Just One Beat *HIATUS*

 “WAH!” A baby’s cry shrieked throughout the mansion.

Seohyun sat up immediately. She reached over to her night stand and grabbed her phone. She checked the time. It was time for her to get up. Seohyun groaned. The baby’s crying continued. “Aish..” She put down her phone, pushed off her covers, and made her way down to the baby’s room. When she entered the room, she found her baby brother in his crib, screaming his lungs out. Seohyun walked over to the crib. When the baby caught sight of Seohyun, he let out a small giggle and stretched his hands out for her to pick him up. Seohyun sighed once more and picked him up. As she cradled in the infant in her arms, he let out a coo. Seohyun bounced him up and down. Once her brother fell back asleep, she set him back down into the crib and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

As the door shut behind her, Seohyun let out a sigh of relief.

“I didn’t know you were staying here, Joohyun-ah.” Her step mother appeared before her.

“Ah..Yeah..I was too tired to drive back to my place because it takes so long.” Seohyun replied.

Her step mother hugged Seohyun.  “Sweetheart, you are always welcomed here. There is always a place for you here. You know that.”

Seohyun smiled and hugged back. “Thanks, Hyemi.”

Hyemi used to be Seohyun’s nanny when she was younger. Hyemi and Seohyun’s father fell in love but chose to wait until Seohyun was older to get married. Hyemi was like a mother to Seohyun but she chose not to call Hyemi mom because she thought it would be disrespectful to her real mother.

Hyemi pulled back from the hug. “I told you call me mom. Remember?”

“Okay….mom…” Seohyun said.

Hyemi hugged her daughter again, squeezing her tightly.

“So why are you up, Joohyun-ah? It’s only 4.” Hyemi asked.

“Dongmin woke me up.” Seohyun replied as she pulled away from the hug.

“Ah..I see. Did you put him back to sleep?” Hyemi asked.

 Seohyun nodded.

“Do you have classes today?” Hyemi asked.

“Yeah. Oh and I have to tell you something.” Seohyun said.

Hyemi’s face became serious. “What do you have to say?” She asked.

“I’ll tell you downstairs. I’m hungry.” Seohyun replied.

Hyemi and Seohyun made their way downstairs and walked into the kitchen.

“What did you have to tell me?” Hyemi asked.

“Do you remember Yoona?” Seohyun asked.

“Yes, that sweet girl who used to come over before you moved. What about her?”

“Well..there’s this musical going on at school…” Seohyun started.

Hyemi then squealed. The maids and butlers froze in their spots. Seohyun glanced at the workers.

“Don’t worry. Nothing is wrong.” She announced to them.

They continued to do their work.

“Did you try out?” Hyemi asked.

Seohyun nodded. “Yeah and-“ Hyemi abruptly grabbed Seohyun’s hands.

“Did you get a part?”

“I don’t know. The roles come out this morning.” Seohyun said.

“Ah. I see. Oh, has your brother called you recently?” Hyemi asked.

Seohyun shook her head. “How about you?”

“He called me the other day and said he’s going to be back in town.”

“Where’s he going to stay? With you guys?” Seohyun asked.

“I told him he could if he wanted but he said he wanted to stay with you. He really didn’t call you?”

Seohyun shook her head.

“He probably will later. So did you want to stay for breakfast?” Hyemi asked.

“No. I should probably get back to my own place. I have stuff to do this morning.” Seohyun said.

“Ah..I see..You should come over more often.” Hyemi said.

“I will…eventually…I’ve been so busy with dad’s company.” Seohyun replied.

“Well, call me later and tell me if you got a role. Have you told your father yet?” Hyemi asked.

Seohyun shook her head. “You know how he is. He doesn’t like my major. He wants me to transfer to business management so I can take over the company.”

Hyemi took Seohyun’s hands and held them tenderly. “I’ll tell him for you. Get going. You’ve got stuff to do right?”

Seohyun smiled. “Yeah. Thanks, Hyemi.”

“Joohyun-ah, I told you to call me mom.” Hyemi frowned.

“Ah. Okay. Bye, mom.” Seohyun hugged Hyemi and walked to the front door. She slipped on her shoes, exited the mansion, and walked to her car. She unlocked it, climbed, and shoved the key into the ignition. The car started and she drove back to her lonely condo. When she reached her home, she parked her car and walked to the front door. She unlocked it and stepped in. She took off her shoes, slipped into her slippers, and walked inside.

