When I count to 10

When I count to 10


*Turn around, don't look at them* 


One, Two, Three


*Walk, walk away*


Four, Five, Six


*Stop, they already saw*


Seven, Eight, Nine


*Talk, a simple 'hey how are you' would do* 


"Hey, how are you Sohee ..and Myungsoo"


"We're fine-"


"excited actually!" Myungsoo added making a smile creep up on Sohee's face


*Don't! Don't fall for her smile!*


"Jong In, I mean Kai, we're getting engaged next week" 


*Please, don't take that mask off, it will hurt*


"You should come, we'll be having a small engagement party" 


*Smile, hide those feelings*


"Congrats! I'll make sure to be there" 


A nervous chuckle escaped Kai’s lips as he took the neatly decorated envelope from Sohee


"I have to get going; we'll see each other later then, bye!" 


Three years; thirty six months; one thousand ninety five days; the amount of time Kai was alone and miserable. Of course it was his fault that Sohee left. If only he’d realized that she was different, if only he realized sooner that he can’t live without her, if only he realized. But that’s how it is for people, they only realize and regret after their loved ones leave. People change, from bad to good or vice versa. Kai was one of them; he was the bad boy Kim Jong In, the mysterious handsome guy that had girls falling for him but look at him now, he’s only crying in pain silently, alone. No one knows, no one knows what he’s like outside of work. What would happen if his employees knew, the CEO of Exo Corporation is really a softie?


*Don’t think, don’t think about her*


Kai lay there on his bed, his mind urging him not to think about her and not to regret but he resists, he insists on thinking of her, thinking about their past, about how happy of a couple they were before he made her love for him fade. He blames himself everyday, whenever he sees her, whenever there's gossip about Myungsoo and Sohee at the company. His jealousy rises, his personality changes, and his employees start to fear him more and more. But beyond his anger and regret, he still hopes that she might one day, maybe, come back to him. Although he knows that it won't happen, he still hopes. Eventhough his heart wants Sohee, he wants her to be happy. He would be happy (pretend to be happy to be exact) for her and only her. 


*Let's try again, another day, another try*


Try and forget. It's obvious he can't but Kai tries every night. He knows himself it's impossible and so he forces himself but then his heart resists. His heart goes against him, as if it was taking revenge. And so he let's out all the emotion he'd bottled up, every night. It was some sort of a routine, he would think of her, see her with another man, think of her again and then regret. He would let his soft side out every night but the very next day, he would pretend to be fine. He would pretend to be the tough carefree CEO. He would pretend he doesn't get jealous when he sees Sohee with her current partner. He would feel the urge to take her in his arms, to hug her once again. But he can't get any of that, all he gets is the torture filled with agonizing pain. He regrets and regrets and then wonders if there's any way he could take her back. He wonders, hopes, wishes, that maybe someday she'll come running for his love.




I'm sorry babies!<3 I was super busy, I had about ten minutes a day for the past week and to be honest, I did write a little, at least a sentence to one paragraph. And here it is, chapter one. It's just the beginning people! This is just the intro. hehe I need more ideas -.-

I felt so bad for Kai, I was like ;_; but then this is part of the story. 

Because of school and talent show, christmas and all this bungle jungle mumble rumble going on, I don't have enough time to enter the 'sky is the limit' contest TT_TT

  Anyways, have you guys heard about 12.21.12 thing. Where I live, there's news going on that it's gunna get freezing cold -40 degrees Celcius. Idk about you babes from other places tho. 




LMAO am I weird/lame or what.

K see you soon! <3^^


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I said I'll update 'tomorrow' but i didn't finish my homework and i still need to think for the ending of chapter one, I'm sorry, I'll update on Dec.10/11


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dawandas #1
Chapter 2: this is the most heart wrenching short fic i've ever read omg the ending is just perfect asdfghjkl>< thanks for writing this^^♥
nur_hakimah97 #2
Chapter 2: tbvfh "heart without a beat" and "when I count to 10" is the best ff ever i had read!! you make me cry while reading this ff. im touching. thanks author-nim :-)

p/s : sequel pls ;)
"heart without a beat" and "when I count to 10" was really deep and touched my heart. it was really sad.. it was just beautiful. I really liked how you did this sequel because to me, it's unique in a special type of way I can't explain. actually, I finished reading this a couple of months ago and this story came up out of nowhere. i'm rereading this and I can't believe I haven't said anything meaningful about this yet. I really feel sad for jongin though.. he should of treated her better. but sohee deserves to enjoy her life :)
nerdyviv #4
Chapter 2: :( kaiiii mannn i didnt expect this but it is so good :D
Chapter 2: best story :') although i felt a little sad for kai, but i want the best happiness for sohee
thelittlehedgie #6
Chapter 2: The way you ended it was beautiful.
kiryuuZack #7
Chapter 2: Awwww I felt sad for him but, he deserve it.
Anyway thank you for the update :).
Chapter 2: Thank you for appreciating her myungsoo!! I srsly feel like punching kai IN DA FACE LIKE RIGHT NOW! In ur face kai! Hah! Sohee honey..go enjoy your life and ignore that kai guy!! Loll I srsly love this story
lalah13 #10
Chapter 2: I think kai deserves this for beating her.but please update XD