fall for. She tapped the mic a few times before thanking everyone for coming. Soon after Myungsoo was standing next to her. They talked for a good twenty minutes to which I paid no attention.

And then my mask was on tight. They had announced their wedding date and place. My mask tightened even more, I stood up and walked out as the people around clapped and wooed. 

Who knew, who knew a man could cry at a place like this? 

Who knew a man could feel like dying at a happy ceremony?

Who knew, that I can no longer take off this mask?


A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I looked at the night sky. Memories flooded back in,


She twirled around enjoying the view and the breeze. "todays the best day of my life" she smiled and stared at the sky 

"You didn't hit me, but you let me outside" she showed her smile to him, the one he fell for, the one she hasn't worn in ages. 

He felt guilty, looking at the girl in front of him, telling hiim how happy she is to be outside. He looked at her more, her long hair flowing against the soft wind, her eyes shining brighter than the moonlight, and her smile, making his heart thump. She's nothing like his first love, she's better, she prettier, yet he realized this too late. 

Sohee wobbled to him and put her hand on his chest, "it beats faster than mine" she whispered as she felt the fast beat of his heart. He hugged pulled her in for a hug, something he hasn't done for so long. "Kai, can't I leave? Just like the other girls you let go, can't I leave?" 

His hug tightened and hecupped her face, planting a long passionate kiss on her lips. His heart was beating, faster than usual. He placed a kiss on her forehead and whispered "can't you love me again?" She pushed him away and looked him in the eyes,

"I have been feeling nothing but hate when I'm with you that if death was the outcome of leaving you, I'm prepared to die in the outmost peace" 

That day was the beginning of her new life and the start of my torturing days for me. 

I thought, I thought that I could win her back. But I haven't done anything. I have done nothing but look at how happy she is. 



When I count to ten, will you love me again?

Until then, I'll stop at nine.


The End.<3



I couldn't say sorry enough for the late update, and yes, this story ended short and it's not as good as other angst ones but I had like a hard time to write this.. 

As for my lateness, I've been preparing for this English language competition thing and I took 9th place out of 54 kids. =_= 

And this story, gawd it took me like hours and hours to write each chapter. Again, I'm very sorry for the late update. 

Since I have no school for the next week, I'll be able to update my other stories which I will shamelessly advertise below so check it out!(:

Masked Girl

My boyfriend and I are very diftterent- I exist, he doesn't


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I said I'll update 'tomorrow' but i didn't finish my homework and i still need to think for the ending of chapter one, I'm sorry, I'll update on Dec.10/11


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dawandas #1
Chapter 2: this is the most heart wrenching short fic i've ever read omg the ending is just perfect asdfghjkl>< thanks for writing this^^♥
nur_hakimah97 #2
Chapter 2: tbvfh "heart without a beat" and "when I count to 10" is the best ff ever i had read!! you make me cry while reading this ff. im touching. thanks author-nim :-)

p/s : sequel pls ;)
"heart without a beat" and "when I count to 10" was really deep and touched my heart. it was really sad.. it was just beautiful. I really liked how you did this sequel because to me, it's unique in a special type of way I can't explain. actually, I finished reading this a couple of months ago and this story came up out of nowhere. i'm rereading this and I can't believe I haven't said anything meaningful about this yet. I really feel sad for jongin though.. he should of treated her better. but sohee deserves to enjoy her life :)
nerdyviv #4
Chapter 2: :( kaiiii mannn i didnt expect this but it is so good :D
Chapter 2: best story :') although i felt a little sad for kai, but i want the best happiness for sohee
thelittlehedgie #6
Chapter 2: The way you ended it was beautiful.
kiryuuZack #7
Chapter 2: Awwww I felt sad for him but, he deserve it.
Anyway thank you for the update :).
Chapter 2: Thank you for appreciating her myungsoo!! I srsly feel like punching kai IN DA FACE LIKE RIGHT NOW! In ur face kai! Hah! Sohee honey..go enjoy your life and ignore that kai guy!! Loll I srsly love this story
lalah13 #10
Chapter 2: I think kai deserves this for beating her.but please update XD