‘Hmm..What should I do first?’ Seohyun thought for a moment. ‘AHA! I should do laundry first.’

Seohyun walked to her room. Seohyun hadn’t done laundry for at least two weeks. Her father had given her so much work at the company she didn’t have time to do any of it. Piles of dirty clothes lay around the room. Seohyun sighed and began to get to work. Pile after pile, she shuffled down to the laundry room, shoving the clothes into the washer. After she set the last pile of clothes onto the floor, she shut the washer and started it. Seohyun walked back to her room to glance at the time. It was only 6:05. Seohyun sighed. It was so early. She had already taken a shower and she didn’t need to be at school until 8. She had so much time to burn up. Then her cell phone began to ring. She looked at the caller ID. Her heart jumped for joy. It was her older brother. She hadn’t seen him since last year.

“Hello?” She answered.

“Hyun!” Her brother greeted through the phone.

“Oppa!” Seohyun smiled.

“How’s my favorite sister?” Her brother asked.

Seohyun giggled. “How’s my fave brother?”

“He’s doing well. He just needs someone to pick him up from the airport and a place to stay. Is his sister willing to do that for him?” Her brother asked.

“Well, if her brother had called ahead, she would.”

“YAH! Where did your sense of respect go? Down the gutter?” Her brother yelled.

“It didn’t go anywhere. I never had it.” Seohyun joked.

“Joohyun-ah, are you going to pick me up or not?” Her brother asked.

Seohyun contemplated. “I don’t know. You seriously should’ve called ahead.”

“I did. I called your house phone but you never picked up. You didn’t tell me you got a new cell phone number.”

“Oh sorry.” Seohyun giggled. “What time does your flight get in? I have to be in class by 8.”

“It gets in at 7:30.”

Seohyun glanced at the time again. “I guess I could squeeze you in. You have a place to stay?”

“I was kinda counting on you.” Her brother said.

“Oppa…my condo is dirty. I don’t feel like cleaning and especially for you.” Seohyun replied.

“Aish..Joohyun-ah, I don’t care what your condo looks like. As long as I have a roof over my head, I don’t care.”

“So if I gave you a cardboard house, would you be satisfied?” Seohyun asked, smirking evilly to herself.

“Yah! Joohyun! Are you going to let me stay at your place or what?”He asked.

“Fine. You can stay but don’t expect it to be clean. I haven’t cleaned for a month or so.” Seohyun said.

“Are you going to at least straighten up?” He asked.

“Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on if I feel like it.” Seohyun answered.

“Yah! At least straighten up.” Her brother shouted.

“Merong!” Seohyun stuck her tongue out. “I’ll see you at 7:30. Bye!” She quickly ended the call. She got to her feet and began to straighten up her condo. When she finished a quick cleaning, she walked back into her room and got dressed.


She went into the bathroom, washed her face, did her makeup, brushed her teeth, and curled her hair quickly. She then grabbed her purse, phone, keys, and made her way out to her car. She slid in, her car, and drove to the airport. When Seohyun reached the airport, she parked outside and walked in. She fished in her purse, pulled out her phone, and dialed her brother’s number. After several rings, he picked.

“Joohyun-ah, you’re at the airport, right?” Her brother asked.

“Yeah. I’m waiting by the front doors. Are you getting your bag?” Seohyun asked.

“Yeah. I’ll be there in a couple of minutes. See you then.”

The phone call ended and Seohyun shoved her phone back into her purse. Seohyun scanned the crowds of people, searching for her brother. Then her eyes locked onto a man who was making his way over to her. Seohyun smiled and dashed to him. The man dropped his suitcase and opened up his arms.

“Oppa!” Seohyun screamed with joy. She crashed into her brother and hugged him tightly. “I missed  you!”

Her brother patted her on the head. “I missed you too, Joohyun. How have you been?”

Seohyun frowned. “Busy. Dad won’t leave me alone about the business.”

Her brother slung his arms around her shoulders. “Don’t worry. Dad is doing you a big favor.”

Seohyun was confused. “What do you mean?”

“He’s keeping your mind away from boys.” Her brother laughed.

“Yah! I’m old enough to date!” Seohyun punched her brother.

He cried out in pain. Seohyun shrugged his arm off, grabbed his suitcase, and speed walked to her car outside.  He quickly followed her. Seohyun unlocked the trunk, tossed the bag into the bag, and shut the trunk. She unlocked the doors and both of them slid in. She started up the car and began to drive.

“Oppa, you’re going to have to drive yourself to the condo. I have to be at school soon. You can take the car.” Seohyun told her brother.

“Oh. Alright. Is the spare key still under the rug?” Her brother asked.

Seohyun nodded. After a couple of minutes, Seohyun reached her university and pulled in front.

“Oppa, be careful with my car. You can use my keys just make sure I get them back.” Seohyun instructed.

Her brother patted her on the head. “Don’t worry. There won’t be a single scratch on it. I promise.”

Seohyun laughed. “You better keep that promise.” She leaned over to give him a hug. “It’s good to have you back, Oppa. Have a great day!”

Seohyun hopped out of the car and waved to her brother. When he switched his seat and drove off, Seohyun turned back to the entrance and began to walk. Seohyun began to make her way into the university when she heard, “Watch out!” Before she could turn around, she was tackled to the ground and the football bounced off on the concrete. She heard heavy panting above. She opened her eyes to find Kyuhyun on top of her.

“Are you okay?” He asked, breathless.

“Yeah,” Seohyun answered as nodded her head slowly.

Neither one of them said anything. They both just stared into each other’s eyes.

“Ahem.” Someone cleared their throat. Seohyun and Kyuhyun looked up to find the entire football team standing before them.

“Getting a little hot over here?” asked one of the players. The whole team began to chuckle.

“Kyuhyun, you can get off me.” Seohyun nudged Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun realized he was still on top of Seohyun. He immediately sat up and began to redden from embarrassment.

“Kyuhyun-ah, let’s finish practice,” said another player.

“Alright.” Kyuhyun said as he began to get up. As he stood up, his knees buckled underneath him and he fell to the ground.

“Are you okay?” Seohyun asked worriedly.

“Y-Yeah…I’m fine…” Kyuhyun answered.

 “Kyuhyun! You’re bleeding!” She exclaimed and pointed at his knee.

Kyuhyun glanced down to find a huge gash in his knee.

“Yo, bro! Are you okay??!” Asked one of Kyuhyun’s team mates.

Kyuhyun respond because he was in too much pain. Seohyun took Kyuhyun’s arm around her.

“Someone help me!” Seohyun commanded.

A football scurried to Kyuhyun’s side and took his other arm.

“Let’s hurry to the infirmary.” Seohyun said.

They hurried into the university. Once they reached the infirmary, they set Kyuhyun down on a bed.

“Do you need help?” The player asked.

“No. I got it from here.” Seohyun smiled and thanked him for helping her. Then the player left the office, leaving Seohyun and Kyuhyun alone.

“Kyuhyun, hang on for a second.” Seohyun got up and walked over to the medicine cabinet. She scanned the rows of band aids, ointments, and pills. She spotted the first aid kit, grabbed, and sat down by Kyuhyun. She set the kit down by her side and opened it. Blood was still gushing out of the wound. Seohyun got up again, walked over to the cabinet again, and found a wash cloth. She walked back over to Kyuhyun.

“Take this and hold it down on your knee. It will stop the bleeding.” Seohyun commanded. She shoved the cloth into Kyuhyun’s hand. He took the cloth and pressed it against his knee and winced.

“How long do I hold it for?” Kyuhyun asked.

“However long it takes for the bleeding to stop. After it stops bleeding, I’ll clean it.” Seohyun responded.

Kyuhyun nodded in agreement.

“So..I didn’t know you were on the football team.” Seohyun said.

Kyuhyun awkwardly laughed. “Yeah. I’ve been doing football since I was younger. It’s good exercise.”

Seohyun grinned a dazzling smile. Kyuhyun’s heart began to accelerate. She was like an angel descended from the heavens. Kyuhyun gazed at Seohyun, taking in her beauty. Seohyun saw him staring at her.

“Um…Kyuhyun? Is there something on my face?” Seohyun asked.

Kyuhyun snapped out of his trance. “Uh…No…”

“Are you sure nothing is on my face?” Seohyun asked again.

“Yeah. I’m sure.” Kyuhyun said.

Awkward silence…..

“I think it’s done bleeding.” Kyuhyun announced.

Seohyun lifted his hand, their skin touching. It sent chills down Kyuhyun’s spine. Her warm and gentle touch made him feel tingly inside.

“Ah! You’re right!” Seohyun smiled. “I’ll be back. Let me find another rag and clean out the gash.”

Seohyun got to her feet and walked over to the cabinet, grabbed another rag, and walked to the sink. She the faucet, wet half of the rag, squeezed out the water, and walked back to Kyuhyun. She knelt back down. She glanced up at Kyuhyun.

“It might sting.” Seohyun warned.

Without saying anymore, Seohyun began to clean out the wound. After cleaning out the gash, she patted the wound dry. She then squeezed out medical ointment and rubbed it on the gash. Kyuhyun winced.

“Are you okay?” Seohyun asked.

Kyuhyun nodded. She continued to rub the ointment. As she worked, Kyuhyun watched her with a huge grin on his face. She put a huge band aid over the wound and bandaged it.

“All done.” Seohyun smiled up at Kyuhyun. Seohyun got to her feet, put everything back, and threw away the rags. She washed her hands and dried them. She grabbed her purse and helped Kyuhyun up.

“You might want to get change out. Class starts in 15 minutes. I haven’t even checked the list of roles yet. Have you?” Seohyun asked.

Kyuhyun shook his head. “No, not yet. I wonder what parts we got.”

“Well, if you get dressed quick enough, we can go and see.” Seohyun said.

Kyuhyun laughed. “Alright. Let’s go to the locker room real quick.”

Seohyun and Kyuhyun made their way down to the boys’ locker room. Kyuhyun went in, changed his clothes, grabbed his bag, and came out.

“Ready?” He asked.

“Yep.” Seohyun answered.

They walked down to the outside of the auditorium, where a crowd of people stood, pushing to see the list. Seohyun looked at Kyuhyun.

“Want to wait till it clears?” Seohyun asked.

He nodded. They waited several minutes for the crowd to disperse. When it did, Seohyun and Kyuhyun walked up the list and scanned it. Seohyun couldn’t find her name.

“Congratulations, Kyuhyun!” Seohyun cheered.

“Thank you and you too.” Kyuhyun said.

“But I didn’t get a role.” Seohyun replied sadly.

“Yeah you did. Look.” Kyuhyun pointed to the role of Christine.

“Woah! I’m one of the leads?!” Seohyun gasped.

Kyuhyun patted her on the back. “Good job, Christine.”

Seohyun giggled. “You too, Raoul.”

Kyuhyun laughed. “Well, you should probably get to class.”

“Alright. See you at rehearsal later. Oh and be careful walking around. That wound is going to hurt for a while.” Seohyun smiled, waved, and left.

Kyuhyun stood still, watching her leave first. The bell rang and he left for class.


Hope you enjoy this update! It took me a while to write it because I had writer's block! -_- I may update this story and Devil's Breath tomorrow if I have time! Happy New Years (if I don't update tomorrow!) Thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment! No silent readers! Have a great day! ^^


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Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 10: haha, changseo please!!!! but i feel like their parts in the play are a precursor to what's going to happen... min and kyu both fall in love w/ seohyun, but min will have to let her go for kyu (like the way the phantom has to let go of christine for raoul)
Chapter 10: Yay!!! Seokyu accident kiss!!! <3<3
zarifah95 #4
Chapter 10: Oh and please update soon! I accidentally pressed press comment while commenting. Hahaha peace out. God bless
zarifah95 #5
Chapter 10: Oh my god. Thank you for updating again. I've been rereading the whole story since your last update~ omg I love this chapter. Forget about the bet already. Omg my seokyu heart is .... It just feels good. I don't know why but fighting kyu oppa~! I really want to know how changmin oppa will react when he finds out about the accidental kiss. My instinct does tell me that he will forced one which instantaneously gets a smacked for doing that
Chapter 10: i await for Changseo and your update!!! :D
Chapter 9: Great update! Love the accidental kiss, I wonder what's gonna happen next time she meets Kyuhyun...anyway, please continue updating! I love your stories. :)
Chapter 9: Sweet Kyuhyun :)
And Changmin started to fall to Seohyun?? :D
12000481 #9
Update plsssss :-)